How to send a heavy or large file by Hotmail



If you want to send a single large file or several to a recipient, but the limit of Outlook (Hotmail) does not let you advance, today we will show you how send large files via hotmail without problems, so we invite you to continue reading this information.

3 Ways to Send a Large Attachment via Hotmail

It is important to know the Hotmail limit regarding the size of the files that can be sent, since in Outlook it is a maximum of 20 megabytes, therefore, next, we will show you how to send a large file through Hotmail with different procedures.

Send a OneDrive file via Hotmail

  1. OneDrive is Microsoft’s special cloud, so you only need to upload the file you want to send. After that, OneDrive will provide you with a link to share, this link can be sent through any type of messaging, so that the recipient can see the content both in the cloud and by downloading it to their device.
  2. Go to