When Is the Best Time to Install Windows?

When Is the Best Time to Install Windows?

The window installation market is worth a huge $6 billion, and there are around 34,643, according to researcher IBISWorld. Given the clear need for replacement windows, consider that there might be high demand if you wish to replace yours. Thus, the best time to install windows might not be what you first envisage.

In this quick guide, we’ll run you through the thought process of considering when you should install new windows. We’ll also provide some other handy tips along the way. So let’s get to it!

When Is The Best Time of Year to Install Windows?

If you were to ask someone when is the best time to replace windows in the year, a quick response logical answer might be in the spring or summer months. The reason for this might be because, in the warmer months, a person having their windows installed won’t feel the cold or any other harsh weather conditions during the installation.

However, if you consider that there is high demand in the window replacement market, the spring and summer months are likely to be when that demand peaks. You might call around asking for quotes for replacement in the summer, only to be told you have to wait a month or longer because of the busy installers’ schedules.

The Problem With Waiting for Window Installation

The issue with waiting for installation is that you can lose money in the waiting period. How? Well, if your existing windows are poor quality, they might let out a lot of cold air from your AC in the hot summer months and warm air in the colder winter months. 

If you have to wait for two or even three months for window installation, you might end up spending a fortune on energy bills. And as you are probably well aware, energy bills aren’t getting any cheaper right now in general, with Barclays saying they could “jump 40%!”

So, after all considerations, in our opinion, a sensible time to install new windows would be towards the backend of summer or very late winter when temperatures can be reasonable. At these times in the year, you might expect window installers to be less busy than throughout the summer. 

Installing Windows in Autumn and Winter

If you want a rapid window install, then we recommend you have installers put them in in the autumn or even winter. A good way to do this without any discomfort is to head out on a trip somewhere when your windows are due to be installed.

For instance, you could go visit family members for a few days, or you might be lucky enough to head down to Florida for a week or two! As well, make sure to check the weather before you book your windows to be installed, as you won’t want snow, water, or wind damage to occur inside your home when they switch out your windows.

Whatever the time you choose to install your windows, we recommend you take a look at www.amenitywindows.com.

The Best Time to Install Windows

The best time to install windows depends on a few factors. If you’re not in a rush to get your windows installed, a good time would be to get your new windows in the summer months. However, if you want a quick install with little or no waiting period, the colder months might work for you best.

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