HomeTechnologyNewsGoogle's new adventure game places you in ancient Mesoamerica

Google’s new adventure game places you in ancient Mesoamerica

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Google Arts and Culture

The Google Arts and Culture division has just released its first game. Noble descent of the serpentThis top-down adventure game transports you to ancient Mesoamerica, where you must collect artifacts to save the world from a global flood.

This game, which is intended for adults and children, places a great emphasis on education. The artifacts and places you discover are complemented by real-world photos, fun facts, and other information.

an in-game image in Descent of the Serpent
Google Arts and Culture

You can also choose from various characters, who wear outfits inspired by indigenous South American culture. And in particular, descent of the serpent It was created with the help of the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico.

The gameplay in descent of the serpent it is similar to a classic Zelda game, with a top-down view and basic controls. There are obstacles and enemies around every corner, although these enemies can only kill you in “Challenge” mode. (They can only stun you in easy mode.)

descent of the serpent it’s free to play on the Google Arts and Culture website. The web-based game works on both desktop and mobile devices, although you can also access it from the Arts and Culture iOS or Android app.

Download on the Apple App StoreGet it on google play

Source: Google via The Verge


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