Take a look at this amazing bike with its rear wheel split in half



the Q

As we all know, most bicycles have two wheels that make a complete circle. This is how wheels normally work. However, an engineer named Sergii Gordieev recently posted a video showing a bike with one regular wheel and two half wheels, and it’s absolutely amazing to see it in action. This bike shouldn’t work, but it does.

Gordieiev has a YouTube channel called ‘The Q’ and is constantly releasing unique and exclusive projects. Being an avid cyclist myself, this one instantly caught my eye, and the creation makes a lot of sense. As long as both halves of the wheel are timed correctly and hit the ground at the perfect time, you’ll roll down the road with no problem.

In the video below, the engineer explains how he cleverly built the custom bike in his garage. After breaking his rear tire, he decided to cut it perfectly in half. Sergii then reinforced the hub, cut and sealed the tire section to match the aluminum rim, and used brain magic to make it all work.

Everything had to be custom made, from creating a unique rear sprocket set to aligning the half wheels to perfection. He even made a new disc brake system that allowed him to ride single- and two-wheeled bikes safely.

Cut to 5:30 seconds into the video to see him riding a bike, and you’ll understand my amazement. As each wheel leaves the ground, the other half of the tire makes contact and keeps things stable, strong and secure on the road or dirt. And yes, this one-of-a-kind, impossible bike works in the dirt, rolls off sidewalks, and otherwise handles a typical ride with ease.

At any given time, at least one of the two split wheels touches the ground. I’ve never seen anything like it, and I guess you haven’t either.

via LaughingSquid
