Show Instagram profile picture but user not found [Mean]



You may see some profiles as “User Not Found” when you tap on the DM name or an old link.

You can keep the profile URL in your bookmarks and, if available, open the profiles.

Instagram usually shows you the number of posts, followers, and the list below, even if the profile is private or you don’t have an account. But here you would not see any post count on that profile, and if so, what does “User Not Found” mean?

The reasons behind this “User not found” error are many, for example if you made a mistake typing your username or if your profile is disabledyou will see this error message on that profile.

Not only that, sometimes you may have seen the person whose account has been banned on Instagram, show this type of message to others every time they open their Instagram profile.

What does “User not found” mean?

“User Not Found” is displayed when someone has just deleted their Instagram profile or changed their username. This means that there is no profile with the URL on Instagram.

Also, in case you have been blocked, you will see the same error.

If you just changed your username or password and see such an error, go back to the search bar to search for your username there.

Not found?… This error actually occurs for many reasons. Chances are, if your account has been banned by Instagram, which is why you see your profile picture in the account along with the “User Not Found” error, you need to request an Instagram review to restore your access.

If you see the profile picture along with the “User not found” error, make sure that the person does not have access to your account because Instagram has locked your account or just temporarily disabled your Instagram.

Now, in some cases, when a user is banned from Instagram or deactivates the profile, they will still be able to see the old profile picture in DM.

Infographic_Instagram Showing profile picture but user not found

Does Instagram user not found mean blocked or disabled?

If you see “User Not Found” error on your Instagram while trying to open someone’s profile, this can happen due to various reasons on your Instagram. If you just misspelled a username on Instagram to open someone’s profile, you’ll be headed in the wrong direction, showing you that the user isn’t found.

Also, the user just changed their username or simply deleted their profile. Either way, such error occurs while you are trying to open your profile from your Instagram account.

Now let’s find out what are the reasons that create the ‘User Not Found’ issue on your Instagram:

1. The user may have deleted their profile

The “User not found” means that the person is not accessible on Instagram from their profile. Now, this situation occurs every time a person deletes their Instagram profile.

Here you can read the guide to know if the person has deleted their Instagram account.

Let’s cut to the chase and talk about the “User not found” problem:

First of all, you need to be sure whether a person has deleted your profile or not. If you can see your profile picture every time you open your Instagram profile from your Instagram app or on your desktop, this could be a clear indication that the person has blocked you or simply deleted your Instagram details by simply deactivating your account.

2. Maybe the person has changed their username

Now, in another case, if the person just changed their username and you have the old profile link, this might show you this error.

modified-2 Username

You should know that the person will only be available if they have not blocked you, but have only changed the username of their Instagram profile, in this case all your likes and comments on their posts will be available and you will not be removed from their list of followers.

3. You entered your username incorrectly

This is the most common mistake you make when typing someone’s profile shortcut username incorrectly. Every time you open your profile on desktop, try to verify the URL properly to open the exact link. You can search for the person from the followers or followers tab and then go to their profile.

4. The user may have disabled their Instagram

If the user has temporarily deactivated their Instagram account, you will see the profile picture in their name and the error message “User not found”.

When you see this type of message on someone’s Instagram profile, make sure the person has deleted your Instagram profile instead of blocking you if you find it on your friend’s profile anyway.

account disabled-2B

5. Maybe Instagram banned the account for spam

There is another reason for this by showing “User Not Found” if the person has sent too much spam on Instagram. If so, Instagram will block your profile for a limited time or you can ban your Instagram profile permanently.

The person on Instagram is suspected of violating standard community guidelines, as Instagram took action on that person by blocking their actions and their entire profile (sometimes for a temporary period of time).

If someone has such a situation, you will see their profile in the “User not found” error message and the problem will be resolved automatically. After a few days, you will see the profile again on Instagram after your profile ban has been removed.

6. The page no longer exists

If you only have the profile link, type it into your mobile browser or desktop browser window without a connected account and check what it shows for that link.

If you see an error message like this page is not available or the user does not exist, this is either because the link is broken, because the person is not available on Instagram or they just deleted their Instagram profile.

TIP: Whenever you see this type of error, check the situation first. If you see that a profile has “User Not Found” instead of the name but you can see the Follow button, the post count on the profile means that the user is cheating by changing their name with that error.

The Instagram user could not be found but you can see the profile picture

If you want to fix “User Not Found” issue on your Instagram, you need to do some steps to fix this issue from your Instagram account.

Many people have experienced that every time they changed their username, their Instagram account got automatically locked by mistake or due to Instagram policy violation, the account got temporarily suspended.

But if you see the problem for other people, Instagram itself will restore it at the request of that person.

Best solutions that might be helpful to restore Instagram account showing as User not found:

1. Remove third-party apps

If you are using third party tools to automate your Instagram for your likes and comments or to get follower list then this may be a spam issue due to which Instagram may ban your account permanently or for a temporary period.

To fix the touch issue in the future, you need to remove all these third-party apps that take your Instagram credentials to automatically use your account from a bot. It is recommended to uninstall all these third party apps or not to use online spam tools, be safe on Instagram and also change password to recover your account from this hack.

2. Wait a week

Some Instagram accounts reset after a few days, Instagram will automatically reset all your account logins to do all activities again. If you wait a little like a week, you can see that the account access will be restored automatically. When Instagram bans your account for a temporary period of time such as 7 days, remember that the period of banning your account can last from 7 days to a few weeks and it is determined based on the activity you have done on your account to date. .

3. Request an Instagram review

The final solution is to contact the Instagram team to request a review. If you are blocked on Instagram for spam or abuse and you think it was a mistake, you can request a review from the Instagram team, who can return your account if they find that the problem is not serious, explain well if they ask for a clarification to restore your account in urgency.


The bottom lines:

This article explained that this type of error could be the meaning of the person who blocked you or that your Instagram profile has banned your profile. Either way, you can fix the issue by asking the Instagram team to restore access to your account if you think an error has occurred or it’s a temporary period of time for your account, then you should wait until the issue is resolved automatically during that moment.

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