101 curious facts about the world that will fascinate you


101 curious facts about the world that will fascinate you

To always have something interesting to contribute to any conversation, you need to know these curious facts. You will love reading them!

The world is a fascinating place, and sadly we know very little about it. At least much less than we could.

Would you like to know a lot of curious facts about the most diverse topics? That allow you to awaken curiosity, discover new topics and, why not? Always have something interesting up your sleeve to limit in any conversation.

Then this post is for you! We have collected fun facts about all the topics you love, so you can surprise yourself and your friends.

You have to read it which you!

Tip: Let’s see if you are curious enough to find the 3 surprises that are inside this note 🙂


The human body is a complex structure, but absolutely fascinating. Although science has studied each part of the body for centuries, it is never fully understood. It is that it is an infinite source of wonder!

But certainly, years of study have revealed hundreds of facts about the body, many of which seem incredible when you listen to them. These are some of the most incredible. And they are happening within you right now!

Fun curious facts about the human body

1. The eyes exercise more than the leg

The muscles of our eyes move much more than you imagine… approximately 100,000 times a day!

To give you an idea of ​​how much that is, you should know this relationship: for your leg muscles to do the same amount of exercise, you should walk approximately 80 km per day.

2. Our scent is as unique as our fingerprints

Each person has their own unique aroma, due to pheromones. Except for identical twins, who have the exact same smell.

Speaking of which, it is worth clarifying: according to science, women always smell better than men. And the nose can recall up to 50,000 aromas.

3. Curious facts We produce pools of slime

The job of saliva is to wrap the food so it doesn’t scratch or tear the stomach lining.

Do you know what is the most curious? Throughout life, a person generates enough saliva to fill two swimming pools.

4. You can see an egg with the naked eye

The male sperm is the smallest cell in the body. In contrast, the female ovum is the largest.

In fact, the egg is the only cell in the body large enough to be seen with the naked eye.

5. The size of the penis can be proportional to the thumb

There are many myths around the subject. But science says that the average man’s penis is three times the size of his thumb. Did you think it was just another myth?

” We thought that prenatal testosterone levels might have something to do with penis length and therefore, since finger formation is also influenced by this hormone, they also played a role ,” says Tae Beom Kim, coordinator of an investigation into the Gachon Gil Hospital in Incheon.

6. The heart could move a car

Beyond spiritual strength, the heart is an extremely powerful organ. In fact, the pressure it generates when pumping blood could, if it were to leave the body, reach 10 meters away.

To give you an idea, the power generated per day by a heart would be enough to move a car for 32 kilometers.

7. Nothing is as useless as it seems

Each part of the body has a meaning within the context. For example, the little finger.

Although it may seem insignificant, if you suddenly did not have it, your hand would lose 50% of its strength.

8. You are responsible for all the dust that gathers in your house

The dust that we see in front of the glare that enters through the window, as well as that that accumulates on the floor or on the furniture, is made up of 90% of dead cells from our body.

9. Body heat is more than you imagine

In 30 minutes, the human body releases enough heat to boil almost a pint of water.

10. What grows the fastest …

What do you think grows the fastest in your body? The answer is not nails. In reality, facial hair grows much faster than any other part of the body.

11. Unique footprints

Like fingerprints and scents, each person’s tongue is also a mark of identity. In fact, it has unique and unrepeatable footprints. The tongue never rests
The tongue is moving all day. It expands, contracts, flattens, contracts again. At the end of the day, the tongue has most likely made several thousand movements.

12. The tongue never rests

The tongue is moving all day. It expands, contracts, flattens, contracts again. At the end of the day, the tongue has most likely made several thousand movements.

13. You have more taste buds than you think

Specifically, around 3,000. Yes, 3,000. Each of them allows to identify different flavors: bitter, salty, sour, sweet and spicy.

And they are after all the ones that help us understand when something we eat is delicious. Although not everyone has the same amount, and that explains why some people seem to taste more than others.

14. Men and women listen differently

The way men and women think, act and make decisions is different and this is well known. Researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine found that these differences apply even to the way both genders listen. Men process sounds with only one side of the temporal lobe of the brain, while women use both sides for this purpose.

15. Babies can heal their mothers in the womb

Not only do mothers take care of their children, but babies also take care of their mothers. While in the womb, the fetus can send its own stem cells to the damaged organs of the parent to restore them. The transfer and incorporation of embryonic stem cells into the mother’s organs is called uterine microchimerism.

Elephants: fun facts about animals


Not only the human body is amazing. The animal kingdom is so vast and incredible that it seems impossible to know it completely. But at least, you can know some super cool fun facts.

16. Curiosities about elephants

Elephants are wonderful and to our eyes, they seem gigantic. However, they weigh less than a blue whale’s tongue.

Another fun fact about them: they can’t jump.

17. Elephants and water

There are more curiosities about these incredible animals.

Elephants are able to locate water and detect rain at distances of approximately 250 km. In turn, they have an intuitive communication system since when a member of the herd finds a reservoir of water, they warn the rest of the herd through low-frequency grunts.

Do you want to know more curiosities about elephants? Read this article.

18. Panda bears and their food

If you think you are gluttonous, it is because you do not know pandas.

They can spend up to 12 hours a day eating!

Is that to meet your dietary needs you have to eat at least 12 kilos of bamboo daily.

19. The hunger of anteaters

Panda bears are not the only ones who surprise with the amount of food they consume every day. Anteaters eat around … 35,000 ants a day!

20. Seahorses and family

There are several species of animals that have the characteristic of being monogamous, that is, they mate their entire life with the same partner. Seahorses are one of them. But there is another curious fact about it: the male of the couple is the one who carries the offspring during the gestation period.

21. Snout of a cat

If you have a cat at home, you surely love their snout. But you probably don’t know how amazing it is. Well, the snout of a cat is unique, like the fingerprints of humans. No two cat noses are identical.

22. The strength of the ostrich

It may not seem like it at first glance, but an ostrich’s legs have a lot of strength. In fact, it is enough muscular strength to kill a person, or even a lion!

23. Cats sleep more than 70% of their lives

Just as kittens spend 70% of their lives sleeping, the remaining 30% are awake preening and around 10,950 hours purring.

Who has not wished to have the life of a cat? Sleeping long hours and stretching to eat. Many qualify it as a perfect life.

Read more fun curious facts about cats in this article .

24. Ants can store water

A certain variety of ants can grow their bellies up to a centimeter to store a mixture of water and sugar, called nectar, that serves as food. When they lack water, the rest of the ants turn to their companions to take the vital liquid.

25. Camels too

Camels drink a lot of water when they have the opportunity to do so, since in the desert they can go days without ingesting liquids, they are able to drink 106 liters of water in one go! These animals have a great capacity to store copious amounts of water in their body and can go up to 10 days without drinking.

26. Fish also drink water

Just because they live in water doesn’t mean they don’t need to drink it too. In fact, if they don’t, they can die dehydrated. Freshwater fish just drink it and go.

Fish that live in the sea have the ability to eliminate excess salt that they ingest along with the water. Your body is made up of a large percentage of water and another percentage of organic substances. When sea salt comes into contact with fish salts, they filter the water and salt through their gills.

This means that for the fish to be able to ingest water, the salt levels in the water must be stable since if they increased, the fish could not defer it and could die.

27. Otters, romantic?

If you could see a group of otters sleeping in the water, you would see that they do so holding hands. It is a very tender gesture, but in reality it is for survival: they do it so as not to drift or lose themselves.

28. Giraffes do not make any sound

Dogs bark, cats meow and birds chirp. What do giraffes do? A group of Austrian researchers, armed with more than a thousand hours of sound recording in zoos, took on the task of answering this question and the answer is: nothing. Giraffes do not emit any sound, thus becoming the only mammal with this characteristic.

29. The largest flying bird in the world

Sometimes when digging into the ground to build a building, a fossil is accidentally found that can broaden the horizons of what was once known. This was the case in 1983, when workers building the Charleston, South Carolina airport, came across a skull and several wing bones from a bird that lived 25 million years ago. The wingspan of that creature must have been between six and seven meters, that is, about twice the current largest bird.

30. Suicidal Scorpions

Scorpions are the only animals that commit suicide. do it once they cannot escape a dangerous situation; seldom killed by another animal. They are always the ones who end his life.

31. Cats and water

There is a myth behind cats and water: these animals are believed to hate it. This myth may derive from the fact that the ancestors of cats lived in deserts and did not have much contact with it and that, because of this, cats are not used, like humans and other animals, to using it to sanitize themselves.

However, house cats don’t have to hate water. There are many felines that once they know it they love it, they play with it and they enjoy taking baths.

32. Bees can recognize human faces

Bees can see the same as humans, and they are so intelligent that experiments have shown that they can be trained to recognize human faces. A study showed that the process they follow is similar to ours: they examine a face as a whole instead of distinguishing each element separately.


33. To make a kilogram of honey, a bee must travel 4 million flowers….

Yes, that amount. To achieve this, they must fly a distance equivalent to circling the world four times.

34. But honey is the only food that does not rot

At least the bees don’t do all that work for nothing. All foods, even those called “non-perishable,” eventually end up spoiling. Honey is, in fact, the only food that never does.

35. In the Middle Ages, sugar was a luxury good

Continuing with honey, at that time it was the element generally used to sweeten. Sugar as we know it came from the East and was considered exotic. So it was imported and extremely expensive.

It was a good used only by nobles, it was worth 10 times more than milk, and it was used in small quantities. However, it was gaining popularity over time, becoming the most common sweetener today.

36. In the world there are more than 10 thousand types of tomatoes

Did you think it was limited to “round”, “perita” and “cherry” tomatoes? Well no, the list is huge and is constantly expanding.

The tomato comes from the Aztec culture, but its adaptability to different types of environments made it popular all over the world. Precisely because its cultivation has expanded and adapted to all kinds of needs, there are so many species.

37.However, at first it was believed that tomatoes were poisonous

The conquerors of America saw how the aboriginal cultures ate tomatoes, but their shape and texture made them feel suspicious.

They were only encouraged to try them after observing for months that the native peoples ate them without any negative effects.

38. Nutmeg in large quantities can be lethal

A little bit of nutmeg zest is great for adding flavor to your food, but eaten in large quantities can have harmful effects. From 10 gr. produces hallucinogenic effects similar to marijuana; but it is not popular because its effects last more than 24 hours. and collateral damage is high. Injected intravenously or in larger amounts can be fatal.

39. Apples have air

Take the test and throw an apple into a pot of water. You will see that the fruit floats. This is because they are composed of up to 25% by air. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Botany, this is for the fruit to grow.

40. Carrots Weren’t Always Oranges

The carrot seems to date back to 3000 BC. C., in Afghanistan. At that time they were usually purple on the outside and yellow on the inside.

In fact, the first orange carrot was artificially produced in Holland, in the 16th century, to match the color of the Dutch royal house.

41. Beer is not a food in Russia

In vodka country, beer will no longer be considered a food product. Until now, anything that contained less than 10% alcohol in Russia was not considered an alcoholic beverage as such, but the increase in beer consumption has forced the intervention of the laws. Over the last decade, its sales have increased by more than 40%, while those of vodka have fallen by almost 30%.

Fun curious facts about history


42. The first pillows were made of stone

When talking about a pillow, the first mental association that people today have is that of a soft and soft cushion on which to put their head at bedtime. But the first pillow arose in Mesopotamia, there the pillows were made of stone and had a slightly different use than we give them today. Basically, they served to keep insects away from the mouth, nose and ears at bedtime.

43. The first alarm clocks … They were people!

They were called “knocker up,” and their job was to wake up workers in the early hours of the morning to get them to factories, quarries, and coal mines during the Industrial Revolution in England and Ireland.

44. War and peace

The worldwide influence that the United States of America has is based, to a large extent, on its military might. With a budget of $ 610 billion, it spends more on its military than the sum of the military budgets of the next fifteen countries. Meanwhile, the budget that the UN has allocated for the maintenance of peace is of 6.8 billion dollars, which represents 0.5% of world military expenditures, which are estimated at 1.339 billion dollars.

45. The Vatican

The Vatican collects the second largest gold treasure in the world. The Vatican’s gold hoard ranks second after that of the United States. The riches of the Vatican are incalculable. There is no town without a church, no city without a cathedral, or almost a mountain without a hermitage.

According to a recent study, the Vatican has enough money to end world poverty, but not just once, it can end it twice.

Bonus: A New History of Humanity Emerges

A new human story is emerging. For many years, science has perpetuated the belief that life is not meaningful, that we live on an ordinary planet orbiting an ordinary star. indirectly, this idea has promoted behaviors that society has reinforced: separation, hatred and fear.

All this is changing, as science is being updated with new findings that confirm that we are all connected by an underlying and imperceptible matrix. This gives us a new vision of reality, in which humanity writes a new history, a history that begins with a living universe, in which life is the rule and not the exception, with a model based on cooperation and abundance instead of scarcity and separation.


​​46. It is the only substance in nature that can be found in liquid form (water as we know it), solid (as ice) or gaseous (as vapor).

Changes in the state of water, which exists for the most part in a liquid state, occur due to the proximity of its molecules. The closer the molecules are to each other, the water adopts the solid state; when they are further apart, it assumes the gaseous state.

47. The human body contains on average about 37 liters of water

This is equivalent to 66 percent of the body mass of an adult. The whole brain is made up of 75 percent water, while the bones contain 25 percent and the blood 83 percent.

48. A leaky faucet wastes more than 75 liters of water per day

During a shower of just five minutes, between 95 and 190 liters of water are used. Each flush from the toilet consumes between 7.5 and 26.5 liters of water. When washing our hands we spend 3 liters and when brushing our teeth 7.

49. It takes 200 liters of water to produce a single liter of cola.

And not only that! For a keg of beer, 5,680 liters of water; for a chicken egg, 450 liters; 25,700 liters of water are needed to produce the daily food for a family of four and 7,000 liters to refine a barrel of crude oil.

50. A person can survive a month without food, but can go a maximum of seven days without drinking water.

However, salt water cannot be drunk because it causes dehydration since the body ends up eliminating much more water than it consumes.

For proper hydration, a person must consume a minimum of 2 liters of water per day:
In this way, we will consume more than 75 thousand liters of water throughout our lives. Because, in addition to the water we drink, we must bear in mind that almost all the foods we eat provide a very high degree of water to the body.

51. Most of the foods we eat daily provide the body with a large amount of water.

Tomatoes are 95 percent water; the apple 85 percent; spinach 91 percent and potatoes 90 percent.

52. There are 70 thousand known substances that pollute water

The most polluting substances for water are usually hydrocarbons, industrial waste, pesticides and other types of chemicals. Most of the petroleum derivatives are released by the same industries. It is alarming that with just four liters of gasoline, 2.8 million liters of water can be contaminated. For this reason, freshwater animals are going extinct five times faster than land animals.

53. The American countries have most of the water resources in relation to the number of inhabitants

Only 6 percent of the world’s population lives in South America. However, 26 percent of water resources remain concentrated in that continent. On the other hand, in North and Central America 8 percent of the population resides and it owns 15 percent of the resource. While in Europe, 13 percent of the population and 8 percent of the resource are concentrated. By contrast, Asia is home to 60 percent of the world’s population and only has 36 percent of the water. Finally, Africa is home to 13 percent of humanity and only 11 percent of the water is available.

54. More than 1.1 billion people in the world lack direct access to drinking water sources

To get clean water, many women and children walk 10 kilometers every day. Failure to do so can kill 4,500 children. In turn, in places where the water is polluted, 3 and a half million people die.

55. The Earth contains about 525 million cubic kilometers of water.

In the last two million years this amount has not changed. However, of all that flow, only 0.007 percent on Earth is drinkable. Due to pollution, this amount is reduced year after year.

56. When a person feels thirsty, it is because they have lost more than 1% of the total water in their body.

But beware! Even if we are very thirsty, it is not healthy to drink water too much or too fast. Doing so can cause intoxication, since too much water can dilute sodium levels in the blood and cause an imbalance in the water level of the brain.

57. Water is the main temperature regulator on the planet

Therefore, it is also a regulator of our body’s temperature. For this reason, it is advisable to drink plenty of water when you have a fever.

58. It is estimated that people use an average of 190 liters of water per day

In the United States, 1.3 billion liters are consumed per day and it is estimated that this figure is five times more than what Europeans consume.

Bonus: The Secret of Water

Water: a living substance, the most common and the least understood. He defies the basic laws of physics, and yet he holds the key to life. Known to the ancients as the transmitter to and from higher realms, water retains memory and transmits information to DNA.

However, water can die if it is treated poorly. It affects everything it touches: influences, such as sound, intention, and prayers, as well as toxins, such as chlorine and the molecular arrangement of water. Leading scientists help reveal the secret of water, and allow us to use this amazing element to heal ourselves and our planet.


Not everything is for fun. These curious facts will leave you stunned but, at the same time, they will give you little chills … Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Surely you have never thought about these things before. But reading it below will blow you away.

59. Hours of sleep

If you sleep the eight hours a day that medicine recommends, by the time you turn 99 you will have spent 33 years asleep.

60. Coffee and cockroaches

It is very possible that there is excrement and remains of cockroaches in the coffee you drink. Many ethnologists who study cockroaches tend to create an allergy to them, but also to the coffee that almost all of us drink. And the presence of excrement in the coffee would be the only coherent explanation.

61. “No one bathes twice in the same river”

The famous phrase of the philosopher Heraclitus is much more true than you think. In fact, you’ve never been to the same place twice: our planet, the solar system, and the galaxy are all moving in space.

62. There is an expiration date

That same galaxy, the solar system, and the planet we live on all have an expiration date. In 4 billion years our galaxy will collide with the Andromeda galaxy.

63. Do you really know yourself?

Did you ever think that you’ve never really seen yourself? Only your reflection, photographs of yourself. In fact, you can only see a tiny bit of your nose and lips of your face.

64. Painful reality

Millions of children in the United States are being exposed to large amounts of leaded water. This affects their behavior, performance, and IQ. It can cause serious health problems and the problem is not being attacked. Other countries don’t even know if they have that problem.

65. Dangers that humans have invented

There are at least 49 lost nuclear bombs at this time. One was recently found, but there is still a lot of work to find the rest, of which apparently there is no clue as to where or who may have them.

66. What if …

In 1958, in the middle of the Cold War, a nuclear bomb fell in South Carolina, but it did not detonate. It was not a Russian attack, but a mistake by the US military itself. The same thing happened in 1961, but this time it was two nuclear bombs that were dropped on North Carolina and fortunately did not detonate either. However, papers released in 2013 demonstrated how close one came to doing so and completely changing the course of history.

67. Things you never thought

One day your parents carried you for the last time. In the same way, one day you went out to play with your friends for the last time without knowing that it would not happen again.

68. The laughter of the dead?

If you watch any canned laughter comedy, you are most likely hearing dead people laugh, as the recordings really are old.

69. Everest and their bodies

There are about 200 frozen bodies on Mount Everest. It is easier to leave them there than to risk lowering them and some even help climbers know where they are. Most of those bodies are of people who made it to the top but ran out of oxygen, energy or food to make it down the mountain.

70. Natural disasters

There is a natural disaster called “Limnic Eruption” or “Explosive Lake Phenomenon”. It happens when carbon dioxide erupts from the depths of a lake, suffocating the flora, fauna and human population.

This has already happened twice, killing about 1700 people. What is really scary is that Lake Kivu in Africa, which is already infamous for being a place where the remains of many people from the Rwandan genocide were dumped, is a risk zone where about two million people live.


71. The coldest place

The coldest place is Antarctica. In winter temperatures can drop to -73º C!

Another curiosity? It has 70% of the fresh water on Earth and almost 90% of its ice.

72. Giant crystals

Gemstones and crystals are highly valued due to their scarcity and difficult acquisition.

In Mexico, the gypsum pillars in the Cueva de los Cristales, buried about 300 meters deep, are among the largest known natural crystals. Some of the pillars can be over 30 feet tall.

73. A river that boils

It is hidden in the depths of the Peruvian Amazon and, although the water is not at the exact temperature of boiling, it is a few degrees from doing so, thus generating steam in the jungle.

74. A huge planet

Planet Earth is the fifth largest planet in the solar system, which means that it is very large. Earth is only surpassed in size by Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

75. There is a place where the rocks “walk”

It is an arid and dry lake, known as the “Valley of death”.

The valley rises above a pool of water located 7 cm deep. On winter nights, the pond fills with water and a soft layer of ice appears. During sunny days, the ice begins to melt and break apart into large floating panels, which are moved by light winds, pushing the rocks and leaving traces in the soft mud below the surface. This is why the rocks seem to “walk.”

76. The magnetic poles are reversed

Although they are reversed every thousands of years, in the last 20 million years it has occurred approximately every 100,000 years. This means that if we traveled back 800,000 years with a compass, it would show us that the north is in Antarctica.

77. The deepest point

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place in the earth’s crust located in the western Pacific Ocean. It measures about 2,550 km long and 69 km wide on average, and reaches a maximum known depth of 10,994 meters.

78. The largest organism in the world

The largest living organism in the world is a fungus, Armillaria ostayae, found in the Malheur National Forest in Oregon, United States. This organism, known as a fungus or honey mushroom, started from a single very small spore until it reached 880 hectares, that is, about 1,665 football fields.

The Oregon monster, as it is sometimes called, has spread its rhizomorphic filaments throughout the forest for about 2,400 years, killing hundreds of trees.

79. Aloe

Aloe vera leaves contain thorns on the edges to tolerate dryness and store the water they need to live. This plant can go long periods without water, especially in winter. However, when the leaves are thin and wrinkled, it means that they are dehydrated and it is not recommended not to reach that point.

80. Cacti and their ability to store water

As their habitat is the desert, they have a great capacity to store water inside. This is because they have a very thick cuticle covered in wax. Its leaves are thorns to prevent water loss through perspiration and condense atmospheric moisture from dew, fog and rain, since these act as drip tips.


Surely every place in the world has something impressive to tell. But we have made a selection of eight cities in the world that have a particular curiosity that they can boast about.

81. Bolivia

In addition to being the flattest country in the world, Bolivia has an abundant natural wealth. It has the longest salt desert in the world, the Salar de Uyuni, with 10,500 square meters of salt. In addition, in the depths of this space is one of the most important reserves of the mineral Lithium. This natural attraction has become a tourist powerhouse and a hotel bastion.

82. Costa Rica

Located in Central America, Costa Rica stands out economically for its tourism. What few know is that the Happy Planet Index foundation named it the happiest country in the world in 2015. It has 4,947,490 inhabitants and is one of the 25 independent countries and states that do not have an army.

83. United States

Did you know that in addition to being one of the most powerful countries in the world, having an area of ​​9.83 million km2 and having a diverse and multicultural population, the United States is home to the largest colony of bats in the world? world? It is located in the south of the country in Austin, Texas.

84. Sudan

This country, located in the northeast of Africa, shares borders with 9 nations of that same continent. It is curious to know that Sudan would have more pyramids than Egypt, a country recognized for having the most important archaeological monuments of this type in the world. They are known as the Nubian pyramids, there are more than 250, and they are built along the Nile. According to historians, they were intended to serve the Kushite emperors.

85. Portugal

With a Mediterranean climate, Portugal is one of the countries with the highest production of Port wine in Europe. And as a curious fact, it stands out that it is the largest cork producer in the world. This country, bordering the Atlantic and Spain, produces around 160 thousand tons of cork, which corresponds to 54% of the world production of this object.

86. Indonesia

An Asian and multidiverse country, Indonesia has 260 million inhabitants. This places it as the fourth most populous country in the world. Besides having 3 different time zones, it is the country with the largest number of Muslims in its population.

87. South Pole

Time has served as a guide for human beings through history. It stands out as one of the fundamental pillars on which human reason sits and builds. But what if this reference no longer exists? At the South Pole, the day lasts longer than is customary in the rest of the hemisphere and night falls for long and eternal months.

At the South Pole, the question “what time do we meet?” it is difficult to answer. Since it is the space in which the time zones are until they disappear and the reference of day and night does not work. The inhabitants decide the time zone they want to live their routine.

For example, scientific research bases from countries like the United States set time zones according to the home cities of the people who live there.

88. curious facts about Australia

Known for its kangaroos and surfing, Australia is surrounded by the Pacific and Indian oceans. But this country also stands out for its natural wealth and exoticism. Did you know it has a vibrant pink lake?

It doesn’t seem real, it is true, but it is. It is Lake Hillier, located in the Recherche archipelago, on the western coast of Australia. Apparently, the bacteria that live on its banks and its composition of salt generate this effect in its coloration.


89. Some people only need four hours of sleep

Most of us need about eight hours of sleep each night to be healthy and have enough energy, but some can sleep up to 12 and more hours if no one interrupts them. Other people, on the other hand, only need four, and this is due to the mutation of the hDEC2 gene, which regulates the duration of sleep and wakefulness, reducing the amount of rest time we need each day.

90. A mother’s desire to kiss her child is an instinct

A mother’s desire to hug and kiss her baby is more than just maternal love, it is a survival instinct. When the mother smells her baby, she becomes familiar with the pathogens on her skin and these are detected by the mother’s immune system, sending signals to her B lymphocytes. As a result, antibodies begin to be produced in the breast milk that the baby makes. consumes and allows you to protect yourself from various diseases.

91. Birth order affects weight

Firstborns are known to be more likely to gain excess weight than children who were born after them. However, scientists have not found the cause, but it is presumed to be due to the blood supply to the placenta.

Curiosities about the Spanish language


What would become of human beings without language? If we couldn’t communicate like we do, we wouldn’t distinguish ourselves from animals. So let’s finish this list with some incredible fun facts about our language.

92. In the word “centrifuados” all the letters are different and none are repeated.

93. In “aristocratic” each letter appears twice.

94. “Five” has five letters, which does not happen with any other number.

95. The word “electroencephalographer” is the longest of all those approved by the RAE, with 23 letters.

96. “Menstrual” is the longest word with only two syllables.

97. “Thousand” is the only number that has neither “o” nor “e”.

98. The word “heard” has three syllables in three letters.

99. The origin of “hopefully” is the Arabic expression law sha’a Allah (“If God wanted”).

100. The only word that contains two times each of the five vowels is “Equatorial Guinea.”

101. The longest words without repeated letters are: “Calumbrientos” (13), “Centrifugados” (13) and “Vislumbrándote” (14).

I bet you loved these fun facts. I loved compiling them!


Still curious to keep learning?

At the time of its launch, what do you know? It was a new kind of film: part documentary, part story, and part elaborate and inspiring visuals and animations. The protagonist, Amanda, played by Marlee Matlin, finds herself in a fantastic Alice in Wonderland-style experience when her boring and routine life literally begins to unravel and reveals the uncertain world of the quantum field that hides behind what we consider our normal waking reality.

As we watch Amanda struggle to understand the fundamental premises of her life, we see comments on her search for a multitude of scientists and mystics who serve as the Greek choir of modern times. His wisdom and ideas intertwine like a tapestry of truth, adding emphasis to the film’s underlying concept of the interconnectedness of all things.

Released in theaters for the first time in 2004, What do you know? It became one of the most successful documentaries of all time. Now distributed in more than 30 countries, it has wowed audiences around the world.
