Adobe Photoshop will soon be free for everyone, thanks to a basic version of the web-based application. The company is currently testing the free trial in Canada, where those interested can access Photoshop’s suite of editing tools from a web browser.
According to the edgeAs long as you have a free Adobe account and you’re in Canada, you can access Photoshop. Then soon Adobe wants to offer a free web version of Photoshop so everyone can introduce the service to more users.
Please note that this is a basic stripped down version of the popular photo editing app, but you will still be able to enjoy all the main features.

The company calls it “freemium” access and will eventually offer additional features to paying subscribers. That way you can use just the core features if you need to or pay for some extra controls. Or, you know, you could buy the full Photoshop package. The move is likely a way for Photoshop to get its software into more hands rather than Photoshop alternatives.
Adobe released the web app last year and has since added several tools, including refine edges, curves, dodge and burn, smart object conversion, etc. And while the company didn’t share too many details about upcoming features, or when it will open the free version to more people, we have a feeling it will be sooner rather than later.
In the meantime, Adobe will continue to add new features, like mobile support for reviewing and commenting on images, and expect more soon. We’ll let you know once we know more or when it opens up to other regions.
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