How to increase sales on the site?


There are many ways to promote a site, whether it is an online store, an information project, or a service. We would like to share techniques that you can use on your own. Note that they are free and easy to implement. Let’s consider in detail the actions that will help to achieve the desired result.

How to increase sales on the site?
  • Internal optimization
  1. Provide information

Give the user complete information about your product or service. Do not duplicate content – search engines do not like it, and the user will not like it either. Write unique, and most importantly useful texts that will help your customers understand your product or service. Place complete product cards, so the user has no questions. Of course, one description is not enough, you need pictures that attract attention. Do not be lazy to make a few options, so the user was able to consider the product from all sides. The images must be of good quality, avoid blurry or small pictures, or, worst of all, no picture. In this case, the user will simply go to your competitor.

  • Remember the main rule of the Internet – give the user everything he wants, otherwise, competitors will do it.
  1. Promotions

Because of the great competition and similar products, online store owners are forced to hold promotions and make discounts on products to differentiate themselves from their competitors. In most cases, this method works, but there are cases where the discount provided is unrealistic. If you give a discount, make it real, otherwise, you might get a negative instead of a purchase. 

All of the above will not only help to promote in search engines through unique content and improve behavioral factors but also thereby increase the profits of your business.

  • External optimization
  1. Crowd Marketing

What do you do when you need to buy a product not for everyday use, like a vacuum cleaner? You go to read reviews on forums. So first take care of your surroundings on those review sites. Agree, you are unlikely to buy a product that has no reviews or they are negative, more likely you will even overpay, but order the product from a trusted store. Most people do, so you have two choices:

  • Ask your customers to write a review (and the review should be extensive and useful, with examples, with numbers, with facts, not just two words “Great product! I liked everything!”. Such reviews are not believed and not taken seriously, and therefore they are useless.
  • Write reviews yourself (not so long ago, business owners realized how important reviews are, so they started writing them themselves or ordering them on exchanges, and what do you get? You can see that they are “custom-made” or written by yourself). So write meaningful reviews about your product.
  1. Blogs

How often do you watch YouTube videos? And how often do your customers watch videos? Often! Use this. If you sell women’s clothing, for example, find some beauty blogs and ask their reps to talk about your product or store in the next installment. Would you say expensive? Yes, indeed, some very popular bloggers make money doing this, but some are willing to talk about you for free or on a barter basis. Believe me, this way works great. 

  1. Ratings

There are industry rankings in almost every segment today. Take advantage of this chance by participating in them. Why:

  • PR. You’ll get your company mentioned in all the official releases and on the website of the company doing the ranking.
  • Competitors. You’ll be able to compare yourself to your competitors and see what they do better (take it over yourself) or worse (keep in mind not to do it that way).
  • Customers. You’ll get customers who will trust your store or service a priori.
  • Rewards and recognition. On your website, you will be able to place information about the fact that you are a member of the rating, and if you are in the top 10, then place a diploma on the site. This will attract the attention of customers and cause trust. It’s always nice to buy from the best.


For your site to be at the top and your customers to buy every day, you need to adhere to some simple rules. After all, your business is always difficult, it is a constant control of income, expenses, withholding taxes, also federal unemployment tax, you should know what is futa tax? So, back it up:

  • Write a unique and complete text about the product.
  • Use nice big pictures of the products with descriptions.
  • Run promotions.
  • Use crowd marketing.
  • Participate in the ratings.
  • Interact with bloggers.
  • Develop a social network.
  • Publish expert articles.
  • Register in directories.