Do electric vehicles really require less maintenance? – Geeky Review



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If you’re like many others considering an electric vehicle for your next car, you probably have a lot of questions. Owning an EV has several benefits, such as saving money and avoiding the gas pump, but electric vehicles also require much less maintenance.

But do they really? It’s a common question and comment in the debate between gasoline cars and electric vehicles. Regardless of the type of ride you’re about to purchase, maintenance and repairs are something everyone should be aware of.

So with that in mind, below we’ll go over a few things you need to know about electric vehicles and maintenance costs.

Is the maintenance of electric vehicles cheaper?

Electric vehicle charging next to a wall
Buffaloboy /

Electric vehicles do not have as many parts or mechanical components as a normal internal combustion engine (ICE) car. As a result, maintenance is absolutely cheaper on an EV. According to the Department of Energyit’s easier to own an EV, plug-in hybrid vehicle, or even a regular electric hybrid vehicle than its gasoline-powered counterparts.

Another report from the Department of Energy explains that the savings are almost 40% if you buy an EV. Most gas vehicles end up costing around $0.10 per mile when you factor in maintenance, gas, new tires, etc., over the life of the vehicle. On an EV, it’s closer to $0.06, if not less.

There are more than 20 common maintenance components of a normal car engine that electric vehicles don’t need. We’re talking about tune ups, engine filters, oil changes, spark plugs, drive belts or chains that squeak like crazy, emission system (EVAP) hoses, leaks, O2 sensors, transmission flushes, faulty catalytic converters and more.

And those are just the common ones. If you look at the big picture, most gasoline vehicles have hundreds and hundreds of moving parts.

A Consumer Reports study suggests that people with regular vehicles will often spend more than $4,600 more on repairs and maintenance over the life of the vehicle. Of course, repairs on an EV can also be expensive and time consuming, but that goes for any car. In general, you’ll have less to maintain, repair, and worry about with an EV.

this is why

All current Tesla models lined up

They don’t call dealerships “thieves” for nothing. That’s because the average maintenance repair on a regular gas-powered vehicle often costs upwards of $600 per visit, if not more when you take it to a mechanic or dealer. If your transmission fails, you’ll be spending several thousand dollars on a hefty repair bill.

Fun fact, electric vehicles don’t have transmissions. The unique electric motor doesn’t have to shift and change gears as speed increases. As a result, there are no moving transmission parts, no tranny fluid, and far fewer things to go wrong. And that’s only when we’re talking about repairs, let alone maintenance.

The battery, motor, and all the electronic components to drive the entire system in an electric vehicle require little or no maintenance. You don’t have to check or change the oil, there aren’t as many fluids or hoses, and as we said before, there are simply fewer moving parts.

But what about the brakes? Electric vehicles are fast and have tons of power, torque and speed, and won’t you spend a ton of money on brake pads and rotors? No. In fact, brake wear is significantly less on an EV thanks to regenerative braking. And while the system reduces braking, it also recharges the battery, saving you money and allowing more driving range per charge.

Regular maintenance of electric vehicles

Michelin EV tires on a sports car

Even if electric vehicles don’t have as many moving parts, it doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything. Electric vehicles aren’t completely maintenance-free, and there are some regular things you’ll want to do just like you would on any vehicle.

A good example is new tires or the occasional tire rotation. On the other hand, you should rotate the tires fairly often on any vehicle. Or, in some situations, get a tire alignment.

Aside from that, you’ll also want to do some other regular maintenance. These include changing the wiper blades when necessary, adding more windshield washer fluid, and cleaning or replacing the cabin air filter. Electric vehicles have a lot of fuses, so it could be a maintenance issue. Then again, so does a normal car.

Perhaps the biggest “maintenance” aspect of an electric vehicle is its battery. All electric vehicle manufacturers suggest keeping the battery between 20% and 80% charged for optimal health, which will occasionally be a challenge for some owners. And yes, a battery can fail, but that’s what the warranty is for. All electric vehicles in the United States come with a battery warranty of 8 years or more, as required by law.

Electric vehicles have heat pumps and refrigeration systems to keep batteries at optimal temperatures. Still, most of them are completely internal, built into the battery pack and require no owner maintenance.

As you can see, EVs don’t need those frequent oil changes every 3,000 or 5,000 miles, tons of kid-topped fluids at your nearby auto shop, and there’s generally a lot less to worry about.

In closing, it’s important to remember that any vehicle, gas or electric, will wear out over time and may need to be addressed. We’re talking about replacing tires and brake pads, worn seats or fabric, windshield cracks, and potential suspension issues.

No vehicle is perfect, but the amount of time and money you’ll have to spend on maintenance or repairs is significantly less when it comes to electric cars.
