The best DPI for games



DPI settings have been a hot topic in gaming circles for years.

So you may be wondering how important your PPE is in the grand scheme of things.

Don’t worry. In this article, we will:

  • Explain what DPI is and how it relates to CPI, sensitivity, and EDPI
  • Show best DPI for game options
  • Guide through mouse DPI control

Let’s dive in!

What is DPI in a mouse?

DPI stands for dots per inch.

It’s actually a misnomer, but we’ll talk about that later. However, even a bit of a misnomer, the name says it all. Your mouse’s DPI measures how many pixels (“points”) the cursor can move on the screen per one inch of your hand movement.

In other words, it is a measure of the relationship between the distance the cursor moves on the screen and the distance the mouse moves on the surface.

Here is an example.

So let’s say your DPI is 800. This means that if you move the mouse one inch, the mouse cursor will move 800 pixels on the screen.

Or let’s take higher DPI levels, like 1600. Again, move your hand one inch, but now your mouse cursor will move 1600 pixels of the screen! Although his hand movement remained the same, his mouse moved more around the screen.

What is the main point of this high vs low DPI comparison?

It’s all about mouse sensitivity.

You’ve probably noticed how manufacturers have tried to compare themselves to each other when it comes to gaming mouse DPI. Much of the marketing strategy seems to be based on impressive numbers, even exceeding 20,000!

But, in this case, does bigger equal better?

Here’s a secret:

They’re not here. As you might have guessed, it’s all just part of a marketing ploy designed to surprise you with big numbers.

You have to find the best mouse sensitivity for maximum utility. So nothing too low and not even absurdly high.

Lucky for you, we’ve done the research.

What is the best DPI for gaming?

This is a loaded question.

That is why we suggest some starting points. They will lead you to your great discovery of what is the best DPI for gaming.

Starting from the beginning:

Sensitivity does not equal accuracy!

Let’s say you’re trying to play your usual CS:GO, but with a much higher mouse sensitivity than you’re used to. You’ll pop out of the 360-degree screen like a confused helicopter. You’ll feel like you’re aiming with a slippery bar of soap. Unpleasant!

This is because gaming mouse DPI is only part of the picture. Your experience also depends on:

  • Native sensitivity and in-game sensitivity (which varies from game to game!)
  • Resolution and screen ratio
  • Your style of play and muscle memory
  • The type of game you play.

Let’s talk a little about each of these.

Native and game sensitivity

Windows and game sensitivity are also taken into account as they act as multipliers. We will talk more about this in the next section.

For now, let’s take a quick look.

Always keep pointer precision or mouse acceleration unchecked as it can seriously affect game DPI.

In-game sensitivity setting values ​​are different for each game. So if you tried to use the same mouse settings to play Overwatch, say, Apex, you wouldn’t get the same sensitivity!

This also means that the best DPI for Apex Legends will not be the best when used in any other game. Fortunately, there are many calculator tools