Windows 11 taskbar is about to get better for power users



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The latest Windows 11 preview and Insider Build will offer an improved nearby sharing mode and revamped taskbar overflow menu that are perfect for power users. Now, when you’re running out of space on the taskbar, there’s a new “overflow” option for easy access.

We all have that friend who usually has 100 tabs open in the browser and so many applications running that there is no room left on the taskbar. Well, that’s precisely what Microsoft is looking to solve in Windows 11 Insider Preview Build 25163.

The new taskbar overflow is a 3-dot menu that will appear near the right edge of the taskbar application list once you’ve run out of space. Tap that and it will “allow you to see all your overflowing apps in one space”.

Windows 11 taskbar overflow

Currently in Windows 10 and 11, when it runs out of space, it only shows the most recently used app, not all of them. This new taskbar overflow menu is great for power users who are constantly switching between apps and will be very beneficial for laptop users or those with a smaller screen.

As expected, the new Windows 11 taskbar overflow will have useful features like app pinning, a jump list, and will automatically hide the menu once you click outside the box or open an app.

Also, this latest Insider Build added improvements to “Nearby Sharing” which is a bit like Apple’s AirDrop. In Windows 11, Nearby Sharing will support UDP and Bluetooth discovery to find nearby devices to share files quickly and easily.

Also, this latest update has several new bug fixes, not to mention changes to the Microsoft Store. According to the blog post, the Microsoft Store is getting a slight visual overhaul to make pricing, different editions, and versions easier to see for games, apps, or movies.

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