How to grow pumpkins plant seeds, dry grow pumpkin seeds and Benefits

when do you plant pumpkin seeds
pumpkin companion plants
how to grow pumpkins successfully

How to grow pumpkins successfully

When you know how to grow pumpkins plant seeds and germinate pumpkin seeds, you do it forever.
Also, when you know all the benefits of grow pumpkin seed, the next thing you want to do is have your own garden.

 For this,

it is necessary to take into account several steps that we are going to tell you and thus be able to harvest pumpkins like an expert.

Follow the steps below and discover everything you need to know to germinate, plant, and dry grow pumpkin seeds. You will have enough time to learn and put your skills to use directly on the ground.

Germinate The Grow Pumpkin Seeds

The germination process of grow pumpkin seeds requires a lot of attention. In addition, it is a perfect method to obtain strong roots that later transplant.

To carry out this process step by step, we must first take into account an important piece of information. Grow Pumpkin seeds can be found in nurseries or health food stores.

Certainly we can use the freshly taken from the vegetable,

only those that are processed are already prepared for cultivation and are treated with chemicals.

In this way, the seeds that are already dried and prepared will have a faster germination process. 

Anyway, if you have enough time and the desire to do the steps yourself,

read on and learn how to plant and germinate the seeds.

How pumpkins grow

Let’s get started:

Step 1: As we have mentioned, it is necessary that you have seeds suitable for their correct germination . 

You can deal with those that are extracted from the vegetable, but there is a possibility that they will not grow pumpkins.

Step 2 : place absorbent paper in a plastic container or pot, if you don’t have this paper on hand you can use newspaper. 

Moisten the paper in the bottom of the pot and now it will be time to place the seeds on top of the wet paper.

Then we proceed to carefully place a little more napkin on top, it must also be damp.

It is important to always keep the paper moist,

not full of water because it could drown the roots once they emerge.

Step 3 : Once we have our containers and see that they are still wet on paper,

We continue to place them in a place that expels heat or is quite warm.

Many people use electrical appliances to give them the necessary heat.

Step 4 : Always check that the paper is still wet. After approximately 4 days we will be able to see the roots of our shoots.

Now it will be a matter of keeping them that way until you see that they do not have space to expand their roots,

It will be time to plant them .

how to grow pumpkins


creative ways to grow pumpkins

The germination process precedes the sowing process,

Now will be the time to move the small stems to a place with more room to grow pumpkins.

The grow pumpkin seeds must be planted in a place with high humidity ,

However, the cold will not allow them to grow pumpkin strongly, as is the case in strong winters.

So the planting will depend on the date and the place of sowing . It is best to move the small stems to a place with moist soil and follow these steps:

In order to Pumpkins plant

Step 1 : Depth is important. 

In order to plant them we must leave approximately a hole with a measurement of 5 to 8 cm deep, always letting the stem stick out from the surface.

If the land where you are going to plant is very wet from rains, you should create mounds of earth to prevent the roots from drowning.

 The recommended measurement would be approximately 10 centimeters.

Grow pumpkins

Step 2 : We place the stem in the direction of where we want our pumpkin to grow. The distance that we must respect between one plant and the other will be approximately 2 meters.

There are small pumpkin seeds to plant where you can leave a smaller distance, up to 1 meter between plants.

How To Grow Pumpkin Seeds With Care And Watering

Step 3 : If everything has gone well so far, we continue with the care process and water .

As we said, they need a lot of humidity. In addition, their roots tend to be very deep and the water must reach them.

So you can measure the moisture in the soil with a stick long enough. 

You just have to bury it near the plants and when you remove it you will see if it comes out dry or wet.

If the soil appears very dry and dusty, feel free to water the area until it looks moist and healthy.

The recommended time to water the plants is in the morning . In this way, we give you the opportunity to distribute your properties during the day to your leaves.

Excess water would also be bad for plants, so when the soil looks wet avoid watering again. The health of our plants depends on us and keeping them healthy is a necessary job.

Grow Pumpkin plant

Fertilize the soil for grow pumpkin plant

Step 4 : Fertilize the soil where you have your plants. I recommend that you use an organic compost for this. Fertilizing the land is of the utmost importance to bring them health.

In case you didn’t know, if the stem and the plant are strong, the weed does not appear. 

Germinated plants absorb fertilizer nutrients much better, so it is advisable to apply the fertilization technique once the seeds have germinated.

Protect your Pumpkin from pests and insects.

Step 5: Protect your plants from pests and insects.

We know it sounds like a never-ending fight, but grow pumpkin plants’ biggest enemies are beetles,

so we need to keep them out of the way if we see them lurking around the plants.

Another way to keep insects away is with a mixture of water with a little soap. We clean the leaves with this mixture and keep pests away.

You can also make use of the mixture of water with ammonia

 The dangerous thing about this is that you can keep the bees away and

They are very important for their health when you plant them.

But there is a solution,

you can clean the leaves of your plant with the mixture at night,

So you will not affect the bees that would be in their hives.

On the other hand, we recommend that you be very careful with this.

It can be dangerous for the plant if we use this type of mixture.


What we can be waiting for for a long time will be the harvest of our orange vegetables. But how do you know when it’s time to harvest the pumpkins?

There are many signs that show us that the time has come. The harvesting process is simple and does not require much effort.

To learn how to properly harvest pumpkins , follow these steps and don’t get lost in the process:

Harvest pumpkins Step 1

We must be aware of the signs that our plants show,

advising us that they are ready to be harvested.

One of these signs is color,

we can usually notice a bright color in the vegetable (orange) except for other types of pumpkins such as white ones.

To collect the pumpkins , use a shear to cut the stems.

Another important sign is the shell, it must be hard and resistant. If we can scratch the surface easily then it will be an indication that it needs more time to harvest.

Harvest pumpkins Step 2

It is important to bear in mind that the stems should not be removed,

as this would cause the vegetable to be damaged very quickly.

It is also important to note that we must leave a piece of it,

since it will allow the pumpkin to remain in good condition for much longer.

Harvest pumpkins Step 3 

Once cut, it’s time to remove them from the garden and store for later. It is advisable to place them in a cold and dry place so that it can withstand you all winter.

You can use the pumpkins to make a delicious cake or perhaps to sculpt them as heads on Halloween night and

say that they are harvested by yourself.


Both for their consumption and for planting them, a process of washing and drying the grow pumpkin seeds is necessary .

One of the great advantages of these seeds is that they are large and can be easily removed from the pulp.

Before we begin,

it is necessary to say that many people use various techniques for drying seeds and below you will see some of the most used.


This method is based on preparing the seeds for their correct germination, so the first thing we will do is select them.

 For this we follow the following steps:

Drying Pumpkin seeds Step 1

We remove as much of the pulp as possible from the pumpkin. This can be done by hand or with a spoon.

We remove all the residues and proceed to wash them with plenty of water.

Drying Pumpkin seeds Step 2

After having all the seeds clean we put them in a bowl with warm water.

What happens with the warm temperature is that we fool the seed,

making it believe that it is spring and thus wake up.

We leave them soaking in the bowl for at least 24 hours,

in order to select those that are prosperous and discard those that are empty.

The layer or shell of the seed is also weakened, which will be beneficial for its correct germination process .

Drying Pumpkin seeds Step 3

The selection process is done regarding the seeds that float and those that do not. Those that float can be thrown away, since they are hollow inside.

Drying Pumpkin seeds Step 4

Now is the time to germinate them or, failing that, dry them for later use.

The seeds should never be left wet, as this causes fungus and will damage over time.

To dry them you can use a hair dryer at room temperature, in this way you will prevent the seeds from germinating. 

It is important that they are all very dry to proceed with the subsequent planting process.

It is important to avoid using the oven, as you could roast the seeds or start the sprouting process.


creative ways to grow pumpkins

In this technique, the same steps as above are followed to dry the pumpkin seeds. Only, in this case, we carry out the following steps to do so:

Step 1 : Once the seeds have been washed and selected, drain the water well with a strainer. Now, we transfer them all to a sheet of absorbent paper and let it rest for about 10 min.

Step 2 : We place another sheet of absorbent paper on top of the seeds and tap them to dry them well.

 You can repeat this process as many times as you consider, until they are completely dry and ready to store.

It is important not to squeeze the towels on top of them, as they would get wet again and the process would have been useless.

For this reason we use more than one sheet of absorbent paper to make sure the drying process has been successful.


Another very common way to dry pumpkin seeds is outdoors . The only disadvantage is the time factor, since it would take a long time to save them.

However, it is an excellent technique if you want to save them and plant them later. So follow us below with these steps to air dry:


Once the seeds have been extracted from the pulp and previously washed, we place them on a tray. The intention of placing them here is that they spread without touching each other, or being piled up.


We can place a piece of paper bag at the bottom to absorb the water residues. We continue by placing the seeds outdoors and in a dry place (free of moisture).


We let them rest for 1 month. It is an estimated time to completely dry the seeds.

Perhaps some of these germinate a little,

So we can change the paper bag the first days for a dry one.


While we wait for the proper time, we must turn the seeds every day to avoid mold.


After the month of waiting is over, it’s time to put the pumpkin seeds away. 

We put these in a paper bag and store them in a place that is away from humidity,

and then use them for consumption or to plant them.

Although this method is the longest of all, it is one of the best for properly drying pumpkin seeds. Growers use this method in large productions of pumpkins and thus organize their planting times.


One of the main things we should know about these is that they prefer to grow pumpkins in the heat,

then in very cold areas. Therefore, we must choose the best dates of the year to proceed to plant the pumpkin seeds.

 Most suitable dates for sowing pumpkin seeds

The most suitable dates for sowing pumpkin seeds are between March, April, May, and June

since they correspond to one of the seasons with the appropriate “spring” climate.

Of course, if you live in a temperate or very cold zone, it is best to germinate the pumpkin seeds in seedlings. 

This planting technique helps to obtain the vegetables in places where the heat is very low.

It is also important to take into account that grow pumpkins need a lot of light,

this means that when planting the pumpkin seeds we must choose a place where the sun’s rays are constant for their growth.

The indicated soil temperatures can vary between warm and temperate, in this way we will have a healthier harvest.The

se temperatures can range from 20ºC to 25ºC, in this way we must take care of the humidity of the earth as well as the heat of the sun.


Some tips can help you have a better harvest and

at the same time buy time not to lose your vegetables for this Halloween:

1.- Once the seeds are planted, it is necessary to prune the branches,

in this way the growth of the plant is limited and thus we take advantage of the space for cultivation.

2.- Hump the plant to improve its strength. 

This is done by covering part of the stem with soil (without exaggerating). It is advisable to do this 15 days after the birth of silver.

3.- Have a structure so that the plant stays upright. This can be done by holding up its new branches with threads or by building a trellis around the plant.

Germinating and planting grow pumpkin seeds takes time and a lot of dedication

so it is hard work to finally have the pleasure of a healthy and large vegetable. So follow all these instructions and follow this complete guide on how to plant and harvest your vegetables.


Contains starch, sugar, oil, zinc, magnesium, beta carotene, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 and C, amino acids and alkaloids. In addition, pumpkin seeds contain resin, fixed oil, stereols and an amino acid called kukurbitin as an effective substance. It is one of the low-calorie vegetables. Hundred grams of pumpkin contains only 26 calories. For this reason, it takes its place in the diet lists.

It is also an ideal herb for people with insomnia problems, relaxes the body, brings sleep. It is good against insomnia. Due to its high fiber content, it provides weight loss and slimming. Therefore, losing weight is no longer a dream. It speeds up and relaxes the digestive system. Thus, those with constipation problems can easily get rid of this trouble. Pumpkin benefits include use in the treatment of amoebic dysentery, amoebic liver inflammation and amoebic abscess in the liver.

It is also used for the treatment of hemorrhoids

It is used in the treatment of intestinal worms, intestinal parasites, bladder diseases and prostate. Balances blood pressure thanks to its potassium content. When blood pressure is balanced, blood pressure is also balanced.

It has protection against cancer. It has a protective effect against bowel cancer. Protection against cancer thanks to its beta carotene content.

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it is also among the benefits of pumpkin, which is good for cholesterol disease and reduces the rate of fat in the blood . Balances cholesterol. It protects the heart thanks to its fiber, potassium and vitamin C.

At the same time, this medicinal plant, which provides protection against heart diseases thanks to the beta carotene it contains, also provides resistance to the body by regulating muscle activities. It also helps prevent brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. It strengthens the immune system. In this way, it provides protection against diseases. It contains vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene and antioxidant substances. All these substances are eye protective substances. In this way, it supports eye health.


At least 400 g of pumpkin seeds that have been peeled against intestinal worms . it is taken as it is crushed and eaten mixed with honey. Approximately 3-4 hours later, 30-40 gr. Castor oil is drunk.


As we have mentioned in all our articles, excessive consumption of each plant causes some harm to the body. That’s why you shouldn’t over-consume any herb. Pumpkin is also a plant that has no known harm or side effects. However, it is recommended not to consume excessive amounts of pumpkin.

Pumpkin, one of the indispensable flavors of the winter months, is used in many dishes from soup to dessert. Being a very good source of beta carotene, fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, copper, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin C and B group vitamins, pumpkin has many health benefits.

Hospital Derindere Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ayşegül Yavuz, who stated that it is possible to increase body energy and protect against diseases with various pumpkin recipes, especially in cold winter days, shared important information about the benefits of pumpkin.

Vitamin Store

Pumpkin is 1 of the great sources of vitamin A. It plays a role in vision, growth, reproduction, immune system, digestive system, epithelial tissue formation, development and protection. Pumpkin is one of the best sources of Beta carotene, the precursor to vitamin A. Carotenoid forms work like antioxidants and have a protective effect against various types of cancer and aging-related diseases. Due to its vitamin C content, it is involved in the body’s defense mechanism and helps increase white blood cells.

High in fiber grow pumpkin

This vegetable, which is approximately 90% water, also balances blood sugar by keeping you full for a long time, as it is rich in fiber, and also helps to reduce the desire for dessert. 100 grams of pumpkin contains about 26 calories and 6 grams of carbohydrates. It helps to eliminate problems such as constipation and bloating by regulating bowel movements. It balances blood pressure by regulating blood pressure due to its potassium content.

Use a small amount of sugar when you eat it for dessert

After the numerous benefits of pumpkin, we shouldn’t make a food unhealthy by using too much sugar. In our country, pumpkin is generally consumed for dessert. It is best to cook it using a small amount of sugar. In addition to dessert, it can be consumed as cakes, cookies, soups and smoothies.