If you want to take advantage of Microsoft Office drawing tools in PowerPoint, you can add an animation to your drawing to make it a useful demonstration.
This allows you to create anything from a basic letter to teach a student how to write to a fully detailed mockup to show your team a process.
Create your drawing in PowerPoint
When you visit the Draw tab in PowerPoint, you’ll see all of your ink tools at the top. You can choose a pen, pencil, or highlighter, choose the thickness of the line, and choose a color or pattern.
Each continuous line you use becomes an element on the slide. You can select and move these items using the arrow on the left side of the ribbon.
To animate one of these elements, select it and go to the Animations tab.
RELATED: How to Make a Typewriter or Command Line Animation in PowerPoint
Animate drawing in PowerPoint
With the drawing or part of the drawing selected, choose “Play” or “Rewind” in the Animation box on the ribbon. Replay shows your drawing from start to finish, while Rewind shows it from start to finish.
Note: You’ll only see these animation options for drawings you create with the ink tools.
Click “Preview” on the left side of the ribbon to see the animation in action. You should see your drawing as if you were creating it for the first time.
If you want to animate an entire drawing that contains more than one part, simply select each additional part in the order you want to display them and apply the Play or Rewind effect.
You can then use the tools in the Timing section of the ribbon to choose how to start the animation on the slide, the duration for how fast the animation moves, and the delay to delay the animation for a few seconds.
Along with the Play and Rewind animations specific to the pen and drawing tools, you can apply other effects to your drawing if you like. Select the drawing or part of it, click “Add Animation” in the Advanced Animation section of the ribbon, and choose the additional effect.
Note that the animations are displayed in the order you apply them. To adjust this order, select the animation number and use the Move Earlier or Move Later button on the right side of the ribbon. You can also open the Animation Panel and drag effects to rearrange them.
RELATED: How to Reorder Animations in Microsoft PowerPoint
Animations have their place in PowerPoint, and displaying a drawing as you created it is a great use. For more information, see how to animate part of a chart so that it stands out or displays one line at a time in a bullet list.