You Can Finally Tell Chrome To Use Less RAM – Review Geek



Also, a new battery saving mode.


The latest version of Google Chrome for desktop includes optional Battery Saver and Memory Saver modes. Both settings appear in the three-dot menu in the top right corner of your browser. These features are not immediately available to all users.

After more than a decade of complaints, Chrome for desktop finally offers a memory saving mode. There’s also a new battery saver mode that kicks in when your laptop reaches 20% battery life. However, the implementation of these features will take a few weeks.

According to Google, the new Memory Saver mode reduces Chrome’s RAM usage by 30%. It does this by disabling inactive tabs. Google says that these inactive tabs will “reload” when opened, so you may want to avoid using Memory Saver while interacting with important or time-sensitive websites.


The new battery saver mode is just as easy. Reduce web animations, videos, and background tasks to extend laptop battery life. Users can manually turn on Battery Saver at any time, but it will turn on automatically when their laptop reaches 20% battery life. (There’s also a setting that enables Battery Saver when the laptop is unplugged.)

Memory Saver and Battery Saver modes can be accessed through Chrome’s three-dot menu (or in the Performance tab of Chrome’s settings). When active, a Memory Saver icon will appear in your address bar and a Battery Saver icon will appear on the right side of your toolbar.

I’m not sure why it took Bye for Google to implement these things. Third-party extensions that promise to reduce memory usage have been around for a long time, and Microsoft Edge got a memory-saving feature earlier this year.

These features will take a few weeks to roll out, according to Google. But they will be available in Chrome for Windows, macOS, and Chrome OS. (If you’re using Chrome Canary, you can test these features first by turning on the “battery saver” and “efficiency mode” flags.)

Source: Google
