POV: You’ve just completed an amazing workout and you’re ready to recharge. Why do you go? A protein bar, fruit smoothie, sandwich or avocado toast? And does it really matter? This is everything you need to know about post-workout meals.
What happens during a workout?

Depending on the type of exercise you are doing and your pre-exercise meal, your body uses either glucose or ketones. Glucose, or simple sugars, come from carbohydrates you’ve stored in your muscles and liver, and ketones are obtained as byproducts from fat once your body doesn’t have glucose to work with.
Some people say they can’t perform fasted so their workouts are fueled by the food they ate before breaking a sweat, while others prefer to skip breakfast and have their bodies use what’s in store to boost their performance.
While there is no consensus on which is better, it seems that each person needs to find out for themselves and choose to schedule their diet and training to best suit their performance and fitness goals.
The role of protein after training

Protein shakes, protein bars, meals rich in eggs and animal proteins – these have all been the standards of the so-called “sibling diet” that defines a bodybuilder’s diet regimen. For those who want to build muscle and burn fat, high-protein diets have been shown to be the most efficient, and studies show the best results when eaten within one to two hours, preferably from whole food sources.
Exercise, especially resistance training, causes microscopic muscle tears and stress that stimulates growth and improves strength. Once broken down into amino acids, protein helps repair those damaged muscle fibers and strengthens their bonds, helping them grow in size. These amino acids also help with muscle recovery and allow you to train harder and harder every time you pick up a pair of dumbbells.
Everyone has different protein needs, and as one of the most important macronutrients in our diet, meeting our daily recommendations is crucial. The amount of protein you need per day depends on a variety of factors, and current recommended dietary guidelines list just 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, which experts say isn’t enough, especially if you’re working out. outside.
This is why a protein-rich meal is a popular post-workout option, especially if your goal is to build muscle and burn fat. Good sources of protein include fish, meat, eggs, dairy, nuts, beans, and protein-focused products like protein powders, bars, cookies, and more.
What’s the deal with carbs?

Post-workout high or low carb? What is better? After a hard workout, especially if you focused on endurance, chances are you’ve depleted your glycogen stores. This means no more glucose is left in the tank and if you were to increase your effort, your body would have to create more glucose by breaking down protein in your body or by activating ketones and burning stored fat.
The latter is preferred, for obvious reasons, and this is why many people choose the low-carb diet to stimulate their bodies to start using fat for fuel. This works well for anyone trying to lose weight, burn fat, or cut down on carbs for health reasons.
On the other hand, there are people whose body needs a greater amount of carbohydrates to boost their performance and daily effort. That’s why a carbohydrate-rich post-workout meal is often the most popular with endurance athletes to replenish their glycogen stores and have enough energy in the tank to run another 15 miles the next day.
Great carbohydrate options include whole grain breads and pasta, oatmeal, rice, quinoa, and a variety of fruits and vegetables. What works for you and your digestion depends on your gut health and your ability to break down certain types of carbohydrates. If you’re someone who really needs carbs to thrive, do a little experiment on yourself and see what works best for you to feel and perform your best.
Are fats the way to go?

The last major group of macronutrients are healthy fats. When it comes to post-workout meals, they often seem to get forgotten, even though their role in the human body is extremely important. From helping to balance your hormones and improving nutrient absorption to promoting efficient cell signaling and improving your cognition, healthy fats shouldn’t be neglected, even after working out.
Some studies show how including healthy fats in your post-workout meal, especially when combined with protein, can aid in muscle growth and repair. Also, some important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins D, A, E, and K, are fat-soluble, which means they need fat in order for your body to absorb them properly. Exercise takes away some important micronutrients and it is important to replenish them to prevent deficiencies.
Some of the best sources of healthy fats include olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds, and oily fish.
The verdict

The best post-workout meal for you and your fitness goals will depend on a variety of things. For most people, having a balanced meal with a little more protein and equal amounts of carbohydrates and fat is probably a good option. Still, if you’re trying to lose fat and build muscle, you’ll probably want to up your protein intake and cut back on carbs, and if you’re training for a marathon, you might want to add an extra slice of bread to your next post-workout meal. .
At the end of the day, there is no perfect post-workout meal that works for everyone. It’s all about trial and error and finding out what works best for you.
If you like to sweat it out in the morning, here are some great ideas for your next post-workout breakfast.