Netflix games are a complete failure



Less than 1% of Netflix users are engaging with the company’s mobile game offerings, according to Apptopia (Street CNBC). Some 1.7 million subscribers have downloaded Netflix’s 24 mobile games 23.3 million times since the company launched the game apps in late 2021.

The failure to engage its audience with gaming coincides with an exodus of users from the streaming giant. Netflix lost almost a million subscribers in the first quarter of 2022 and 200,000 in the second quarter. The service also increased the prices of all of its streaming plans in January.

Company executives anticipated that it would take some time for them to succeed in the gaming market. Last year, COO Greg Peters stated, “We’re going to be experimental and try a lot of things, but I would say the eyes we have on the long-term prize really are more focused on our ability to create properties that are connected to the universes, to the characters, to the stories that we are building”.

Netflix games are often associated with popular shows like Strange things Y The Queen’s Gambit. Games are downloaded separately from the Netflix mobile app through the iOS and Google Play app stores.

Despite a lackluster first year, Netflix isn’t giving up on its gaming adventure. The company intends to expand its game offerings from 24 to 50 by the end of 2022.
