What is a short circuit?



The existence of electricity makes life easier and more enjoyable. Electricity certainly has an impact on everything in our personal and professional lives.

However, in the event of a short circuit, it can become a threat to life and property.

To avoid this and use appliances and electrical appliances safely, it is best to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is a short circuit?
  • How do I prevent it?
  • What causes a short circuit?

Let’s dive in!

What is a short circuit?

Simply put, a short circuit occurs when the two conductors supplying electrical power to a circuit have low resistance between them. When this happens, the current flow and voltage become excessive. Electricity goes through the shortest path and results in a short one.

This can cause damage, small scale explosions and even a fire. Some shorts are accidents, while others are intentional. For example, when using a voltage sensitive crowbar circuit protector.

Types of short circuits

Let us know the different types of shorts.

normal short circuit

This type of short circuit occurs when a live wire comes into contact with a neutral wire. On contact, there is an instant drop in resistance value and electrical current flows through a different path creating the short circuit.

arc short circuit

This short circuit is due to electricity jumping from one wire to another. This can happen when an overheated cable melts, snaps, or breaks.

Land Fault Short circuit

One type of electrical short occurs when a live wire inadvertently touches a grounded section of any piece of equipment. The everyday items that live wires come into contact with are appliances, circuit boxes, and plugs.

Causes of short circuit

A variety of electrical problems can cause a short in the wiring.

Wiring faults in appliances

Electrical appliances can cause short circuit problems. Cords from a device become an extension of a circuit when plugged into an outlet. Therefore, any fault existing in an appliance can cause problems in the circuit.

A good practice is to put short circuit protection on all appliances.

Wiring or wiring insulation faults

Some factors can cause faults in the wiring or insulation of an electrical system. External damage, for example, is a common way cables or their insulation become more susceptible to short circuits.

Also, as electrical systems age, their components will deteriorate. This includes the wiring, which can cause faults and worse, electrical shorts.

loose cable connections

The presence of loose wires in a circuit creates an environment where hot and neutral wires can eventually connect. That connection will result in a short.

bad installation

Electrical outlets are usually mounted on the walls. Sometimes when renovating or installing your home or office, nails or screws can come into contact with live wires. This will cause an electrical short.


You can’t be too careful when it comes to electricity. It is important to note that all fluids, including water, must be kept away from electrical cables. When electrical cables come into contact with fluids, they create short circuits that can cause minor problems or even fatal results.

Wiring left exposed to pests and rodents is often the cause of an electrical short. This is largely due to the live neutral wires coming into contact with each other after the creatures have eaten through the insulation.

short circuit signals

Here are four things to keep in mind:

  • Sparks come from a plug or connected electrical appliance.
  • The appliance you are using has exposed circuits.
  • The outlet box has burn marks or a burning smell.
  • The output produces a buzz or pop.

Short Circuit Hazards

When an electrical short circuit occurs, an increase in electrical current occurs without any flow impedance. Alternative routes of electricity can include the human body if a person comes into contact with a faulty circuit. If this happens, the current travels through the body and causes an electrical shock that can cause injury or death.

Furthermore, short circuits cause voltage swings with extremely high temperatures and even electric arcs. This can cause the plastic to melt and start fires.

Short circuits can pose a serious risk.

How to solve?

When you notice a shorted outlet in your home or office, there are a few things you can do to fix it. For the most part, it’s probably best to call in a professional to reduce the risk of personal injury and ensure the job is done correctly. It is imperative to take precautions when working with electricity.

In the event of an easy repair or service not being available, be sure to first isolate the circuit by turning off the appropriate circuit breaker. After cutting off the flow of electricity, you can work on the damaged hardware. If you’re not sure which switch to turn off, turn off all switches and turn off the flashlight.

Here are some steps on how to fix a shorted cord in an outlet:

  • After making sure that electricity is no longer flowing to the outlet location, check carefully for damage.
  • Open it with the necessary tools and identify the damaged cable.
  • Next, you will need to remove the shorting wire from the plug.
  • If there are burn marks along the entire length of the cable, it is better to replace it completely. Depending on the rating of your switch, it’s also best to replace the damaged wire with a heavier gauge wire.
  • If the damage is not too extensive, cut off the damaged part with wire cutters.
  • Next, take a new wire and cut it to the same length as the damaged wire you removed.
  • Use butt connectors to connect the new cable to the existing one. You can also use heat shrink tubing to create an extra layer of protection.
  • After repairing the shorted wire, put it back in position, replace the plug and turn on the switch. You can use a non-contact voltage meter to test various components to make sure everything is in order.

While this is an easy fix for a common family short circuit, you can follow similar steps to fix the others.

However, it is good practice to obtain professional services due to the dangerous nature of working with electricity.

prevent short circuits

So what steps can you take to avoid short films?

  • Reduce electricity consumption in case of adverse weather conditions

Bad weather, such as thunderstorms and lightning, can cause short circuits. Therefore, reducing power consumption during unstable weather conditions can help prevent short circuits. If a power surge occurs, it is best that the appliances are unplugged.

  • Install switches or switches

Such devices interrupt or interrupt abnormal current flows in a circuit. There are various types of circuit breakers including ground fault circuit breakers and arc fault circuit breakers.

  • Regularly monitor your appliances and outlets

We have already discussed the potential problems of a short cable. Therefore, always check the appliances and wiring carefully before using them. Faults in any part of the circuit can cause a short circuit.

Watch for any signs of a short circuit, including smell or traces of burning. Older plugs and switches should be replaced to avoid short circuit problems.

  • Annual maintenance

At least once a year, have a professional electrician inspect the outlets, circuits, and appliances in your home and office. Such experts can often spot small faults and potential short wires. Such preventive measures can eliminate many potential problems.

  • Use only authentic and quality electrical products.

Have you ever heard the saying “penny wise, pound foolish”? When you think you’re saving money, you’re actually setting yourself up to spend more. This is what happens when you use substandard electrical products in your home or workplace. Often these components quickly deteriorate and cause short circuits.

To wrap

Let’s recap what a short circuit is.

It is the result of low resistance between two electrical conductors. This causes excess current to flow, known as an electrical short circuit.

Shorts are dangerous but can be prevented and repaired. You can do a quick fix yourself, but it’s always best to take a professional look at it.


How can I check if there is a short circuit in the house?

Common approaches to identifying house shorts include:

  • Inspection of all plugs, switches and appliances.
  • Look for telltale signs such as sparks, burn marks, and melted plastic.
  • Once you have located the affected circuit, isolate it by turning off the power at the correct circuit breaker.

Having identified the location of the short, you are now ready to repair the shorted cable.

Can a short circuit solve itself?

Some shorts can cause a fuse to blow and require replacement, while others can fail and damage equipment. You will need to determine the problem and the best course of action.

However, some circuits may experience problems but adapt over time. These may not require repair.

How does a short circuit occur?

To understand how this happens, it is best to first know what a short is.

A short is when an electrical current flows through an unplanned, faster path instead of following the circuit’s intended path.

Therefore, short circuits occur when there is little or no resistance to electrical flow.

The post What is a short circuit? appeared first on Daily Report.
