You Can Now Try Verizon’s 5G Network For Free – Review Geek



No credit check, no automatic renewal.

Jonathan Weiss/

Non-Verizon customers with “poor” carriers can now try Verizon’s 5G network for free. The 30-day free trial includes unlimited data and will not automatically renew unless you decide to become a Verizon customer. Please note that T-Mobile and Google Fi offer similar trial programs.

The requirements for this free trial are pretty straightforward. You don’t need a credit check or a credit card, and you don’t need to make any commitments. All you need is an eSIM compatible smartphone. This is quite a common feature and is supported by almost all Samsung, Apple and Google smartphones released in the last three years.

That being said, many smartphones still lack eSIM, especially the older models. And if the eSIM slots are already taken on your phone (by your non-Verizon carrier), you can’t sign up for this trial. Note that iPhones can support multiple eSIMs, so this shouldn’t be a problem for iOS users.

To sign up for this free trial, install and open the My Verizon app (Android/iOS). Then tap the “Start Free Trial” button. My Verizon will check to see if your phone is eligible, and from there, all you have to do is share your contact information. After waiting a bit, you will receive service from Verizon.

Please note that Verizon service will live next to your current cell service. Therefore, you will have two phone numbers during this test. My Verizon will ask you to label the Verizon phone number as your “secondary” number, which you can use at any time by going into your settings and selecting between the two SIM cards. (On iPhone, this setting is hidden under Cellular Plans. Android users will find it under SIM Card Manager.)

Again, this is a completely free trial that does not automatically renew. If you want to join Verizon at any time during or after your trial, you can and Verizon will transfer your phone number to their network.

Download on the Apple App StoreGet it on google play

Source: Verizon
