You could be eligible for a free copy of Minecraft




As of June 7, 2022, Microsoft has combined Minecraft: Java Edition Y Bedrock Edition for PC in a single purchase, and if you already own one, you can get a free copy of the other.

What changed? Historically, you had the option to purchase the original version of Minecraftthe Java version, or by purchasing the Bedrock Edition for PC. You could buy both, of course, but you’d be stuck paying twice to get access to the full range of the Minecraft experience on PC.

As of today, that is no longer a problem. Neither edition will go away (editions remain entirely separate), but the days of buying one and then realizing you needed the other to, say, play with friends using Bedrock on their console, or similar situations, are long gone.

Here’s how to get your free copy, based on your current Mojang/Microsoft account status and any previous promotions you’ve taken advantage of.

if you are owner Minecraft: Java Edition and you got a free copy during the promotion that took place in early 2020 where Microsoft gave Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition away to anyone who already owned Minecraft: Java Editionthen you are already wearing both copies. Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition it is Bedrock Edition for PC (and was later renamed to reflect that).

If you previously bought Minecraft: Java Edition either Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for PC (possibly Windows 10 Edition at the time of purchase), you simply need to sign in to your Microsoft account and visit the Microsoft Store listing for the Java edition (now that both editions are merged, they are in the previous Java edition listing).

Simply click the “Get” button, located where the “Buy” button would normally be, to upgrade your account and get both versions. If the button says “Install/Play”, you already have both editions and the Microsoft Store automatically updated the status for you.

Please note that if you have not migrated your Mojang account to a Microsoft account, you will need to do so to take advantage of this offer. (And, for that matter, to keep playing Minecraft, since migration is now mandatory.)

After visiting the Microsoft Store and, if necessary, migrating your account, you will now have access to both Minecraft: Java Edition Y Minecraft: Bedrock Edition for PC in the same unified launcher. And hey, if you really want to finish the stable of games in the minecraft launcher, you can always buy minecraft dungeons—A fun Minecraft-themed standalone dungeon crawler with a great Baby’s First Devil vibes.
