How Much Does A Home Health Nurse Make


How much does a certified nursing assistant charge per hour?

Patients and elderly people often need extra care that their relatives cannot give them, either because they do not have the knowledge to do it or because they do not have enough free time. Fortunately, a registered nurse can always be hired to help meet the health, hygiene, and food needs of the patient.

If you would like to dedicate yourself to nursing, you may be wondering how much a nursing assistant earns in the United States. Although the answer will depend on many factors – from the location to the degree of experience that the professional as – we have gathered some information that could be of great help. This way you will know how much you could earn per year if you dedicate yourself to this profession.

What is a certified nurse or CNA?

Nursing aides, technical nurses, or certified nurses (CNAs) belong to the health sector. Its main function is to provide medical care at home – or in organizations and hospitals – for patients or elderly people who need it.

To obtain the nursing certification, you must go through a training process and – later – apply for the credentials. This request is made by the state; therefore, if you decide to become a nurse and move, you will have to re-enroll.

To take state-approved training, you will need to have a high school diploma. At you can find the training program closest to your location by entering the zip code in the search information box.2

What are the types of nurses that exist?

In addition to the nursing assistant or registered nurse, there are other types of nurses who usually supervise the work of the aides:

  • Registered Nurse or RN – Registered nurses oversee the work of CNAs and LVPs. To become a registered nurse, you must earn a medical degree with a minor in nursing and pass the NCLEX-RN exam. Most RN nurses specialize in a specific area, such as neonatal nursing or geriatric nursing.
  • Licensed Nurse, LVN, or LPN: In addition to a high school diploma, a licensed nurse must pass state trainings, a nursing course, and the National Council Licensing Examination, known by its acronym NCLEX-PN. The license lasts for one year and must be renewed before the term, but – unlike certified nurses – they enable the professional to work throughout the United States.

How much does a nursing assistant earn in the United States?

According to information published by BLS, the annual salary for a CNA stands at $ 28,530. However, this amount may vary depending on some elements that we will see later.

In fact, in the state of California, a registered nurse can get from $ 29,750 to $ 45,000 for their services.4

What does the annual salary of a registered nurse depend on?

Basically, the employer, the location, and your experience. For example, CNA nurses caring for patients in government organizations can increase their income by almost $ 4,000 a year more than the average. In hospitals, the annual salary extra can reach USD $ 6,000.

In terms of location, nursing assistant positions in large American cosmopolitan cities – such as New York – are priced between USD $ 42,000 and USD $ 45,000 annually.

If the auxiliary nurse has more than 5 years of experience, this salary could increase by 15% per year; although the best way to earn more income is by becoming a licensed nurse, executive nurse, or registered nurse.

How much does a private nurse charge per hour?

According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, a private practice nurse (CNA) can charge between $ 10.24 and $ 19 per hour. However, you may enjoy certain non-monetary benefits, such as food, snacks, and beverages during the day; free housing, and transportation vouchers.

These added benefits depend on the family that hires the nurse. Some even give an extra game of money so that you can go for a walk with the patient, to eat out, to accompany him to do his daily tasks, etc.

If the nurse is full-time, she may be entitled to pay a surcharge during night hours equal to 50% or 75% of the regular rate.

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