HomeTechnologyTutorialsHow to know if someone has muted you on Instagram DM?

How to know if someone has muted you on Instagram DM?

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Your quick reply:

  1. To find out if someone has muted you on Instagram DM in the first place, you need to investigate the causes by guessing what could be the reasons why the person muted you.
  2. Just confirm if the person has been recently active on Instagram by simply looking at their profile to see the most recent posts.
  3. If you can see him updating recent posts regularly, you may have been active on Instagram but not seen his story.

Instagram will not notify you if someone has just disabled your story or your posts, so as not to appear before them.

But the problem is that if your Stories are not getting views from a specific person or stop showing a normal person in the viewer list, you might want to check if the person has disabled your Stories, DM or not.

However, you can follow a few steps if you want to take a screenshot of your Instagram DM.

There are many symbols that appear or disappear for certain reasons, you can know the meaning of these dot symbols.

To find out if someone just disabled your posts, DMs or stories, first look at the list of your viewer stories and then find out if the person has disappeared from the viewer lists. Now, from the list, write down the people who are not on that list that you hope are there and these are the people that you can confirm have muted your stories.

For the Instagram DM, if you annoy a person too much and they disable you, direct messages sent after that will not be shown to that Instagram user.

You can also try some apps to see who mutes you on Instagram.

In this article, you have some points that could be the reasons and what could be the ways to find out if someone has really rejected you in every way.

Find out if someone has muted you on Instagram:

It’s fun to enjoy the posts of your friends and followers, but sometimes it gets annoying to be followed and chased by a particular person. Well here’s a good part, Instagram has launched a new feature to ‘Mute’ the story of the person you love.

But how do you know if someone is blocking you? Well, there is no surefire way to find out, but you can try a few steps.

The best answer is if you get a non-delivery signal in your DM chat to send to the person while the person is active on Instagram regularly posting on Instagram, this is for sure they have disabled it.

They won’t be on your Story Viewers list: If the person was a regular viewer of your Stories and they suddenly stopped appearing on your Story Viewers list, chances are you muted them for a little more privacy.

1. Send DM and wait for reply:

If you want to know if someone has muted you on Instagram, send a direct message and wait until they see it or get a response. Because especially if the person has muted you, your DM won’t show up and you won’t get any response, make sure the person has muted you.

If you find that the person is also suddenly not responding to your direct messages, it is likely that you have muted them and they are also not receiving notifications about your messages.

2. Ghost apps will help to find followers:

If a person has not only followed you and wants to hide from your viewer lists, they may be following you from behind and this app can help you find recent Instagram followers.

You can also try some apps that help uncover ghost followers like “Unfollowers and ghost followers“These apps help you find out who has muted your sound and is still trying to spy on you.


🔴 Steps to follow:

Step 1: First of all, install Unfollowers and Ghost Followers app