What do parrots eat in Minecraft?



Exploring the vast world of Minecraft on your own is a bit of a downer. So why not have a companion along the way?

Get yourself a parrot!

It is easy to tame them: give them food. Truth be told, you can tame almost any animal and even humans this way.

But what do parrots eat in Minecraft?


What do parrots eat in Minecraft?

Taming parrots in Minecraft, as mentioned, is easy: give them seeds.

It sounds too simple and a bit boring too, I know.

You can give them cookies later, but I don’t recommend it. This is because feeding parrot cookies in Minecraft kill him instantly.

And that’s not the point. Unless you’re sadistic.

You can feed an MC parrot with the following types of seeds:

  • Grain
  • cantaloupe
  • pumpkin
  • beetroot

These seeds can be found in harvest wheat, beets or break the stems of melons and pumpkins.

Also, as we said earlier, you cannot feed the parrots in Minecraft with cookies.

Fortunately, there is a way cure them with a Splash potion throwing it near the bird. That’s great because they’re really fragile and it usually takes about three hits to kill them.

How to tame a parrot?

Taming parrots in Minecraft is pretty easy.

Finding one, however, is where the problem lies.

Fortunately, there are no cheat codes or spawn eggs. Otherwise, you can find them in jungle biomes.

Remember i can’t breed themjust tame them.

So first things first. Get food for parrots from Minecraft. Next, find a parrot. Put the seeds in the Hotbar and select them.

now you have to feed the bird until she agrees to be your best friend. A little convincing may be required.

When you succeed, you will see red hearts appear everywhere. The parrot will want to sit on your shoulder and you will be able to command it.

You can pretty much do the same with cats.

To wrap

Minecraft parrots are very cute and helpful companions. They have the ability to mimics the sounds of the crowd and will alert you to the arrival of a hostile animal.

But they are also vulnerable. Especially the cookies.

Repeat after me: us. To do. Can not. Minecraft. Parrots Cookies.

So what do parrots eat in Minecraft?

Seeds. Wheat, melon, pumpkin or beet.

Now go away. Make friends with some birds.


What do parrots love in Minecraft?

Wheat, melon, pumpkin or beet seeds. Not the cookies. Never cookies.

Can parrots eat cookies in Minecraft?

They can, but it will kill them.

Do chocolate chip cookies kill parrots in minecraft?

Absolutely. So don’t give them cookies.
