HomeTechnologyNewsRelive your favorite music concerts with Setify

Relive your favorite music concerts with Setify

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Have you ever loved the set list at a live concert so much that you wish you could easily listen to it over and over again? Or did you miss a concert of your favorite artist but still want to listen to every song? If so, the Setify web app is worth a look.

I went to a 311 concert once, and the band played an unreleased song that I had never heard before. With Setify, I was able to find the song and add it to my Spotify playlist. It’s pretty amazing.

Essentially, Setify will let you search for concert schedules by artist, city, or date from around the world, then it will display the entire list for you to view. With one tap, you can turn that entire song list into a playlist on your Spotify, and it even works with Apple Music.

Setify find a tool program from 2022

Obviously, the web app won’t have every show or artist, but based on my initial impressions, it has an outrageous number of shows and catalogues. Also, if Setify can’t find one of the event songs, it will tell you that it was a unique version (like when Tool sang Dancing Queen by abba here in Las Vegas) or not available in the Spotify library.

When the band Tool came to Vegas earlier this year I had good seats but unfortunately I couldn’t make it. Now, I can relive the entire concert on Spotify.

Keep in mind that you may not be able to find every live event, and if you’re looking for a niche band, your results might be limited. Still, any music fan will love this nifty little Spotify web app.

Speaking of Spotify, check out this other web app that turns your Spotify playlist into the music festival poster of your dreams.

Source: Setify


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