How To Qualify For Home Health Care


Sometimes the elderly or disabled may need to move to a nursing home, where someone is available to help them with their medical care and daily needs 24 hours a day. Although Medicaid will pay for people eligible to stay in a nursing home, two conditions must be met. First, the individual must qualify for Medicaid, which may include financial requirements. Second, the individual must be determined in need of nursing care from the facility.

Things you owe

  • Medicaid Application
  • Long-term care form Services Application
  • Certification of physicians for the form of long-term care services
  • PASRR level I form


  1. Apply for Traditional Medicaid. This program is open to elderly and disabled residents. Applicants must be at least 65 years of age and be eligible to receive Social Security Income (SSI) or have an income of less than $ 553 per month if single or less than $ 830 per month if you are married. Those who do not qualify for SSI must also have resources of no more than $ 1,500 if single or $ 2,250 if you are married. These income and means guidelines were applicable as of the year 2010. The requirement for applicants with disabilities is an impairment or illness that has lasted for at least four years which renders them unable to engage in a useful occupation.
  2. Begin the screening (PAS) pre-admission process by completing three forms: the Long Term Care Services Application form, the Physician Certification for the Long Term Care Services form, and the PASRR Level I form. Physician certification for the Long Term Care Services form must be completed by a physician, and it is preferable (but not required) that the Level I PASRR form is completed by a physician, too.
  3. Aging and Community Services An aging and Community Services representative will call you to schedule an interview.
  4. Attend the scheduled interview, bringing with you any documents or forms you have been asked to bring. Answer all questions completely and honestly. After your interview, your case is reviewed to determine if a nursing home placement is the best option for your situation, or if you would be best served at home or by community services, such as an assisted living center or center. daycare for adults.
  5. Wait to hear the results of your PAS. If you are staying in a nursing facility, even if the PAS has determined that was not the best option, Medicaid will not pay for your first year of service at the facility.

Read more: How Much Does A Home Health Nurse Make