The 3 reasons why many women prefer to be with younger men, according to a study

why many women prefer to be with younger men
Photo by Ekaterina Nt on

A few decades ago, seeing a woman in a relationship with a man younger than her could seem curious, and even questioned by society.

However, times have changed and renowned celebrities have put aside prejudices to live their love. This is the case of Shakira, Madonna, Jennifer López, Eva Longoria, Demi Moore, among others.

But why do they prefer to date younger men? That’s the question that a new study published in the Journal of Sex Research tried to figure out, looking at women’s experiences and motivations.

Dr. Milaine Alarie, from the Institut National de la Research Scientifique, Montreal, interviewed 55 women ages 30 to 60 who reported having relationships with younger men (at least five years younger). In this way, they talked about their dating experience, as well as casual sex.

In this context, research suggests that these relationships allow them to break some social norms. In addition, the interviewees reported high levels of sexual pleasure and satisfaction within their intimate partners, according to the specialized site Psychology Today.

Thus, they listed 3 main reasons:

1. They are attracted to the sexual stamina of younger men

According to interviews, women indicated that they were sexually attracted to younger men because they believed they had “more to offer

Specifically, they indicated that compared to men their age, they perceived that younger men tended to have higher sexual urges. Also, they could last longer during sex and had more reliable erections.

Because many women acknowledged having a high level of sexual desire, they admitted that dating younger men could be a very positive aspect on that level .

2. Women felt more comfortable embracing their sexual assertiveness

On the other hand, the women interviewed described that these relationships allowed them to interrupt certain restrictive gender roles. Let us remember that a social imaginary has been established where men should have more sexual experience, while women tend to be more receptive.

Likewise, they considered that being older than their male partner, allowed them to embrace their “sexual assertiveness”.

In this context, they argued that younger men fantasized about older, sexually assertive, and experienced women, so they often appreciated their taking a more active role.

Women also said they felt less concerned about rigid beauty standards. In addition, they described that they were more comfortable with their bodies.

“ We have more confidence in ourselves. And we’re going to walk into the room in our lingerie, whether we have cellulite or not, you know? And a younger woman would say, ‘Oh my God! I can’t put this in front of him! ‘ “Said one of the interviewees.

3. Women felt capable of placing greater importance on their own sexual pleasure

The study reflects that women liked to date younger men because in their experience, they were more motivated to give them pleasure than to satisfy themselves.

In their personal experience, some indicated that men their age might be more concerned with their own sexual pleasure, rather than providing it. In this way, they indicated that they believed that young people were more motivated to please them.

“Younger men try a little harder: they want to impress you with their abilities and prowess, what they are capable of, and to what extent they can please you. I have the feeling that they try harder than older men ”, described another of the interviewees.

In conclusion, the study suggests that women who participate in these types of relationships may feel more comfortable affirming their sexual needs and experience high levels of sexual pleasure.

Read more:8 Reasons Why Women Prefer Older Men for Relationships