How to check your voicemail on Android



To call voicemail on Android, open the Phone app, press and hold the “1” key. You can also read your messages using your provider’s Visual Voicemail application or a third-party application.

Did you know you can call your voicemail on your phone or someone else’s? Major carriers like AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and US Cellular make it easy. Here’s how to check your voicemail on Android.

How to Check Your Voicemail on an Android Phone

The easiest way to check your voicemail inbox is by calling your voicemail using your own phone. Here’s how to do it using various methods and providers.

How to call your voicemail on any carrier

To call voicemail on Android, open the Phone app, and then press and hold the “1” key. It may have a voicemail icon, but it should work even if you don’t see that voicemail icon.

While we’ve got instructions here for the most popular mobile carriers in the US with additional tips, here’s the most important thing to know.

Dial 1 from the Android Phone app.

Listen to your AT&T voicemails

If you have AT&T, launch the Phone app on your phone and touch and hold 1 . This will dial your voice mail system.

Once you’re connected, enter your voicemail password and you’ll hear your unheard voicemails. Saved voice messages can be accessed by pressing 1 on the keyboard.

Do you want to see your messages on your screen? Use visual voicemail. You can download the official AT&T Visual Voicemail app on your Android phone.

Access your Verizon voicemails

If you’re a Verizon subscriber, access your voicemail by launching the Phone app and dialing *86 or by pressing and holding 1 .

When you are connected to the system, enter your voicemail password. You can now listen to your available voice messages.

Optionally, you can access your Visual Voicemail using the Voicemail app in your phone’s app drawer.

Listen to your T-Mobile voicemails

T-Mobile offers you two ways to access your voicemails.

The first way is to open the Phone app and press and hold 1 to connect to your voice mail system. Then enter your password.

The second way is to dial this voicemail number: 1-805-637-7249. When you hear the voice mail greeting, press the key * (asterisk) sign to discontinue. Next, type your voicemail password.

Dial 1-805-637-7249 and press *.

For Visual Voicemail, you’ll need to use T-Mobile’s Visual Voicemail app.

Find your US Cellular Voicemails

If you use your Android phone with US Cellular, then from the Phone app on your phone, check *86or your own 10-digit mobile number. You can also press and hold 1 . When prompted, enter your voicemail password to access your available voicemails.

For Visual Voicemail, you can download and use a free app like Voxist.

How to dial voicemail from another phone

If you don’t have access to your own phone, don’t worry. You can use any phone to access your voicemails with multiple carriers. That is how.

Get access to your AT&T voicemails

From your other phone, dial your 10-digit AT&T number. When the voicemail greeting is playing, interrupt it by pressing the button * (asterisk) button. If you reached the primary voicemail system, enter your 10-digit AT&T phone number and press the key * (asterisk) sign.

When prompted, enter your voicemail password.

Retrieve your Verizon voicemails

To listen to your Verizon voicemails, from your other phone, dial your 10-digit Verizon phone number. When you hear the voice mail greeting, press the key # wrench.

Enter your voicemail password and you will have access to all your voicemails.

Listen to your T-Mobile voicemails

From any phone, dial your T-Mobile phone number and let the voicemail greeting play. Then press the button * (asterisk) sign on your keyboard.

Dial your own phone number and press *.

Enter your voicemail password and you will be in your voicemail system.

Access your US Cellular Voicemails

On your other phone, launch the Phone app and dial your 10-digit US mobile phone number. When the voice mail greeting plays, press the key * (star) key. Then, enter your voicemail password and you will have access to all your received voicemails.

Once connected to your provider’s voicemail system, use the following shortcuts to quickly save, delete, or replay your voicemail messages.

Conveyor save message delete message repeat message
AT&T Extension press 9 press 7 Press 0, then 4
Verizon press 9 press 7 press 4
T Mobile press 9 press 7 press 1
usa cell press 2 press 3 press 1

RELATED: How to set up a voicemail greeting on Android
