Super Alexa mode code consists of only eleven words. When said in order, they “trigger” a launch sequence that Alexa always aborts at the end.
Activate Super Alexa Mode
The Super Alexa mode code is:
- UP
- UP
- B.
- A
The code doesn’t actually have a purpose or trigger anything. it’s just one hilarious hidden joke that pays homage to video game developer, Konamiwho put secret menus (“Easter eggs“) in his video games.
When you say the Super Alexa mode code, Alexa will respond with:
“Super Alexa mode activated. starting reactors. Online. Enablement of advanced systems. Online. Breeding dongers. Mistake. Missing dongers. Aborting.”
What is Super Alexa Mode?
The developers of Alexa added the Super Alexa mode feature as a silly and fun “hat” for video gamers everywhere.
The idea itself pays homage to the hidden menus and cheat codes placed within video games.
Sometimes referred to as “Easter Eggs,” these secret menus are hard to discover, but when you do find them, they give you certain powers within the game you’re playing. Like unlimited lives or power-ups.
One of the first video game developers to introduce this concept was Kanomi in the 1970s and 1980s.
The Kanomi code (“Contra” code)
Kanomi is a Japanese entertainment conglomerate that develops video games.
The company started in 1969 as a jukebox rental and repair company. It wasn’t until nearly a decade later that they released their first video game, in 1978.
You’ve probably heard of some of his work: Frogger, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, and the list goes on.
One of Kanomi’s game developers, Kazuhisa Hashimoto, placed hidden cheat codes in the games he worked on to make it easier for him to playtest. Otherwise, I would have to play for hours until I could beat certain levels and move on.
The game that made this type of hidden cheat code famous was Contra, which came out for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) in 1988.
This game was a notoriously difficult run-and-gun shooter. Entering the “Konami Code” at the Contra splash screen gave you an extra 30 lives!
The code was a fun way to make difficult games less frustrating and more enjoyable for “non-experts”.
It didn’t take long for the concept to become extremely popular and was included in almost every video game that followed.
What does Super Alexa Mode do?
Now that you know a bit of the history behind the Kanomi code, it probably makes a bit more sense why the Alexa developers added super Alexa mode.
It’s just a fun way to pay homage to the history of video games and the introduction of cheat codes and Easter eggs.
The code itself doesn’t actually trigger anything or actually do anything apart from asking Alexa to say a few words. It is not dangerous and does not need to be “turned off” afterwards. It’s just a playful prank!
It’s the equivalent of asking Alexa what the weather is like. She will give you an answer and that’s it.
You can try it out for yourself on your Amazon Echo, or even in the Alexa app! Just say: “Alexa, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, HOME”.
The Super Alexa Mode code is “UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, HOME“.
This code doesn’t actually do anything or trigger anything on your Alexa device, it’s just a fun way to pay homage to gaming history.
The first company to popularize the addition of hidden cheats and easter eggs in video games was Kanomi. One of Kanomi’s game developers, Kazuhisa Hashimoto, placed hidden cheat codes in the games he worked on to make it easier for you to play the game.
The most famous example was in their shooting and racing game, Contra, which was released in 1988. When you entered the “Kanomi code” on the Contra start screen, you got an extra 30 lives!
You don’t need an Echo device to try super Alexa mode, you can just download the Alexa app and try it out there.
I hope you found this article informative. Now that you know Super Alexa mode is harmless, give it a try!