How To Fall Asleep Fast: 6 Effective Ways To Overcome Insomnia

How To Fall Asleep Fast: 6 Effective Ways To Overcome Insomnia

Sleeping is easy; anyone can master the art without being taught. It is one of the first activities every living creature learns once they come into existence. 

Sleeping is more than a pleasurable activity; it is healthy for the body and mind. Getting enough sleep energizes the body, helps strained muscles relax, and calms the brain. However, a lack of sleep affects a large population, especially adults. Research shows that about 33 percent of adults have chronic insomnia. People with sleep disorders don’t fall asleep as fast as they should. 

For centuries, there have been various remedies for insomnia. Although some remedies are effective, many don’t live up to expectations. Overcoming sleep disorders, especially insomnia, is possible, and here are six effective ways to do that. 

1. Try Kratom Strains

There are various medications for sleep disorders, most of which are lab-generated. For an organic alternative, try kratom. While kratom can bring pain relief and increased appetite, it can also lessen sleeping disorders. When consumed in appropriate doses, kratom can act as a sedative, causing a heightened sense of calm and relief. It can eradicate the discomfort that may be causing sleeplessness. Kratom can help balance your mood and help with insomnia. You can find high-quality, organic Red Sumatra on sale in various online stores.

2. Avoid Eating Heavy Meals Before Bedtime

The class and quantity of food you consume before going to bed affect how you sleep. If you eat heavy meals before bed, you may find it difficult to fall asleep. When you consume too much food, it takes your body a more extended period to digest them. Eating heavy meals right before bedtime can also make you uncomfortable in bed. Eat foods that digest quickly in small quantities before bed for better quality sleep. Also, avoid foods like nuts, beef, and bacon before bed. These foods take much longer to digest.

3. Develop A Sleep Schedule


While the body plays a vital role in how fast you fall asleep, the brain does as well. Kids easily fall asleep near their bedtime because their brains are acclimatized to relaxing at that period. Plan a sleep schedule for yourself. While you do this, ensure to stay away from or turn off your phone at least an hour before. It takes discipline to stick to a sleep schedule. Be committed to this routine until your mind and body adjust to it. 

4. Avoid Taking Naps Past Noon

Sleeping for a few minutes during the day can renew your energy and relax your brain. However, taking naps come at a cost; you may find it difficult to sleep at night. In most cases, those who often take naps during the day don’t fall asleep until very late at night. Although naps can be beneficial, avoid them when improving your sleeping habits. Taking naps past noon can deprive you of sleep when it matters most – at night. 

5. Engage In A Boring Activity


The brain typically reacts to boring activities by putting the body to sleep. That’s why you start yawning only a few minutes into a long lecture or when you’re taking a long bus or train ride. Therefore, start engaging in boring activities to enhance sleep. To achieve better results, ensure that these activities can be done on your bed. 

You can try reading books as it is more effective for non-readers. Also, listen to music you consider boring. For instance, if you love upbeat, high-tempo electronic dance music, listen to slow jazz or opera while you’re on your bed instead. While you do this, keep your phone far away and turn off the WiFi to ensure you don’t receive any notifications. Staying away from your electronic devices and social media can also be boring. 

6. Cut Down On Caffeine


Consuming caffeinated drinks to stay awake is a life hack as old as time. For many working-class people, having coffee is a habit, as they do this daily. Also, some people always have a bottle of soda each time they eat. Caffeine, the main ingredient in coffee that keeps the mind awake, can be effective for staying awake during the day. Thus, you need to cut down your coffee or caffeine intake to help you sleep better. The average half-life of caffeine is 5 hours. Avoid taking them past noon so that only a tiny amount of caffeine remains in your system at night.


Retrieved from this article, lack of sleep can result from a range of psychological factors such as stress or illness. Sleep is one of the simplest activities of every living creature, including humans and animals. Even gadgets need to shut down now and then to help them last longer. Although sleeping is perhaps the most effortless activity to perform, it doesn’t come easy to many due to certain sleep disorders. Changing your sleeping routine, eating habits, and taking kratom strains can help you get better sleep. Getting adequate sleep is vital to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, if insomnia persists after employing these methods, consult a doctor.