Your Pixel Watch is getting better at tracking sleep



Joe Fedewa / Instruction Geek

The Pixel Watch may not be an amazing deal on its own, but Google is trying really hard to make it worth your while. Now your watch will be able to give you an in-depth analysis of your sleep with a new feature called Sleep Profiles.

The way sleep profiles work is that your Pixel Watch will give you one every month after closely monitor how you sleep for several weeks. To get one, you’ll need to sleep with your watch on for 14 continuous days, and the more you sleep with it on, the more accurate the analysis will be. If you start today (November 16), you’ll get your first score on December 1.

Sleep profiles will focus on several factors, including variations in your sleep schedule, sleep interruptions, and the time before deep sleep to tell you what kind of “Sleeping Animal” (yes, it even gets a silly nickname) you are. it is and how well it does it. sleep. You’ll need a Fitbit Premium subscription to get access to this, but once you do, you’ll be able to get much better insight into how you sleep.

The feature can help you gain insight into how you’re sleeping and makes you aware of potential issues you might want to look out for. This probably isn’t enough on its own to get you to buy a Pixel Watch given its downsides, but if you buy one and have a subscription, you might want to give it a try.

Source: Google
