How Students Can Save Money While Being in College

Photo by Alexander Mils on
  1. A student who receives a scholarship and lives separately from his or her parents has to save money every month. To save money correctly, you need to study all prices, prepare a shopping list for a month, and much more. In this article, we will fully explain how students can save money while being in college.
  1. Money-saving tips for students 
  2. Plan your budget

Try to plan your budget. To do this, download the application to your smartphone or tablet, which shows prices and promotions in stores. Also, find an application for accounting finance. Write down those foods that are low cost but high in calories on a piece of paper. For example, include cereals, pasta, vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots), dairy products, chicken. Then, create a menu for the week and make it varied so that the dishes do not become boring. 

  1. Use discounts

Find out about all the discounts and promotions in your city for students. For example, you might occasionally dine at a student café or go to free museums. Cinemas have student’s day during the week when the student can buy a half-price ticket. 

  1. Visit your family

Visit family and friends often. A warm welcome can be accompanied by a tasty treat. Just don’t come completely empty-handed. Otherwise, people will think you are using them.

  1. Walk more

Walk more after classes if you have nothing to do. By doing this, you can make new friends. During an interesting conversation, a person forgets about food and may not notice how time has passed.

  1. Withdraw money

Withdraw money from the card immediately. When a person does not see money, he or she cannot understand how much he or she is actually spending.

  1. Don’t refuse to take food

If parents give you long-lasting foods, take them. This will save you in a hungry period. If you have a principle of not taking anything from your parents, narrow it down to “take no money.” Parents do not eat salted and canned food often because they are used to buying fresh food from the store. After a year or two, they are thrown away anyway. Therefore, in this case, you should not pretend to be a strong and independent person.

  1. Look for a part-time job

Get the courage and start looking for a part-time job. Let it be working as a promoter for 2-3 hours a day, but you will have extra pennies. Nowadays, young people can find themselves freelancing. With the development in any business, the rate for 1 hour of work increases. 

  1. Immerse yourself in your studies

If you don’t want to be distracted from your studies, then immerse yourself in it. Those who can excel and receive a grant can be issued a scholarship. 

  1. Sell something

In the most difficult moments, you can sell something from old and unused things on online ads boards. You can sell clothes, electronics, furniture.

  1. Watch YouTube

Watch videos on YouTube, how people can save money. This will help not only to take the right example but also to be motivated. Even if you want to take money from your parents, after watching this video, you will change your mind.

So, we have listed ten tips to help a student save money while being in college. They are based on the personal experiences of many former students. Therefore, use secrets and help your classmates.