A vehicle cell signal booster can give you a reliable connection on the go, but they don’t work everywhere and are a bit expensive.
If you’ve ever seen an ad for a signal booster, your first question is probably, “Do cell phone signal boosters work?” After wondering the same thing for a few years, I recently put one on my truck and here’s why I love it.
First, to answer your question, yes, phone signal boosters work. Almost every semi-trailer or truck on the road uses one, and there’s a reason brands like Weboost exist. At first I was hesitant, even skeptical, but after installing a signal booster in my car and seeing the results, I wish I had bought one sooner.
Whether you travel a lot or want to prepare for emergencies, here’s what you need to know about car signal boosters.
What is a cell signal booster?

First, it’s important to note that you can buy this type of product for your home, car, or RV. Each one is slightly different, but the way they work and what they do is the same. As the name suggests, it will boost the cellular signal in your home or vehicle and give you more bars or faster internet speeds.
In situations where you have a low signal or even no signal, an amplifier is more powerful than your smartphone. It can pick up that weak signal, giving your cellular device service for calls, texts, and even 4G/5G data for Internet use.
How do telephone signal boosters work?

A cell phone signal booster uses powerful components to amplify your existing signal from AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, or whatever carrier you use. Most boosters work with all carrier networks and speeds. It is important to note that a signal booster does not create a signal; increases the one that already floats in the sky.
Think of the tiny battery and tiny components inside a smartphone. Your phone can easily connect to AT&T or Verizon at home, but when you’re on the road with trees, mountains, or buildings interfering with the signal, phones can lose service.
A signal booster has much more power from a car battery, signal booster and antenna inside and outside your car. All of these work together to capture, boost, and extend the signal to your device or vehicle.
Basically, instead of your little compact phone trying to get a signal through the roof of the car, an amplifier uses more powerful components and antennas outside the vehicle to pick up that signal, amplify it, and then release it in and around the car for you. use. .
Also, since this device boosts the signal already available, there is no limit to the number of devices that can use it. You’re not signing into a Wi-Fi connection or anything. It just works.
Signal booster results on my truck
The results and performance of a signal booster were much better than I expected. My weBoost works surprisingly well, and several friends and family have bought one after seeing it in action.
With the weBoost Drive Reach signal booster in my Toyota truck, I’ve gotten cell service in places where I couldn’t make a call or even send a text before. The signal booster not only gave my phone service where it normally wouldn’t, but in several cases, I got full 4G LTE. I could watch videos, use Google Maps, browse social media, or even make a FaceTime video call.
It is important to remember that your results may vary depending on several factors. A signal booster like the weBoost can pick up and amplify the signal of any operator as long as there is a signal to pick up. The further into nature or cross-country driving you are, the less likely a booster is to remain effective.
For example, I have a cabin deep in the woods behind Zion National Park in southern Utah. Once I get off the main road, it’s a solid 40 minute drive to my cabin. I only have cell reception in a period, and it’s barely enough to text from the road. Also, once I get to my cabin, I can send a text (if I’m lucky), depending on where I am.
After installing a signal booster in my truck and mounting the antenna on my roof, I now have full 4G LTE for more than half of that 40 minute drive. I just don’t get enough bars to send a text. It’s full 5G with data for calls, texts, or web browsing.
And when I got back in the booth this summer, AT&T stepped up a bit and gave me a service bar that’s almost serviceable. Thanks to the amp, if I’m by my truck, I get 4G LTE and have a good enough connection for FaceTime video calls. Incredible true?

I take road trips all the time, often walking into remote areas or into a canyon to find a place to camp or sleep in a cabin; it’s one of my favorite things to do. Naturally, that means I’m wandering around irregular cell reception areas, which isn’t ideal.
With a signal booster installed, I can rest easy knowing that all I have to do is start my truck (which turns the booster on) and I’ll probably be able to make a call.
Do you work with any carrier?

While it depends on the signal booster you buy, most consumer models work with all cell phone providers. Again, that’s because it doesn’t generate a cellular signal. Amplifies the existing one.
For example, weBoost cellular signal boosters work with all cellular devices on all carrier networks in North America and are FCC and ISED approved. Improves the connection between my phone and my vehicle. I can get better service on AT&T while a friend sees more bars on Verizon simultaneously.
If you buy a phone signal booster that works with all carriers, it will likely increase your device’s existing 4G, 4G LTE, and 5G cellular coverage, allowing for more bars in more places, faster data speeds, and greater bandwidth. band on their travels.
Should you buy a signal booster?

In my opinion, yes, anyone who travels frequently could benefit from having one. Plus, you’ll love a signal booster if you drive somewhere with a weak signal, enjoy going off the grid, or need a reliable connection as often as possible.
I drive my truck every day, but it’s also kind of a recreational vehicle. As a result, an amplifier helps optimize connectivity inside my truck, whether I’m roaming outdoors or dealing with weak coverage from buildings and network interference around town.
As long as you don’t expect miracles and understand that it only works if there’s a cell tower nearby, you’ll be delighted with the results.
Your situation, needs and budget will determine if you should buy one. While there are cheaper car cell boosters available, the one I have is $500. If you need reliable and stable cell service on the go, you can’t go wrong with weBoost.
more bars