How to sign out of Netflix on your TV




To sign out of Netflix on a TV, select “Get Help” at the bottom of the Netflix interface, and then choose “Sign Out.” You can also sign out of your Netflix account on all devices from the Netflix website.

There are many reasons why you might want to sign out of your Netflix account on your TV. For example, you may want to allow others to use your accounts. We will show you how to log out in this guide.

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Sign out of Netflix on your TV

You can use the Netflix app on your TV to sign out of your account. To get started, launch Netflix on your TV. Go to the left sidebar, and then at the bottom select “Get Help.”

Choose "get help" on the bottom.

On the “Get Help” screen, at the bottom, select “Sign Out.”

choose "Sign off" on the bottom.

Netflix will ask if you really want to sign out of your account. Choose “Yes”.

select "Yes" in the notice.

And you are ready. Netflix has disconnected you from your account in the app. You can now use another account with the app or leave the app as is.

Sign out of Netflix on all your devices at once

To sign out of your Netflix account on all your devices at once, use the official website of the platform. This method allows you to remotely sign out of all devices that use your account.

To get started, launch a web browser on your computer and open Netflix. Then sign in to your account.

After logging in, choose your profile icon in the top right corner of the site, followed by “Account.”

Select "Bill" in the profile menu.

On the “Account” page, in the “Settings” section, select “Sign out of all devices.”

Choose "Sign out on all devices".

On the “Sign out of all devices” page, click “Sign out.”

Select the button "Sign off".

And that is. You have successfully signed out of all devices using your Netflix account.

Note: After you sign out, if you want to sign back in, you’ll need to enter your Netflix username and password on each device.

Are you wondering who is logged into your Netflix account? If so, there is an easy way to check.

RELATED: How to see who is signed in to your Netflix account
