Among the most important functions in which vitamin D intervenes,
it is found that it guarantees the supply of calcium that our bones require and that it strengthens the immune system.
But how do we know when our body needs vitamin D?
7 signs your body urgently needs vitamin D
One of the most important functions in which vitamin D intervenes is the absorption of calcium that
our bones require and that strengthens the immune system. But how do you know when we have a deficiency?
In principle, you should know that the daily amount of this vitamin that an adult needs is 600 IU; although this may vary according to age or other medical conditions.
We can obtain it from foods, such as milk and yogurt .
Supplements are also available, although the best way to obtain it is exposure to the sun ,
always moderate and with the necessary protection.
benefits of the sun, vitamin D
Here are the signs that indicate that you have a vitamin D deficiency.
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If you notice that your head is sweating more than usual, it could be due to a vitamin D deficiency. In case it happens to you, it would be best to consult your doctor.
As we said before, vitamin D affects the good health of our bones. Its deficiency could hinder the body’s ability to supply calcium to bone tissues. In this case, you could feel, for example, weak bones, or pain.
That is why it is recommended to ensure the daily intake of vitamin D and
avoid bone fractures and diseases such as osteoporosis.
Lack of vitamin D can also cause muscle pain or weakness, decreased muscle mass,
or slow recovery after intense physical activity.
If you tend to have viral infections frequently, visit your doctor, as it could be low levels of vitamin D. As we said, it has a very important role in supporting our immune system that defends us from diseases.
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If you feel tired or fatigued very often and for no apparent reason, consult your doctor,
as vitamin D deficiency could be causing it.
Home remedies for hair loss
Vitamin D plays a very important role in the hair growth process,
which is why one of the possible causes of hair loss could have to do with a deficiency.
Finally, vitamin D, after being consumed or synthesized, releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Therefore, its deficiency could cause anxiety, depression or other problems on an emotional level.
sad woman window
If you have any of these symptoms,
you should visit your doctor to give you a more accurate diagnosis and indicate the best treatment to follow.
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Important: It should be clarified that Bioguia does not give medical advice or prescribe the use of techniques as a form of treatment for physical or mental problems without the advice of a doctor, either directly or indirectly.
In the case of applying any information on this site for this purpose, Bioguia does not assume responsibility for those acts.
The intention of the site is only to offer information of a general nature to aid in the pursuit of personal growth and development.
Vitamin D, which has a vital role in cell growth, bone development, calcium absorption,
properly functioning immune system and fighting inflammatory diseases, is found naturally in fewer foods than other vitamins.
Vitamin D is a vitamin that is taken with foods and is especially necessary for bone health.
In the case of vitamin D deficiency, which makes the body more injured than calcium, bones are weak and prone to fracture.
It is also active in the movement of muscles,
the brain transmitting messages to the body through nerves, and the immune system fighting viruses and bacteria.
The most important role of vitamin D, along with calcium, is to protect adults from osteoporosis (bone resorption).
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to health problems such as a weak immune system prone to diseases, increased cancer risk,
unhealthy and late growth of hair, and muscle and bone weakening.
Vitamin D Requirements Vary with Age
The person’s need for vitamin D varies according to age:
600 IU for adults 9–70 years
800 IU over the age of 71
Pregnant and breastfeeding people 600 IU
Generally, the level of vitamin D in the blood below 12 ng/ml has negative consequences for both bones and the body; the desired value is 20 ng / ml.
Since the skin of the elderly and those with dark skin is insufficient to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight,
deficiency can be seen in obese patients because adipose tissue binds to vitamin D.
Vitamin D Storage Salmon and Tuna
The best foods for fat-soluble vitamin D are fish oil (especially tuna and salmon),
liver, cheese, egg yolk, and some mushrooms.
Vitamin D contents in some foods;
Fish Oil: Cod liver oil has traditionally been used to treat vitamin D deficiency. 1 tablespoon contains 3.5 times the daily need for vitamin D.
Tofu and Soy Milk: These types of fortified soy products are generally very rich in vitamin D and calcium.
For example, 100 grams of soy milk (about a large glass of water) meets approximately 20% of the daily vitamin D requirement.
Egg: One egg, which is also rich in B12 and protein,
contains approximately 17.0 IU of vitamin D and this amount corresponds to 4% of his daily need.
Milk and Dairy Products: Whole milk and cheeses are rich in calcium, and some companies supplement their products with vitamin D.
A glass of whole milk contains about 52.0 IU of vitamin D, and
this amount meets 13% of the daily requirement.
Mushrooms: Not all mushrooms contain the same amount of vitamin D,
and the type of mushroom experts recommend for vitamin D is the white “button” mushroom. 100 grams of undercooked button mushrooms meet 7% of the daily vitamin D requirement.
Potato: 100 grams of potatoes, boiled, crushed, and topped with some fatty milk,
meet 1% of the daily vitamin D requirement.
The Harm of Consuming Excess Vitamin D
If the level of vitamin D in the blood is above normal, it causes nausea, vomiting,
loss of appetite, constipation, weakness, and weight loss.
Heart rhythm problems may occur as the calcium level rises.
It can damage the kidneys.
The high level of vitamin D in the blood is always dependent on its excessive use and
therefore it should be used in consultation with the physician.

Vitamin D Source Sun
Vitamin D is called the “daylight vitamin” because our body can produce vitamin D when exposed to the sun. However, it should not be forgotten that sunlight passing through the window has no effect on vitamin D. On cloudy days and in the shade, vitamin D production from sunlight decreases.
However, excessive exposure to the sun may cause skin cancer, so it should not be forgotten to be careful and to use sunscreen creams.
Non-Sun and Breastfeeding Mothers: The vitamin D contained in breast milk depends on the vitamin D level of the mother. However, the vitamin D contained in breast milk is usually not enough to fully meet the baby’s needs.
For this reason, the baby should be taken out
to the sun regularly (at least 10-15 minutes) to make sure that he gets enough vitamin D.
Seniors: As we get older, the body’s ability to produce vitamin D from sunlight can weaken. For this reason, it may be necessary to use vitamin D supplements after certain ages in consultation with an expert.
Dark Skin People: Melanin, a pigment found in the skin, which gives our skin its color,
can reduce its ability to produce vitamin D.
People with Fat Absorption Problems: Vitamin D deficiency can be seen in people
who have fat absorption problems in their body or who follow a diet with very low fat.
Some Medicines: Some drugs that reduce calcium absorption (cholesterol-lowering drugs,
weight loss drugs, epilepsy drugs, etc.) may negatively affect vitamin D production.
Osteoporosis, the Biggest Vitamin D-related Health Problem in the Elderly
If sunlight is not used sufficiently and foods containing vitamin D are not consumed enough,
vitamin D deficiency can be seen. The most common symptoms of deficiency are bone pain and muscle weakness. The biggest health problem associated with vitamin D in the elderly (especially women) is osteoporosis. Bones become prone to breaking, and even the slightest fall can cause difficult bone fractures to heal. In order to prevent this, it is recommended to use calcium and vitamin D for people over 60 years old.
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