Your Favorite Animated ‘Clone Wars’ Heroes Are Now LEGO Helmets – Review Geek




It looks like LEGO is finally paying homage to the best. Star Wars Serie. The company has just revealed its Captain Rex and Clone Commander Cody helmets. Representing two of the best heroes of the clone wars animated show, these sets are available for pre-order at $70 each.

both lego clone wars the helmets are around 8 inches tall and feature a small plaque. They also contain a ton of little details, including the beads on the side of Captain Rex’s helmet and the orange flare on Commander Cody’s chain.

Captain Rex’s set contains 854 pieces, while Commander Cody has only 776 pieces. Presumably, Captain Rex requires the extra parts because he has a Phase II helmet, with the “double chin” design and all. The Commander Cody set uses a simpler Phase I helmet design.

Of course, these sets are quite small. LEGO tends to offer larger helmets for some of the more well known Star Wars characters, and we hope these clones get the same treatment in the future. For now, you’ll have to make do with smaller busts of your favorite Clones.

LEGO Captain Rex and Clone Commander Cody helmets are available for pre-order today. They are $70 each and orders start shipping March 1st.

Lego Captain Rex Helmet

This 8-inch LEGO bust faithfully recreates Captain Rex’s helmet. It has 854 pieces and comes with a nameplate.

LEGO Clone Commander Cody Helmet

Remember the best Star Wars series with this 8-inch Clone Commander Cody helmet. Includes 766 pieces and a small plate.

Source: LEGO
