16 Resistant Outdoor Plants


Having a terrace or a garden at home is a privilege for outdoor plants. It allows you to have a space to relax in the open air, take a break, sunbathe and even celebrate endless lunches and dinners. And it is also an opportunity to enjoy the benefits of having plants at home.

But not just any plant is worth to place it in an outdoor space. Ideally, you should use those plants that can easily withstand inclement weather. Do you know which ones they are? Here are some examples.

1- Zamioculca, Outdoor Plants

This plant is rated by many as the most resistant of all, in relation to the little care it requires. It comes from Africa and what characterizes it the most is the bright appearance of its intense green leaves.

It is also worth noting that its height can be up to one meter. Of course, this happens especially when it is planted in its natural habitat. That is, in countries like South Africa, Kenya or Tanzania.

Regarding its care, you should bear in mind that this plant withstands any conditions very well,

except the cold and the absence of sun.

So it is not entirely appropriate to place it in a garden or terrace if it is covered or if we are in a very cold area or time.

2- Yaupon-dwarf

We are talking about the “dwarf” variety of Yaupon,

which is actually a tree that grows mostly in the southeastern part of the United States. This name is just its common name, since the scientist is “Ilex vomitoria”.

This resistant plant is able to resist both hot and cold, dry or humid, acidic or alkaline places. Its care is very simple and, in addition, it does not particularly harm the presence of mosquitoes.

Their growth is basically in width, since they do not usually exceed half a meter in height.

Its original appearance and the tone of its leaves make it highly valued for the original touch it brings to gardens in winter. When the landscape is whiter or gray, the dwarf Yaupon resists and offers all its colors.

3- Verbena

There are many species that belong to the Verbena (Verbenaceae) family, so it will not be very difficult for you to choose the one that best suits you and your space.

Basically, what characterizes them all is that they have serrated leaves and offer a flower that can come in different colors,

such as blue, pink, or purple.

Although they can decorate your garden or terrace at any time of the year, you should know that verbena blooms in the warmest season, mainly in the summer months.

The good thing about this feature is that it withstands drought very well and doesn’t need you to water it very often.

The bad? That it will not resist the most intense cold and wind very well.


We speak at this point of a family of shrubs and small trees that grow naturally and more abundantly in America and South Africa. Its peculiarity is that it is a climbing plant that can reach up to 3 meters.

As such, you should know that, if you want it to look prettier, it is best that you turn to some support to guide it.

It has evergreen leaves and tubular flowers of colors that go from red to orange and that can grow at any time of the year.

It will be fine in both sunny and shady places, but it is best to protect it from the cold, because it does not support frost too well.

Lastly, remember not to over water it. If you do, the plant may be attacked by fungi, mealybugs, or whiteflies.

5-Succulents Outdoor Plants

Succulents like snake plant and zz plant grow very quickly and need little care. These are the main reasons why more and more homes are abundant with succulents. And it was not going to be less in gardens and terraces.

In addition, another of their benefits is that, despite their rapid development, they do not usually take up much space.

Therefore, it is ideal for small balconies or terraces, or in those cases in which it is intended to give prominence to other types of larger plants.

Of course, the fact of not reaching too much height or width does not mean that the beauty of succulents is less.

In fact, many of them have the most surprising shapes and colors.


Although this plant is not the most resistant that exist, what is striking about it is that it blooms in the cold season, in autumn and winter.

Therefore, it will offer your garden, terrace or balcony an aspect of the most cheerful and spring during the grayer months of the year.

In this case it is a small plant, but the beauty of its flowers (often associated with poetry and literature) make up for its small size.

In addition, it will not require too much care from you and you can have it both in pots and directly in the soil of your garden.

7- Passiflora, Outdoor Plants

Oceania, Asia and Australia are the continents where Passiflora grows most abundantly, and especially in warmer areas. If you don’t know her name, you may know her better by her nickname: Flor de la Pasión . What those who plant it in their garden or terrace value most are the bright colors of its flowers.

Another peculiar feature of this plant is that, if they have enough space, it can reach 7 meters in height. This, together with its spectacular appearance, makes Passiflora a highly valued alternative.

Regarding its care, we recommend you not to water it too much (avoiding waterlogging)

and opt for it if you live in a temperate region.

8-Dichondra Outdoor Plants

Although this plant is well known for being a perfect substitute for grass, it is also possible to plant it in a pot and decorate some corner of your terrace with it.

To give you an idea of ​​its appearance,

it also receives the popular name of “kidney herb”, due to the peculiar shape of its leaves.

Although it can grow anywhere, it is very grateful for humid climates and shady areas. However, it is also resistant to the sun and drought.

You can imagine to what extent the resistance of the Dichondra reaches, if you take into account that, if it is placed as if it were grass, it withstands the footprints without problem.

9- Laurel

Although laurel is mostly associated with a large tree, it is not the only option if you want to have it at home.

There are also varieties that are more like shrubs, and that are easily located in any outdoor space.

Thus, it is possible that it reaches 15 meters in height, but if this is not your goal, you can prune it without problem.

What is most striking about this plant are its leaves,

which are perennial and aromatic (you can pick them up and use them in the kitchen), much more than its flowers.

The reason is that the latter are small and rather discreet.

It tolerates drought very well and it will be best in the shade and when it is not too cold. It does not withstand the direct action of the sun or frost very well.

10- Ivy

Climber, resistant and fast-growing. These are the main characteristics of ivy, which also adapts very easily to any place where it is planted.

In fact, we could say that this plant can take care of itself, so it is ideal for you if you are just starting out or if you do not have much experience caring for plants.

In contrast to its many advantages, it must be said that this plant does not offer great ornamental value and that, in addition, all of it is considered toxic.

This means that it is not suitable if your terrace or garden usually has pets or if you have small children at home.

11- Gazania

Undoubtedly, what most attracts the attention of Gazania is the showiness of its flower for outdoor plants,

which is usually multicolored and mixes tones such as red, orange, pink or white. Their beauty reaches such an extent that they are often called “treasure flowers”.

In addition, this plant grows both high and wide, since it moves along the land

where it is planted and can reach up to 50 centimeters. Despite this feature, it is not impossible to arrange it in pots. Both the plant and its growth and arrangement will be adapted exactly to the place where it is.

12- Chrysanthemums Outdoor Plants

Don’t be guided by stereotypes. Chrysanthemums are mostly used and known to adorn cemeteries and outdoor plants, but these are not the only places where they can look beautiful.

In fact, your garden will look like another if you decorate it with this beautiful plant, which is native to Korea and is used very frequently in Japan.

One of the main advantages of chrysanthemums is that you can choose from a wide variety of colors,

and that their flowering is late and lasts much longer than that of other species

(their flowers usually endure until November).

As for their care, highlights the need to water them often. But you have to do it on the ground and not directly on its leaves, as they could be damaged.

13- Clivia for best Outdoor Plants

Its attractive flower and the ease of its cultivation and care are the main reasons to opt for clivia as a plant for your garden, outdoor plants or terrace. Although most of the time its red or orange flowers are seen,

there are other colors that will bring that touch of joy to your space. In addition, the intense green of its leaves stands out.

The best thing about clivia is that it does not need much or sun or much light.

Therefore, you will not have to be very aware of its watering or worry that it does not receive too much sun. In fact, this will help your flowers grow much faster.

14- Bougainvillea

Bougainvillea shines for its appearance especially in summer outdoor plants.

It is at this time when more terraces, parks and gardens are decorated by this plant,

which stands out for its majesty and beauty.

The first thing you have to know regarding the care of Bougainvillea is that it does not withstand the harshest cold of winter very well. At this time, it is better to place it indoors, if you live in a very cold region and if you have planted it in a pot.

If it is not possible, note that it will not withstand temperatures below negative 7 degrees well.

15- Boxwood

If you do not know this shrub-shaped plant by name, surely it sounds familiar to you because of its main utility or its most frequent use: that of decorating gardens offering different shapes , such as animals.

This is mainly due to its great resistance outdoor plants since it offers slow growth,

which allows the shape you have created to be maintained over time.

But don’t worry, the sculptural purpose is not the only reason why we recommend having this plant in your garden.

You can also plant it in a pot and enjoy its advantages,

among which the resistance and strength of its leaves stand out.

16- Aspidistra Outdoor Plants

We finish this selection of the best and most beautiful resistant outdoor plants with one of those that best adapts to the place where it is located and that requires less care to grow without difficulties.

It needs very moderate watering and can live in places where the temperature ranges from 0 to 25 degrees.

This plant tolerates shade and lack of light very well (which is why it is widely used indoors)

but, at the same time, it resists the action of direct sun very well. Therefore, it is perfect both for shady terraces and for gardens where the sun shines practically all day.


As you can see, there are many options when choosing resistant outdoor plants that will decorate and give life to your terrace, balcony or garden.

Whatever your space,

surely you will find the ideal alternatives to give it that touch of color that each and every one of the plants we have told you about provides.

Most of them require very little care and are well resistant to any weather conditions.

However, it is important that before and after acquiring your plants you inform yourself very well about what care they require.

Thus, you will ensure that they grow healthy and that their beauty is always optimal.
