Drink oregano tea and be amazed by its benefits (RECIPE)

oregano tea
Photo by Olenka Sergienko on Pexels.com

The oregano tea is one of the infusions with increased health benefits, because although most use it to regulate the menstrual period or “rule”, it is also good for diseases of the respiratory and digestive. You will run to make oregano tea when you finish reading what it does to your body!

According to a publication of the National Library of Medicine of the United States, oregano is ingested for respiratory tract disorders: cough, asthma, allergies, and bronchitis, as it is known for expectorant properties.

Oregano tea benefits:

Stomach problems: The oregano tea also helps reduce discomfort from stomach problems such as heartburn or parasites, as research by ADP Biotic Research Corporation, mentions that twice a day on food for six weeks, helps fight parasites.

Menstruation: Oregano tea is one of the home remedies used to regulate menstruation, reduce inflammation, and reduce menstrual cramps.

Wound healing: the application of oregano extract directly on the skin, helps rapid healing and with it, the reduction of wound infections.

The oregano tea also benefits the reduction of headaches, canker sores, warts, acne, and insect repellent.

How to prepare oregano tea :

Place in a liter of boiling water, a handful of oregano leaves (they can be fresh or dried), boil for three minutes. Remove from the heat and let it rest for five minutes. Use a strainer and remove the oregano leaves. Serve and you can sweeten with a tablespoon of honey.

How to use:

A cup of oregano tea in the morning and another in the evening.

The oregano is one of the herbs most commonly used in the home because it has substances that help reduce symptoms: cold, cough, or upset stomach.

Remember how important it is to consult with your doctor because although it is a natural product, not everyone can consume it. Above all, it is not recommended in case of pregnancy, lactation, diabetes, allergies, or bleeding disorders.