Capia Pepper Seedling Growing, Cultivation Soil Requirements

Capia Pepper

Capia Pepper Seedling Growing

The capia pepper plant is in the group of plants that love the heat. It is grown depending on environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, soil, and air humidity to provide optimum development. Capia Pepper needs more heat in the early stages of growth.

During the vegetation period, the temperature should be at 15 degrees for the process to develop well.

The optimum temperature should be 18-26 degrees. If the temperatures begin to drop below 15 degrees, the plants will be damaged and the yield that can be taken will decrease.

The most important factor that increases the bitterness for Capia Pepper Cultivation is the temperature.

During the development period, if the daytime temperature is 21-26 degrees, and the night temperature is 15-17 degrees, pepper growth will be at a high level. During the growing period, the temperature is below zero -2,

Capia Pepper Cultivation Soil Requirements

Peppers benefit from light and temperature as well as moisture and benefit for development. In a dry environment, they cannot develop well. Plants should not be left without water. In the soil, there should always be 60-70% moisture.

In addition to its liking to water, roots are sensitive to excess water. It rots quickly and fungal diseases begin to occur. With the decrease in water, the fruits remain small and no enlargement occurs. Most of the time, flower spills occur.

In the pepper plant, when the air temperature drops below 15 degrees and rises above 32 degrees, decreases occur in the yield.

Pepper seed is a good development and high yield, the best results can be obtained from the loamy soils called garden soil, which is very deep, permeable, has the ability to hold water, and is rich in nutrients and organic matter.

However, sandy-clay soils should be preferred if abundant crops are desired, although it is late. Peppers give the best results in a pH 6.0-6.5 soil reaction.

Capia pepper cultivation should be done in mid-March. Germination is seen within 8-10 days. After the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, the tubes should be transplanted.

Planting is done in the main planting places in the middle of May. Row spacing should be 60-70 cm, row spacing should be 30-40 cm.

Capia Pepper Cultivation

October Information

Capia Pepper Cultivation is in the group of plants that love the heat. It depends on environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, soil, and air humidity in order to provide optimum development.

In the early stages of Capia Pepper cultivation, there is a greater need for heat. During the vegetation period, the temperature should be 15 degrees for the process to develop well.

The optimum temperature should be 18-26 degrees. If temperatures begin to drop below 15 degrees, the plants will be damaged and the yield that can be taken will decrease.

The most important factor that increases the rate of bitterness in pepper is the temperature. During the development period, the daytime temperature is 21-26 degrees, while the night temperature is 15-17 degrees.

When the temperature reaches -2, -3 degrees below zero during the growing period, the plants die completely.

Capia Pepper Soil

Soils rich in organic matter, containing various nutrients, loamy, loamy-sandy, good water holding capacity, quick heating,

deep, permeable, well-drained soils are suitable for pepper Heavy-clay and excessive water-holding soils and completely sandy soils suitable for pepper agricultur.

Pepper is affected by excessive water in heavy soils with insufficient drainage, although it is desired to have a high level of soil moisture due to the superficial root system. Pepper is very sensitive to soil salinity.

Capia Pepper Water Requests

Pepper is a water-loving plant. Optimum soil moisture is required to be around 70-80% of the field capacity and the relative humidity of the air around 60-70%. Root activity increases in humid conditions.

When there is insufficient moisture, growth slows down and the trunk becomes woody. Fruit set decreases, fruits remain small and flower casts occur.

If water is not given for a long time, there will be a significant loss of efficiency 3. Water should be given regularly and at certain intervals. Plants are very susceptible to drought during the first flowering period.

For this reason, light irrigation can be done at frequent intervals during this period. Roots are very sensitive to excess water. It rots and gets sick quickly.

Due to its fringe root structure, pepper requires less and more frequent water. Excessive rainfall during the time of fruit binding causes weak fruit binding. Fruits are susceptible to anthracnose disease. In hot weather

Capia Pepper Planting

Capia pepper cultivation should be done in mid-March. Germination is seen in 8-10 days. After the seedlings have 3-4 leaves, they can be transplanted into tubes. Planting is done in the main planting places in the middle of May. Row spacing should be 60-70 cm, row spacing should be 30-40 cm.

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