More than 70% of the workforce doing a 9-5 rarely find pleasure in their job. A toxic job or work affects us in many ways, including how we relate to others and our emotional health.

The thing is, your job doesn’t have to be miserable, toxic, and sorrowful. You don’t have to sit at the desk staring at the clock and counting the minutes. 

We don’t have to yell at the ceiling every Monday morning and always be in a hurry to experience the weekend break.

As much as we can, we must invite joy into our workplace and find ways to make happiness stick around. These few tips will help you find joy once again in the job-if you ever had it.

Make friends 

This isn’t a piece of advice for your job. Instead, it’s a perspective you should have towards life generally.

Building relationships is an essential core of living. We need others to survive, to be happy to rely on. We need the support of others to achieve great things.

Building and maintaining a positive relationship with your colleagues at your job fosters  a positive work environment. So don’t be an Island. Instead, develop friendly relationships with your colleagues. 

Over time, it is proven that the biggest obstacle to finding relief in your workplace is a bad relationship with your colleagues.

Connect with your colleagues, have luck together, discuss, have a chat and build your relationship with them.

Distance Yourself from Work Vampires

As much as you want to maintain a positive work environment with your colleagues at work, there are some you should avoid- the work vampires.

They’re almost in every type of work environment and are inevitable. 

You should know who these people are already. They gossip, complain, and lobby from one colleague’s desk to the other. The aim is not to cut away from them permanently- you can’t. 

Only ensure that whatever relationship you have with them is strictly job-related. 

Know your core values 

Know what your core values are. Your core values are beliefs and ethics that are most important to you. Here’s an example of what your core values can look like;

  • Loyalty
  • Honesty
  • Empathy
  • Cooperation 
  • Kindness
  • Making a difference
  • Being reliable

Being resourceful 

Whatever positive core values you have, you must incorporate them into your work. For instance, if you are self-motivated, show it in your career. Work your way from being an ordinary staff member to occupying a seat in the administrative office-. Set goals based on what your core values are. Write your goals in your diary. Recite them every morning before going to work. Align your core values with your work, and gradually, you’ll begin to find meaning in your job. 


While some workplaces could be highly toxic, others feel like home. If you work towards making your workplace or career joyful, you will achieve it. You can be happy with your job as though you won a jackpot from the Australian online casino real money games. And if it doesn’t happen after all your efforts, you might have to move forward.