No matter how clean you are, if you have AirPods, they will end up full of earwax and all kinds of dirt.
If you are one of those people who has never thought about cleaning your headphones, we have news for you that you are not going to like.
Read on to learn everything you need to know about it and how to clean AirPods.
Why should you clean your AirPods?
Experts say headphones are often overlooked when it comes to routine cleaning, which can increase health risks. Earbuds are a magnet for all sorts of dirt and bacteria (yes, that means your case is unsightly, too). The accumulation of all those dirty substances can not only damage performance and the lifespan of your AirPods, but you can also cause excess earwax, ear pain, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and infections.
It’s not funny.
And if you train with your AirPods, the humidity gives your sweat can add more vulgarity to the situation – more bacteria.
As with any electronic device, cleaning should be done with care. This is especially true of AirPods. Doing it the wrong way could damage them.
But do not worry! We’ll show you how to clean Apple AirPods, keep your ears healthy and your audio clear.
The method recommended by Apple
Before reading on, you should know that AirPods are water resistant, not waterproof. This means that they can withstand a few drops of rain, but are not suitable for cleaning with, for example, running water. You should use any liquid cleaning solution by carefully following the cleaning tips in this article.
Apple’s method is very easy to follow.
- A dry, lint-free cloth (like the one you use to clean your glasses)
- a cotton ball
- Optionally, an alcohol wipe.
Clean your AirPods with a dry, lint-free cloth.
Cleansed tender points such as the speaker mesh and microphone, clean them with a dry cotton swab.
Apple also recommends using 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes, 75% ethyl alcohol wipes, or Clorox disinfecting wipes to clean the exterior.
This very superficial method is excellent in most cases. But if you have a problem with the sound, it could be due to the accumulation of dirt inside it.
This is what you can do:
Deep cleaning method. How to clean earwax from AirPods
Cleaning AirPods is a difficult task because they have hard-to-reach places. But you can still do it using this method from AskUncleDave.
If you want to know how to clean earwax from AirPods, this is the safe way:
- Hydrogen peroxide
- A paper clip or toothpick
- Cotton swabs/Q-Tips
- A damp cloth or cloth
- Hair dryer
First carefully scrape off visible external build-up of dirt with an open paper clip or toothpick (or something similar). be careful how the shirt is very delicate. Tap the capsules on a flat surface to remove any dirt.
Dip a cotton ball in a hydrogen peroxide solution. it just has to be wet, do not soak. The peroxide will soften any earwax trapped in the web. Just clean the holes.
Heat well with the hair dryer to liquefy the earwax from the AirPods. Obviously, don’t do it for too long at maximum settings. You only need enough to melt the wax.
Blow through the side and speaker holes, then wipe clean. You must alternate the holes until everything comes out. It’s disgusting, yes. But the alternative is to use those headphones with all the dirt.
Repeat everything on the other earphone. Ta-Da!
No amount of dry cloth as suggested by Apple will have the same effect. This is the best way to clean AirPods.
How to clean AirPods Pro
The process is basically the same, except for the rubber tips. Good thing it’s not rocket science dealing with them.
Unlike the AirPods themselves, the rubber tips can resist water. Take them out of the headphones and rinse them. Do not use abrasive cleaners. You can use a cotton swab to remove dirt. Then you can clean them with a dry cloth.
Make sure they are completely free of moisture before putting them back.
How to clean an AirPods case?
If you want bacteria-free AirPods, the charging case is part of the equation. You don’t need much:
- a dry cloth
- optional alcohol wipes
- Cotton swab
- A soft bristle brush
Use a toothbrush (such as an unused toothbrush) to remove any dirt inside.
You can use a slightly moistened cotton ball to get visible stains, but moisture must not reach the charging ports.
Dampen a cloth in water or isopropyl alcohol and wipe down the outside of the case. Dry it well with a cloth before using it.
If you abuse alcohol/water while cleaning your AirPods case and moisture gets in, turn the charging case over and let it dry with the lid open.
Final thoughts on how to clean AirPods.
Let’s face it, AirPods can get really dirty. And the truth is, most people never clean theirs.
Not only is this disgusting (yes, we’re judging), but it could also ruin your devices.
So whether you choose the Apple method or the Deep Clean method, know this:
You’re doing your ears and your wallet a favor.
Can earwax ruin AirPods?
Wax on your AirPods and uncleaned dirt can not only affect the sound, but can also promote bacteria. Even cleaning your AirPods the wrong way could damage them.
Can AirPods give you an ear infection?
AirPods and any headphones or earphones that go directly into the ear are a breeding ground for bacteria. This can lead to problems like excess earwax, infections, and tinnitus. Wearing them for a long time also creates moisture and raises the temperature in the ear canal, which makes the problem worse. So yes, dirty AirPods do sometimes cause ear infections. The solution is to clean them regularly.
Can I clean my AirPods with alcohol?
Apple recommends using 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes, 75% ethyl alcohol wipes, or Clorox disinfecting wipes to clean the exterior of the headphones. Avoid harsh chemicals as they can damage the plastic. And of course, prevent moisture from entering the interior of your AirPods.
Can the Apple Store clean your AirPods?
According to some netizens, yes. You can ask your local Apple store to clean them for free. If that’s too embarrassing, the article above will teach you how to clean your AirPods yourself.
If your AirPods have a sound issue, it’s best to get them checked at the Apple Store. You may be eligible for a replacement if you have an active warranty.