No time to read? Turn web articles into podcast episodes



The internet is full of great written content, but it can be challenging to find the time to read it all. What if you could turn every article you wanted to read into an episode on your own personal podcast?

This problem has mostly been addressed with apps like Pocket, which give you a place to “save for later”. That works pretty well, but you still need to find time to read the articles. We’ll show you how to turn articles into mini audiobooks that are delivered via podcast.

The app we’re using is simply called “Listen” and it’s available for iPhone, Android, and Chrome. When you sign up for the first time, you’ll be asked to choose your preferred podcast app. Options are Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Spotify, The Podcast App, Castbox, Castro, PodBean, or import the feed into another app.

Screenshots of the listening app.

After choosing a podcast app, you’ll have a new feed titled “Articles, Blogs, Videos & Emails ~”. This is your personal feed for podcasts, and it’s where all the articles you save will be available to listen to. Now let’s start storing some things in it.

Submitting an article to the podcast feed works much like sharing anything else from a mobile web browser. Once you’re on the page of something you’d like to read later, open your browser’s share menu and select the “Listen” app.

Share with the Listening app on iOS and Android.

Alternatively, you can open the Listen app and paste the URL of the article into the text box and tap “Send to Podcast.” It usually takes 3-5 minutes for the article to appear in the podcast feed.

Send to podcasts from the app.

The Chrome extension is simply a button on the toolbar. Click it when you’re on a page you’d like to read later, then select “Send to Podcast.”

Share using the Chrome extension.

It’s really as simple as that! One important thing to note is that you will start with a free trial, which includes the first five hours for free. They say there are about 12 articles, but it depends on the length. You can upgrade to eight hours for $6 per month, or up to 45 hours for $25 per month.

If you’re the type of person who prefers an audiobook to an actual book, this is a great way to “read” more of the articles you find online. The text-to-speech voice is also pretty good, unlike many other similar options. Give it a try!

RELATED: Spotify vs. Audible: Which is better for audiobooks?
