What to Do if You Lost a Car Key Fob

What to Do if You Lost a Car Key Fob

In the United States, as of 2019, 91% of all new vehicles came with a remote start and a fob instead of a key. 

Key fobs are taking over as mechanical keys become outdated and unnecessary. Keyless entry, push-button start, all of these are controlled by the key fob whether it has to be inserted into the vehicle or not. A lost key fob can therefore be a big deal, it isn’t as easy to fix as it used to be in the old days. 

Here’s what you should do if you notice that your key fob is missing. 

Retrace Your Steps 

If you are at home and can’t find your key fob, the chances are it isn’t lost, just misplaced. Retrace your steps and figure out where you may have left it. Don’t leave anything unturned, even check underneath furniture if necessary. 

Finding the key fob can save you hundreds of dollars. Don’t worry, if you had it at home, it still has to be at home if you haven’t gone anywhere. 

If you aren’t at home when you lose your key fob, the situation is much more serious. Not only could it have been dropped and then kicked somewhere, it could have been stolen. It is still well worth the effort to go back over your steps, scan the floor and ask around to see if it has been found. 

In many places, they will have a lost and found, or a service desk where items like your key fob may have been taken. Don’t forget to check with them, you can even have them make an announcement. You won’t be the first person there to have lost car keys. 

Some stores will have policies in place to help protect the privacy of their customers. If you lost your keys at one such be patient and let their system play out. Whatever happens, you are going to want to find a new key fob if you can’t get the old one. 

Age of Your Vehicle 

If none of your searching was successful, then you are ready to move on to the next step. You need a new key fob, but it isn’t as simple as getting replacement keys. In the old days all you had to do was go to a hardware store or a department store and get a new one made, but that doesn’t work now. 

Depending on the age of your vehicle this can go one of two ways. If the vehicle is brand new, or was made in the last 3-5 years, a dealership is going to be your best bet. This is also true if your vehicle is older but made by certain companies such as Mercedes and Audi. 

Call a Locksmith

If your vehicle isn’t that new, you can call a Locksmith. If you do call the locksmith make sure that they are able to do key fob programming. You’ll need them to be able to set up your new key fob in order for it to work. 

Some of the information you’ll need to give the Locksmith includes:

  • Make and model of the vehicle
  • VIN number of the vehicle

If your vehicle is new, make sure to let the locksmith know, they may still be able to help. If they don’t have the proper gear you may be directed to a source that does. This is handy when you’re not at home or far from the dealership where you bought your car. 

Make sure to answer any questions the locksmith may have to the best of your ability. As long as they are able to perform the operation and get you a new fob, stay with the vehicle and wait for the locksmith to arrive. If they can’t help you, then you’ll need to secure the vehicle and contact your dealership. 

Make a Spare 

A lost key fob can be a real pain, so you might want to consider having a spare made. You can then keep the spare yourself, or give it to someone that you trust and that you can reach. If this happens again you’ll just have to call your friend and have them bring you the vehicle key fob. 

You can ask the locksmith to make a spare fob, or you can ask a dealership. The difference in cost will depend on what kind of vehicle you have and the programming requirements. A lot of dealerships will ask when you buy a new car if you want extra keys made, think about saying yes so you can avoid this problem. 

What You Shouldn’t Do

Don’t leave your vehicle unattended, while the key fob is missing. It is possible that someone has stolen the key fob and is waiting for a chance to figure out what car it goes to. This means that you could be in danger of being robbed. 

You can mitigate that danger if you’ve taken steps before you lost the key fob. One of the best ways to make sure that your vehicle stays secure and isn’t taken is to invest in a Viper alarm system. This way you can have some peace of mind while you wait for a new key fob to be programmed and delivered. 

If you’re waiting for a locksmith, stay with the vehicle as much as possible. This will deter anything nefarious from happening and help the locksmith find you and your vehicle. If it is too cold or there is inclement weather, make sure to stay as close to the vehicle as possible and keep an eye on it. 

Lost Key Fob 

A lost key fob can be one of the most stressful situations to be in. Remember that if you can’t find the fob, it will cost you between $50-$500 to get a new one made depending on the complexity and age of the vehicle. 

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