HomeRelationship7 Husband and Wife Headstone Inscription Ideas

7 Husband and Wife Headstone Inscription Ideas

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A loss is never something easy to handle. Your loved ones are gone, but you feel the innate responsibility to give them that wholesome resting place. You want a spot that encapsulates everything that your loved ones mean to you and the rest of their families. 

This often means finding an adequate saying to put on their headstones. Husband and wife headstone inscriptions are never easy to choose from. Not when you have so much love for both parties involved and words that you could say. 

If you’re looking for suggestions as to what to put on that headstone, we’re here to help you decide. Here are a couple of headstone inscription ideas you can count on. Read below to see the meaningful suggestions. 

1. A Representation Symbol 

Symbols can be small tokens representing who an individual was during their lifetime. This is something that can be easily represented in their final resting spots. Symbols can be little reminders for the family of how cherished their loved ones were. 

Consider options such as the cross for the couple who were devoted to their faith. Some mourners have even put their loved ones’ favorite items on their headstones. Things such as tractors or knitting needles adorn these final resting spaces. 

Your loved one can be represented in a multitude of different ways. If there is an image that most reminds you of the beloved, it is worth looking into after their passing. This will bring you comfort to know they are represented by something they loved dearly. 

2. An Etching of Photographs 

Sometimes being able to see a visual helps to keep a memory alive. One of the options you have for your loved ones’ grave marker is to have etchings of their pictures compiled. These etchings will be forever frozen in time for the beautiful couple. 

Etchings are one way to ensure that their faces never fade from the minds of their loved ones. They also stand as a photographic reminder of who the couple was in life. Anyone who comes to visit the cemetery will be able to stop and put a name with a face. 

Very often, this is a humanizing way of burying your loved ones. It gives them their identity even after they’re gone. 

3. A Quote That Represented Their Bond

Did your loved ones have a comment that they always used to make to one another? This could be something that you have placed on their headstone. Something representative of the way they lived their lives. 

A simple quote can mean quite a bit to some people. Have that quite permanently displayed on their headstone. This way the words they had for one another and their family are never forgotten in time. 

4. Personalized Monument 

Among those headstone inscription ideas could be a whole personalized monument for your loved ones. Having a place where you can go sit and talk with your loved ones is important. This gives you peace of mind that even when they’re gone, you still have that moment. 

A monument would be a great idea for your loved ones. Talk with them about what they would like to see in their final resting areas. They may have a preference before their deaths as well. 

This could give everyone involved peace of mind when it comes to closure. 

5. A Quote About Who They Were Together

Perhaps your loved ones had something quirky while they were together. Or perhaps it was even a way that everyone knew them. Some great gravestone ideas are to commemorate the couple for who they were in life. 

Have their stone reflect something meaningful. Give them a lasting quote that makes everyone who comes to visit their resting spot a reason to smile for a moment. 

Memorials.com can help you to devise a plan to give your loved ones the markers they deserve. 

6. A Note About Their Family Bond

Or perhaps there is a simple word that is always associated with your family. Maybe an etching of the word “beloved” is all your family really wants for their stone. Simple can be just as meaningful as a quote. 

Make a decision as a family about what your loved ones would like to rest under in the event that the worst happens. Ask them if there is a simple word that they would like to be remembered by. 

7. Their Titles Within the Family

A title within a family can be a powerful thing. Some headstones indicate words such as “mother” and “father”. Perhaps these are areas that your loved ones beyond anything else. You may want to have these inscriptions placed on their headstones. 

When you buy a headstone and plot you want to know what you want to be placed on it. This may even help you to decide exactly what your stone should say. 

Choosing Husband and Wife Headstone Inscriptions Can Be Tough

Inscriptions for anyone can be a tough situation to come to terms with. When it comes to choosing husband and wife headstone inscriptions, you want the wording that is going to commemorate both of your loved ones together. We hope that these suggestions have helped you choose the right tone for the beloved couple. 

When it comes to the tough questions, we’re here to help you put an end to them. Take a look through our articles for more tidbits and information. We have a range of articles that may just cover what you’ve been looking for. 

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Alison Lurie
Alison Lurie
Alison Lurie is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.
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