Understanding the Connection Between Pet Safety and Aroma Oil Blends

Understanding the Connection Between Pet Safety and Aroma Oil Blends

Are you a fan of aroma oil blends and essential oil diffusers?

Aromatherapy has been one of the easiest and most popular ways to wind down at home. It’s not only a great way of indulging yourself with your favorite scents. Studies show that aromatherapy offers plenty of benefits, like stress and anxiety relief.

In addition, who doesn’t want their home smelling like flowers or lemony goodness? However, if you’re a pet parent, there are some concerns surrounding essential oils and pet safety. While you might enjoy essential oils, they may not be as indulgent for your four-legged friend.

This article covers what you need to know about using aromatic oils around your pets. Read on to find out more.

Is Natural Always Safe?

Our favorite types of essential oils are extracts from natural ingredients. It can be easy to fool ourselves into thinking that because it’s natural, there won’t be a problem for our pets. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth.

Animals have more robust olfactory systems and sensitive nasal passages. Certain essential oils can also be toxic to our pets. Birds have especially sensitive lungs, so only use oil scents with a grain of salt.

One must never apply or give their pets topical or oral treatments. Passive diffusers are much safer than active diffusers. The microdroplets can settle onto your pet’s fur, and you risk your pet ingesting the liquid.

If you opt to use a diffuser, ensure to use safe oils for your pet. It would be best to lock your pet out while you’re using the diffuser and air out the room before you let them back in. You can check out this guide on a cold air vs ultrasonic diffuser to learn more about your options.

Essential Oils and Cat Safety

There’s a reason why your cat isn’t allowed near oranges and lemons. Felines lack the enzyme needed to break down any citrus scents or foods. It may be too much for your cat’s body to process, and they may even vomit.

Aside from citrus scents, stay clear of the following oils:

  • Wintergreen
  • Clove
  • Cinnamon
  • Eucalyptus
  • Melaleuca or Tea Tree Oil
  • Sweet Birch
  • Thyme
  • Peppermint, and
  • Ylang Ylang

Exposure to high concentrations of these oils can lead to organ failure. If your cat often grooms itself and ingests the liquid, it can also result in respiratory issues.

Essential Oils and Dog Safety

Dogs have the most sensitive noses, so beware of the scents you use at home. In addition to the oils listed above, avoid pine and pennyroyal oil. A few drops of lavender can help out a stressed dog, but the more concentrated, the better.

Remember never to leave your essential oils unattended. Likewise, keep your aroma oil blends out of pets’ reach at all times.

Ensuring Pet Safety With Aroma Oil Blends

Aroma oil blends are a great way to indulge the senses. However, as a responsible pet parent, it’s crucial to diffuse with care. Use this pet safety guide to keep enjoying your favorite scents.

When in doubt, don’t hesitate to contact your trusted veterinarian. If you want to learn more about using essential oils safely, check out our other blog posts!