300+ Romantic Love Messages for Her & Him – Love Message

love messages for both

Messages of love for her and for him are a great way to confess your feelings to your partner. They are an opportunity to be honest about your feelings towards your other half. They’re also a safer way to talk about your feelings because behind your screen you don’t have to be afraid to be honest.

So if you’re in the mood for grabbing the attention of your loved one or feeling romantic at heart, read the list of 100 love messages for him and her below. These love messages can inspire you to find your poetic side and help you finally be yourself in a relationship.

It’s hard to find love. It is even more difficult to find a soul mate: the one and true love of your life, the one who makes you see life in pink and who gives you butterflies.

Yet even when the feelings are there, words sometimes fail us: you want to express everything you feel but you can’t find the right words.

We therefore suggest that you inspire yourself a little. Here is a list of love messages, and love SMS, for women and for men that will allow you to impress your loved one and make him understand the depth of your feelings.

As a bonus, we also invite you to take a look at the good night love messages, for her and for him, listed below.

So, you won’t have any more reason to hesitate: send one of these love messages, or love SMS, to your better half!

Love messages for her

To create intimacy and a feeling of closeness with your partner, choose messages of love for her that have real meaning for both of you, something that will tell her that you know her perfectly well and that you love her as he is. ‘she is.

1. „Of all the passions, love is the strongest because it attacks, simultaneously, the heart, the head and the senses.” – 

2. You are my gift from heaven. There’s not a second that you’re not there to boost me up when I need you. You are everything I want in a woman. I don’t need anything else. I promise you.

3. You are more beautiful than a sunset on the horizon of the ocean, in midsummer. You shine brighter than all the stars in the sky put together. You are more attractive than any love song. I didn’t know what beauty was until I met you.

4. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will always be there for you. Whatever happens, I’ll wait for you!

5. If I could offer you only one thing, it would be the possibility of seeing you through my eyes: it is the only way that you will understand how special you are.

6. If loving you was a job, I would be the most deserving, dedicated and qualified candidate. In fact, I would even work for free!

7. You are my best friend, my soul mate and my sweetheart. You are everything to me and I will always love you!

8. My biggest dream is to see you in front of the altar wearing a wedding dress!

9. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you, but I will be forever grateful to have your love, support and affection. Thank you for being you and letting be by your side.

10. Today, I was asked: how is your life? I replied: she is fine, thank you!

11. When you enter a room, the light shines much brighter; as soon as you are away, my heart is desperate for you. Next time I see you, I won’t let you go!

12. I fell in love with you because you loved me when I felt like the rejected!

13. Honey, I want to change three things about you: your last name, your address and your opinion of men!

14. Sometimes I push you away because I want you to get closer.

15. When I saw you for the first time, I knew right away that we would have something special. I love everything about you: the way you kiss and take care of me and the feelings you arouse. I want you to be mine. I want to hug you and never let you go. You are my best friend, my lover, my confidante and my reason for living.

16. You are mine and I don’t want to lose you.

17. Honey, thank you for making me the happiest man in the world. I promise to cherish you until my last breath.

18. I wanted to write a message of love. But, I did not know how to start. Then, I understood, it all comes down to this: I love you!

19. Your existence is surreal. You are perfect and you are mine.

20. I can stop breathing. My heart can stop beating. But, there is one thing that will never end: my love for you!

21. Do you want to know what my dreams look like? Look at yourself in a mirror!

22. Thanks to you, I finally understand what love is. Thanks to you I am better and stronger. Thank you.

23. You are my message of love.

24. Every day without you is like the worst nightmares.

25. I don’t know why I’m in love with you. And, I don’t want to know it. All I know is I don’t want to lose you.

26. I looked for a way to put my love for you into words. I did not find !

27. You are so perfect that since I fell in love with you, I haven’t been able to stop.

28. I see 100 but I only like you.

29. It is said that love is blind. Too bad he doesn’t see your beauty!

30. You entered my heart without being invited, but you stayed there because I needed you!

31. I thought of you, and it made me smile!

32. I like everything about you. I love your eyes, your smile and the way you look at the horizon in the morning. I can’t imagine my life without you.

33. My biggest fear? To be away from you. I want to kiss you, hug you and plan our future.

34. You are the reason I look happy. If you weren’t there, I wouldn’t know what happiness is.

35. Without you, I am demotivated. But, when you’re by my side, life is good again. The sun and the stars are shining brighter and my heart is, finally, in its place.

36. I want to wake up by your side every morning, I want to feel your fingers in my hair and your arms around me.

37. I just wanted to tell you that you were my last thought last night when I went to bed.

38. And, you were the first one waking up this morning.

39. Your love hit me like a car: I didn’t see it coming. But, what am I happy to have!

40. The most beautiful mornings are those spent by your side. This is the first time in my life that I have felt love.

41. After all these bogus relationships, I finally found you! You understand me. You always know what to say to cheer me up. You are my true love: I love you.

42. A message of love for you.

43. My love, thank you for turning my life into a wonderful love story. Thank you for proving to me that true love exists. I love you !

44. The more I am surrounded, the more I have the feeling of being alone with you.

45. I’m crazy about you.

46. ​​I try to think of something else, but I can’t. Whatever I do, I think of you.

47. Thank you for loving me and accepting me as I am. Thank you for giving me your time and attention.

48. You make me smile.

49. I saw angels in the sky, I saw snowflakes in July, I saw things that one can only dream of. Still, there is one thing I haven’t seen yet: something cuter than you.

50. I have never believed the adage: there is a strong woman behind every man. Then, I met you and I understood: without you, I would not be half of who I am.

Love messages for her are a great way to open your heart to her and let her know how much you care. These messages of love for her are also an opportunity to give her a smile and the confidence that all women need. Indeed, women derive their strength from the love, affection and attention they receive from the people they love.

Most Touching Love Messages For Him

Do you want to please your man? Write him a love message full of emotions, passion and sweetness. These kind of love messages absolutely must have significant meaning for both of you. It must be honest, sincere and explicit.

51. One day, in a few years, we will meet again and we will be shy: we will not dare to speak to each other. I will tell you that I am married and happy. But, once my back is turned, I will whisper to you: I gave your name to my son.

52. I am selfish, impatient and have little self-confidence. I make mistakes and sometimes I am like a tornado. But that’s what makes me who I am, if you don’t love me that way, you don’t deserve me!

53. I don’t love you because I need you, I need you because I love you.
Message of love for you.

54. Honey, I just wanted to tell you that if someone is flirting with me, I would be proud to say: I have a wonderful boyfriend!

55. We can argue every day but it doesn’t matter because you give me the will to fight for us.

56. I am yours. You’re mine. I love you and I will always fight for you.

58. I put you on a pedestal. All the other men in my life can’t match your ankle.

59. I know that I say „I love you“ all the time but it is not enough: here is a message of love only for you. You are my heart, my world and my reason for living.

60. I don’t want to fix you. I want you to hold my hand as I try to rebuild myself.

61. You are the most beautiful, funny, kind, generous and lovable man there is.

62. I have a conversation with the moon. She told me about the sun and I told her about you.

63. I can’t fall asleep tonight, probably because you’re not here. I miss you…

64. It was amazing to hear your voice this morning. I want to hear it everyday, for the rest of my life.

65. When I think of perfection, I think of you. Thank you for being who you are. You are the light at the end of my tunnel.

66. You are my best friend, my lover, my other half. I love you infinitely.

67. If you leave me one day, leave me in the rain: that way I won’t cry alone!

68. If someone can write your name on an ice cube under the sun, then I would admit that they love you more than I do.

69. Chocolate candies? No. Honey? No. Vanilla ice cream ? No. Sugar? No. I still can’t find anything better than you.

70. I tried to write you a message of love but I did not succeed. Words that can express such joy do not exist.

72. You are so beautiful, intelligent and generous… I feel like I have won the jackpot. And, all this, thanks to you!

73. I don’t want the moon, the stars or the universe. I don’t want a million dollars or gold jewelry. I only want you.

74. Do you believe in magic? I didn’t believe it either, then I saw you. At that point, I started to believe in magic, fate and, even, little elves!

75. Are you an angel fallen from heaven? This is the only plausible explanation.

76. You are my guardian angel, my muse, my reason for existing.

77. If you have a bad time, just kiss me!

78. Love with you is like heaven on earth. I will never regret choosing you as my partner.

79. I am proud to say that I am yours. I want to go everywhere, with you!

80. The possibilities are endless! If you love me, no one can stop us!

Messages of love for him boost your partner’s ego. When he receives a message of love, he is proud to know that he deserves to be loved by such an exceptional woman as you. It gives her the strength to fight for your relationship and the courage to face all of life’s hardships.

Love messages for her and for him to say goodnight 

What better way to wish your partner a good night than messages of love? Choose one of the following or be inspired by it to write him or her the ideal text message so that he or she passes a beautiful night in the arms of Morpheus.

81. I would so much like to be there to watch you fall asleep. Tell you that I love you and can’t wait to see you again tomorrow.

82. Sweet dreams, my love.

83. The sun has set on this day, but my love for you will never fall into nothingness.

84. My darling, a message of love to say goodnight to you. I love you.

85. You are the man of my days. But, the most beautiful thing is having you as the protagonist of my dreams.

86. The day is over. Make way for dreams. I will surely meet you there!

87. I have found the man of my dreams.

88. The stars are shining so bright tonight that they almost compete with our love. My they cannot measure up to our dreams!

89. I wish you a beautiful night, dream of me!

90. I hope your dreams will be as sweet as your kisses and as tender as your hugs.

91. I live for the day when all my dreams will come true.

92. Tonight I can’t wait to go to bed. I will dream of you and imagine myself in your arms.

93. Sweet dreams, my love. The stars are watching over you!

94. Open your heart and close your eyes. Let my love pamper you, across the skies.

95. My angel, by what miracle could I have been so lucky? I spend my days with the best man in the world and when I go to bed I find him in my dreams. Goodnight My Love.

96. Love is in the air then, take a deep breath and let it rock you. Sleep well, sweetheart.

97. What to wish you for a good night, except to dream of me!

98. I hope when you go to bed tonight you will have sweet dreams filled with joy and sweetness. Rest your soul and open your heart: you will feel all my love there.

99. I will see you in my dreams …

100. Tonight the miracle of love brings us together. We can’t be physically together, but our hearts are forever linked. Good night, my soul mate!

All people in a relationship fall asleep better when they receive a caring gesture such as messages of love for her or for him. This means that their partner thinks of them even when they are not together and he or she wants to let it know. Couples who exchange goodnight love messages are emotionally connected couples who care about their partner’s well-being.

Being in love, or in love, does not necessarily mean that you have the right words to express your feelings. Sometimes we are ashamed to admit how we feel. Sometimes we hesitate to put our heart on the table. And, sometimes, we don’t know how to disclose our feelings in an honest way, without being silly.

It is for this reason that the love messages above are a perfect source of inspiration for all couples in love. Do not hesitate to send them to your other half or to be inspired by them to declare the depth of your feelings. You must be proud to be in love!

We hope that the love messages for her and for him, and the love SMS, listed above will help you to declare your love to your loved one.

Beautiful love texts for her man

Here you will find a selection of the most beautiful love texts sent for your man love texts that will help you find the words you need to express your love and your attachment to the man in your life.

Love texts to send for his darling, texts to charm him and make him crack.

You have always been there for me …

My love you were always there for me, when I saw a cloudy sky, you made me see a big blue sky. When I was alone in deafening silence, you made me hear melodies of love, I love you.

Love messages for her and for him to say goodnight 

You are on my mind all the time …

I went to bed thinking of you, I woke up thinking of you and I spent the day with the smile that never left my lips thinking of you. I love you and you make me happy!

Love messages for her

To the man of my life …

When I saw you, I loved you. When I spoke to you, I knew you would be the only one who could steal my heart and indeed I fell under your spell. I love you and I will love you forever.

Love messages for him to say goodnight 

You are my protective angel …

When the clouds gather and the sky darkens, I know you are my shelter that protects me from all dangers.

love messages for her

In your arms…

I want to lose myself in your arms, you make me vibrate with your sweet way, you are my last thought before sleeping, you are my only pleasure and my joy to smile.

love messages for him

Love text for my man …

I loved you at first sight. You inspire me, you inspire me, you fascinate me, you drive me crazy. My favorite place in the world is in your arms, my eyes in your beautiful eyes. I love you.

love messages fro loved one

My prince Charming…

You are the prince charming that I dreamed of meeting since I was little, you are the man of my life I will never be able to forget my love for you.

Love messages for her and for him to say goodnight 

You are the best man in the world …

My love, I love you so much ! For me you are the best man in the world, you bring me love, tenderness and the most beautiful things. I will stay by your side forever.

messages for her and for him to say goodnight 

A little word for you my love …

A little word to declare my love to you, to tell you how much I love you. You are the man of my life I love you passionately …

Love for her and for him to say goodnight 

I love you madly…

I love your perfume and your sweetness and I love you madly.

Every time I think of you I smile

Every time that you look at me I blush

Every time you talk to me I’m on a cloud.

And when I miss you I don’t have to look far away

 I’m looking for you in my heart, cause that’s where you are

All this is to tell you I love you in my own way.

Your darling.

Love messages for her to say goodnight 

Love texts for my darling …

My future is with you that I imagine it,

Your beautiful smile reflects your divine beauty,

You are the only one that matters to me

Making you happy is my priority <3,

Every second every night every day

It’s you that I see in my mind.

I love you.

Love text for his girlfriend

 You find yourself looking for love text ideas for your girlfriend. Do not panic ! Here are some ideas for texts that should make him happy every time.

The love text ideas below may be relevant to most women in general regardless of their age, the choice is yours.

I think of you when the sun rises. I still think about it all day

and if sometimes at night I dream of you and the happiness of being with you,

Because you have to know how much I love you.

Love sms

You climbed a fiery rope to get to my heart, you made your way deep inside me.

 Words of love and even the most beautiful love texts have no hold on you,

but listen to me tell you. I love you.

love msg

I love you goddess of the four elements,You are fire, by your warmth when I’m near you,

You are water when I thirst for your kisses,You are the earth when I think of our future home,

You are the air when you give me wings.

love symbols

 Your sweet voice echoes in my mind now and always. 

You are the sweetest song that only my ears can hear.

love symbols heart

 Maybe it’s too early to say I love you, but I can’t keep this a secret. 

I never felt perfectly happy and you are the reason.

love heart symbols

Take me by the hand, please don’t let go again I want to hug you again and again,

until you become one, snuggle up to you, forget who I am.

heart love symbols

 When we met my heart was then a big block. Since we are together,

I discover other sensations, feelings and desires never felt or hoped for before.

 Thank you to you for your love.

love heart symbol

 To live without you ! I never thought of that.

 In my arms I will keep you warm and you will never be cold. 

If you accept it, become my queen and I will be your king.

 What I want most is to be with you.

Beautiful love messages for her darling

 I love you my heart, with you I swim in happiness,

you make my heart beat, I love when you smile at me, you are my paradise,

I am sure that you are the woman of my life.

Beautiful love messages for him darling

 You are for me my desire to live, without you I risk weakening myself.

 I always want to be by your side so that I can look at you and love you.

 Your voice is my melody, your heart a paradise, your eyes are my strength.

 I want you with me forever I love you.

Beautiful love messages for her darling

♥ Our beautiful love story …

Love has united us, despite our difference and from that moment something rare and magnificent has been created.

♥ You knew how to love me as I love you …

You knew how to change me, you knew how to fill me, I learned to love you, my life I no longer exist without you and my heart beats only for you …

♥ You are everything to me …

I can lose everything I have, but I can’t lose you, I can’t lose someone like you in my life.

♥ It’s you I love …

You bring me joy when I am sad, I dream of you when I sleep, you are my guardian angel when I am with you, you are my soul mate, you whom I love.

♥ In love with you …

Even if everything is bad for me, I will smile for you. Simply because one day you told me that you are in love with my smile and I am in love with you.

♥ I need you …

I need your presence with me to take away my sufferings… I need your arms and that you hug me against you… Need your hands so that you cover me with caresses… I need your eyes because looking at them I feel better… I only need you, if you love me take care of me.

♥ I can’t live without you …

Your love is a comfort for me, your presence relieves me of my sorrows, if you did not exist, I do not know what I would have become. I love you very much.

♥ I love you …

With one sentence, you made me fall in love.
With one word, you capsized my heart.
With your gaze, you chased away my pain.
With your smile, you made me happy.
I love you like I never loved anyone.

♥ Your love is enough for me …

I loved you with all my heart and with all my soul and for me that is more than enough.

♥ My treasure …

My love, take good care of yourself, you are my precious treasure, so take care of yourself like a treasure.

♥ You are the man of my life …

You opened your big heart to me and you gave me confidence in myself, you are there for me at every stage of my life. Stay my little angel for a very long time, you are the man of my life. A thousand kisses.

Love messages to send for your sweetheart

The shortest way to a woman’s heart is sweet words with a touch of tenderness. So, don’t miss an opportunity to say sweet words to her or send her love messages so that she is showered with love every day.

To help you find the right words to send her a love SMS. Try to get inspired by the following love messages:

Oh … that I love you …

I want to take care of you the woman I love, with me you will never know the word hate. I consider you my queen and I will always be there to relieve your sorrows… Oh, that I love you.

Little flower of my heart …

Like a little flower in the corner of my heart, with your charming smile, you bring me sweetness and tenderness. Tell me soul mate that you love me as I love you.

Beautiful expression of love …

“We live on love and fresh water” is a beautiful expression, but you and I can live on love and leave fresh water for the flowers. So, my love give me your heart

You are the light that enlightens me …

I’m lost in the dark, but when I think of you, a light shines on me. My love, you are my sun and my paradise.

You are my Everything…

You are my whole universe, the Venus of my dreams, you are in my thoughts all day, you are my one and only love.

You are the happiness …

Your sweet smile is happiness, your tender gaze and happiness, your charming voice is also happiness, you my love you make me happy …

I would like to find you in my arms …

In my smile you are there, in my eyes you are there too. In my heart you are there forever. And if I’m lucky, maybe in my arms I’ll find you.

My love you are an angel …

My angel, the flowers are happy when he sees you and your smile makes the birds of my garden sing.

Tell me about love …

I love the way you talk to me about love only with your eyes and I too don’t speak much, but you understand me quickly my love.

Yours …

My eyes to look at you, my lips to kiss you, my hands to caress you, my heart to love you and my whole body to protect you.

Love SMS for her husband who is far away

Sometimes circumstances force you to be away from your man, like work or whatever, but because love is powerful enough to burden everyone with its messages. Separated lovers always find plenty of ways to correspond, even if distances prevent them from seeing each other. They send love messages to each other.

So, if you are far from your man, here are these love SMS messages for you to send to your man …

Far from you my darling

Since I have been far from you, I have been far from myself. You know what it does to me when you’re far away from me, I feel like my lungs are being compressed. I have a heart that wants to explode! But if that’s the price to pay to love you, to wait, to one day finally be by your side. I am ready, ready to undergo all the tortures that may exist because for me you are everything.

Love text for my man who is far away

Our love is stronger than anything despite the distance. Even though sometimes it is difficult, I always try to surprise you and deep down inside my heart is racing for you. I stay in love with you and tell you over and over again “I love you”.

I don’t wanna stay a second away from you

My love I love you so much that I cannot do without you. I don’t want to stay a second without you because when you are not with me I become like a rose that will wither every day of your absence even more and even spring will not be able to do anything for me. Only you know how to revive me.

I miss it

Every time you suddenly kiss me or tell me that you love me my heart blazes like a thousand fireworks. I love you.

For my husband

My love, meeting you was wonderful, loving you is extraordinary, marrying you was incredibly moving. Giving you a child will leave me speechless… I love you more than anything!

Come back soon

Since our first meeting I have loved you and even today I swim in happiness with you I like to wake up with you. When you take me in your arms, I have fun for you. I love you for life. Come back soon I miss you.

To the man of my life

To the man who makes me happy, day after day. I am proud to face life with you, by your side. I love you.

I like to be with you

Do you want to know what makes me happy? It’s getting up every day by your side for the rest of my life, I love you.

SMS to her darling who is far away

My darling, I wanted to tell you that I love everything about you: your smile, your eyes, your character, your good humor … in short, the list goes on. I’m waiting to see you again to continue it in your arms.


I love my face when you look at it,
I love my body when you touch it,
I love my name when you say it,
I love my life when you are with me.

Most Touching Love Messages For Wife

Using these love messages to send a little love message from time to time for your darling wife is a beautiful intention that will make her very happy, use these love messages as such or personalize them to have a unique message for her.

Love message for his wife …

My love, I love you very much, you are the dear woman of my life; I want to always be near you and my love will always remain true. Big kisses, my heart, my darling.

SMS I love you my wife …

My dear beloved wife, you are a nice little woman who makes my daily life sweeter and a mother of love for our little one. I am very happy to live with you. We are a beautiful happy family. I love you.

A love text for her …

A message of love to my little wife whom I love so much and too much and it is not yet enough… Kisses

Love SMS for your wife …

Already (x) years that we love each other, I became your little husband you are my love I wish us lots of happiness and that our love lasts forever. I love you my heart.

Best love SMS for a woman …

My little love heart, I love you madly. You are the woman of my life. I send you lots of sweet kisses and hugs.

A love text for her …

My Beauty, I am your Beast. You are way too cute for me. I love you with unconditional love.

Love message for his wife …

Cupid’s arrow touched my heart, a heart that beats to the rhythm of yours, a heart that lives day after day our love story, your love embeds my senses, my soul, my life, in an infinite feeling of good -being, a life without you, I dare not even imagine. I love you.

SMS I love you very much my wife …

My love, I love you very much and I do not regret for a moment to have chosen you for wife and this for almost (x) years. I love you I love you I love you.

Lucky to have you as a wife …

My love ; When we are very lucky, it turns out that the person we love loves us too. I happen to be lucky to have you and I love you for all that you are, all that you represent to me, for your sweetness that covers me with love. I love you.

For my dear little wife …

I love you, I tell you often and I tell you again anyway, I love you, yes I love you my little wife. I’m so far from you, but in my head, I hear your voice and I keep your face in my mind. With you I learned to smile, it was heaven that sent you to me to teach me to love. I love you, my dear.

Cute little message for her boyfriend

Send your boyfriend a cute little message to express all the love you have for him. Find here the ideal text to write a cute little message for your boyfriend 

1- Love SMS for my darling …

My loveYou are unique.You are my guardian angel.I am proud to be your wife!You are the man of my life !I love you.

2- Message for her lover …

Do you believe deep inside you in happiness? Do you see happiness deep inside me? The happiness of being with you my love.

3- love SMS for her darling …

My love, you are the only man I want to be with and without whom I am nothing. I love you for life my love !

4- Cute message for her lover …

I am a flower that will open when you are with me and close when you are away from me because you are the sun of my life.

5- Little message of love for him …

To my man whom I love dearly and to the beautiful years that we have spent together. I love you.

6- Nice message for her darling …

My life, my eyes, my love, you always make me laugh so much! You know how to drive me crazy for you! Life with you is a wonderful dream! I love you!

7- Message of love to her man …

My darling, meeting you was not a surprise, because I was waiting for you…
You are my guardian angel, the one whose happiness I aim for!
The arrow of your Love in my heart is breaking!
Time has no hold over you!
You are always so beautiful.
I love you.

8- Message for her darling …

My love, I miss you already, I can’t wait until tonight to find myself near you and give you big kisses. You are the man of my life. I love you more than anything.

9- Cute love message for him …

I don’t know where my path is going, but I walk best when my hand squeezes yours. And this, since we got together. I love you.

10- Message of love for my man whom I love …

My baby, despite difficult times we have managed to get up thanks to our love that keeps growing day by day, hoping that it lasts a lifetime, because I love you more than anything in the world.

Cute little message for his girlfriend

Send a cute little message for your girlfriend to express all the love you have for her. Find here the ideal romantic text to please your girlfriend

♥ Message for my girlfriend that I love …

When you smile at me, it’s as if a ray of sunlight pierced my heart and made the flame of my love for you live.

♥ To remind you how much I love you …

I just want to whisper a few sweet words to you to remind you how much I love you.

♥ Romantic text for his girlfriend …

Since I’ve known you it’s like fireworks in my heart, there is a spark of joy and smiles and it allows me to see life in color. I love you.

♥ Everything reminds me that I love you …

Even looking at a white cloud passing across the sky. It’s your sweet face that I see. I love you !

♥ Cute SMS for his girlfriend …

So much I love you even when I look at the clouds I see your face.

♥ I want to be with you forever …

Being  with you for me is synonymous with happiness I want you with me forever.

♥ Message for his girlfriend …

I think about you all the time just like that for no particular reason I can’t explain what’s happening to me, but I think I’m crazy for you.

♥ Your name resonates in my head …

When I listen to the slow blast of the wind. It’s like he’s whispering your name in my ears. I love you !

♥ Message of love for his darling …

We went through a lot of difficult times, we struggled, but never gave up and our love is still intact even growing… I love you very much my dear!

♥ Love text for his girlfriend …

The one and only love of my life is you. May life give us many more years together. I love you.

♥ Cute little text for his girlfriend …

I found in you all that I lacked. I’m lucky to be with you.

Wonderful love text for him

Want to write a beautiful love text for your darling? Here are some examples of love texts for you to make him feel all the love you have for him and tell him that you are burning with love for him!

Our destiny…

I think it was fate that brought us together the day I saw you. I had the impression that everything was mapped out. We are the happiest couple, let’s enjoy all these happy moments as long as possible. I love you.

Love text for her lover …

I can’t imagine for a second that I could waste you. You are my great love for better or for worse. I love you and will love you forever, you are the dearest to me.

My dearest …

My love, my dearest wish is to spend all my life with you and for you. I love you with infinite love, I love you so strongly that I cannot go a minute without thinking of you. I love you with all my soul, I adore you with all my heart.

Text for my love …

I love you my love, I say it to you and I write it to you and if necessary I shout it out loud and clear. You are the love of my life. Despite all the difficulties, I cannot live without you and together we will make our life.

For my great love …

My treasure, my love, I love you and I will love you always. I have never had so much happiness as with you. You are my great love, my heart beats only for you.

Text for my darling …

My love you are so far from me, but you are so close to my heart, every day and every moment I think of you, you are the area that I breathe; it is you and you alone that I desire and no one will be able to take your place in my heart!

You are my Love…

My love, with you I discovered what love means. You bring me joy you bring me happiness, I love you my heart, I love you my love!

You make me happy…

One of your looks, one of your smiles, gives me immense happiness: I love you madly.

You are my joy of living…

My love, you are the happiness of my life, the sweetness of my nights. You who bring me the joy of living, I send you a thousand kisses while waiting to find you and hug you.

Romantic text for his girlfriend

If you have a girlfriend you want to surprise with a love text to express all the love you have for her. Here is a selection of love texts to help you write her a nice romantic love text.

1-Love text: I only live for you.

I am a slave to your angelic face, to your smile, no matter the price to pay, I will give more to stay with you. I have so much love for you that nothing and nobody will be able to convince me that paradise is elsewhere than with you. I’m not afraid of anything as long as you’re with me. I want to devote my life to you, anyway, I would die if I ever had to leave you.

2-Love text: I love you very much.

You know I love you very much, even those words are not strong enough to tell you how much I love you. It is a love that goes beyond all understanding. I love you who know how to make me laugh with simple words, you who know how to be so sweet, so caring. It’s you that I’m madly in love with… I love you so much.

3-Love text: Never doubt my love.

My love, never doubt my love for you and my sincerity towards you, because I could never lie to you. You are the most beautiful thing that has happened to me in my life. With you I finally know the happiness and the joy of loving really and deeply. You are the most important person in my life, the one who matters most to me. I love you with all my heart.

4-Love text: It’s you my love.

My heart beats for you my angel, your love takes my hand and offers me happiness. You are my rose that blooms deep in my heart and you are the remedy that heals my wounds. It is you who make me forget all my worries. Here is my soul take it, it is yours my love.

5-Love text: I think of you.

I think of you every moment, every day, every moment. I think of your angelic smile and  your  sweet voice. You are always in my heart and nothing will be able to separate us. My love for you is so deep that it runs through my vein.

6-Love text: The light of my life.

I am lost in the darkness of life, in the difficulties of everyday life, yet when I think of you, you give me lots of happiness, you are the light that enlightens me, you are my sun. I love you more than anything else.

7-Love text: I wanted to tell you how much I love you.

I wanted to tell you how much I love you, to tell you that without you everything and bitterness, to write to you what you cannot see, everything you represent to me. I wanted to whisper to you with sweet words all the love I have for you. Remember I’m with you when things aren’t going well and grief fills your heart. Remember that I love you forever.

Romantic message for her boyfriend

Men also want more affection from their wives, but they don’t need much! What a man needs are small daily gestures to reassure him and show him that he matters to you, for example, trying to surprise him with romantic love messages, it will certainly make him happy.

You should therefore not hesitate to have daily gestures of attention for your boyfriend and if that can help you, here is our selection of romantic messages to please your man and live with him a beautiful romantic relationship, without the worries generated. by the lack of communication.

SMS 01

Without you there is no love, without you there is no me. Without you there is nothing so I ask you to stay close to me, because I will always need you.

SMS 02

I send you messages so as not to forget me, but in reality I want to send you my eyes to see you, my lips to kiss you very hard and say I love you to death.

SMS 03

When I see you I feel good, but when you are no longer with me, I am no longer myself.

SMS 04

It seems that when you love, you don’t count, but I count every second spent without you.

SMS 05

I don’t need to breathe, because I breathe your air, I don’t need to dream, because you are my only dream, I don’t need to speak, because my words are yours, I don’t need to live, because your love is my life.

SMS 06

I wanted to send you a big kiss I miss you so much, but as long as there is no device that sends the kisses, I send you this SMS.

SMS 07

I love you not only for who you are, but for who I am when we’re together.

SMS 08

The winter gift is snow, the spring gift is flowers, the summer gift is heat and me, my best gift, is you.

SMS 09

I need your arms to finally feel me, I feel like an orphan without your presence. I didn’t believe in fairy tales, but since I’ve known you I’ve seen one. I love you.

SMS 10

I would like to speed up time to reach you as quickly as possible, however near you, I will stop every second, because every moment with you, I want it infinite.

SMS 11

Love is a big word for many people, but for me it is very small, because it is not love that I have for you, it is something much stronger.

SMS 12

Every day away from you is one less happy day in my life. I hope to join you soon.

SMS 13

There are words that we say, but that we do not think and there are words that we think, but that we do not say! I think sincerely and tell you I love you for life.

SMS 14

It’s hard to tell you how much I love you with just a text. My love is too strong for a simple message.

SMS 15

Being away from you makes me suffer, thinking of you makes me heal, being near you is my greatest desire.

SMS 16

Thoughts of love, I still love you, a little more each day, you are my only love.

SMS 17

With the beautiful days a perfume of love awakens my senses, I need your presence …

SMS 18

When I’m in your arms, near you, I forget everything and think only of us. I don’t ask myself any more questions, because you alone are my obsession.

SMS 19

Your heart brings me softness, your gaze brings serenity, I can’t count the hours since you’ve been by my side.

Love text for long distance relationship

What to do when the person you love is away from you? When the distance separates you and you can no longer hold your hand, a great pain comes over you. In these moments we just need comfort one like the other. So, just a message of love can make you forget the distance that separates you a little and make you smile while you wait to finally be together.

Here are some love messages For all those who live in a long distance relationship.

I still think of you…

No matter what I say and what I do, there isn’t a single moment that I don’t think about you. I miss you a lot.

Life separates us and love brings us together …

My love, our professional journeys soon lead us to separate, but I know that our love will be stronger than the distance. In the past it has already been able to resist storms and even today nothing will be able to weaken it. I love you.

I already miss you…

I just left and I miss you already! And I couldn’t wait to tell you I love you!

The distance is killing me …

They say the world is so small. So tell me why we are so far apart and why I miss you so much.

Like always…

Like every day, like never ending it, like all my memories, I tell you again and always I miss you my love.

I would like to be with you…

I miss you very much, I would like to be with you in your arms, Smell your scent, hug and kiss you, you are my love, come back to me soon, I am waiting for you.

Not a second without you …

No matter what I say and what I do, there isn’t a single moment that I don’t think about you. I really miss you.

This distance is too much for me …

This time is too much for me, I can’t resist, I bend under the weight of your absence, as soon as you leave my life becomes a pain, I’m so cold without you, I hurt without you, I need you come back quickly my love I miss you very much.

I miss you my love …

I’m writing this message to tell you how much I miss you. Every night I think of you contemplating the stars that embellish the sky and I always wait for your SMS  to come  for you to give me courage, you knew how to get the best out of me, I feel the strength when you are with me , I miss you my love.

Far from me…

Far from me I wanted to write you this message to tell you all the evil that I live without you, I woke up without seeing you by my side without hearing your sweet voice. I hurt you, your hugs, your tenderness, your smile. It is a great void that I cannot fill. I miss you a lot…

I’m counting the seconds to see you again …

Far from you, my heart is nothing more than a clock which counts the seconds which separate me from the moment when I will see you again …

The distance will not prevent my love for you …

Distance is not a problem when two people love each other. Even if you are far from me, I will always love you, as always.

You will remain my love despite the kilometers that separate us …

Neither the days that pass, nor the kilometers that separate us, can take you out of my heart. You are the love of my life.

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