HomeTechnologyLinuxVerify my Hotmail email: How to ensure the validity of my account

Verify my Hotmail email: How to ensure the validity of my account

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Verifying my Hotmail email is an important process to ensure the validity and security of our account. In this article, we will explore the steps to verify our Hotmail account, as well as the possible results when checking for the existence of an email address.

We will also discover how to verify the email address on the YouTube platform and the importance of having a verified account on this platform. In addition, we will learn how to create a Hotmail account and how to recover an abandoned account, highlighting the importance of verification in the security of our account.

How to verify my Hotmail email

To guarantee the validity and security of your Hotmail email account, it is important to carry out the corresponding verification. Below are the steps necessary to validate the existence of your account, the possible results when checking email, and the limitations you may encounter when verifying email provider accounts.

Steps to validate the existence of my account

  • Access your Hotmail account by entering your login details.
  • Once inside your account, look for the configuration or settings option.
  • Within the settings, look for the security or privacy section.
  • In this section, you will find the option to verify the existence of your account.
  • Follow the instructions provided by Hotmail to complete the verification process.

Possible results when checking email

When verifying your email address in Hotmail, there are three possible results:

  1. Existence: If the email address is registered with Hotmail, you will receive a confirmation that the account exists and is active.
  2. Non-existence: If the email address is not registered with Hotmail, you will receive a message informing you that the account does not exist.
  3. Unknown status: In some cases, the system will not be able to determine if the account exists or not. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as technical issues or account privacy settings.

Limitations when verifying email provider accounts

It is important to note that there are some limitations when verifying mail provider accounts. For example, the hosting provider Mail.ru does not allow to determine the existence of an account through the verification process.

YouTube email address verification

Verifying your email address on YouTube is a crucial step to take advantage of all the features and benefits that this video platform has to offer. Confirming your email address on YouTube will allow you to access a series of additional features and promote greater security in your account.

Importance of confirming the email address on YouTube

Confirming your email address on YouTube is important for several reasons. First of all, it allows you to prove that you are the legitimate owner of the account and avoid possible fraudulent actions. Plus, with a verified email address, you’ll have access to additional features like the ability to use YouTube Live, receive personalized notifications, and participate in monetization programs like the YouTube Partner Program.

Steps to verify the address on the platform

The process of verifying your email address on YouTube is simple and requires the following steps:

  • Sign in to your YouTube account and click on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  • On the “Account” tab, click “Add or change email address.”
  • Enter the email address you want to verify and click “Save.”
  • Go to your email inbox and look for the verification message sent by YouTube.
  • Open the email and click the verification link.

Benefits of having a verified YouTube account

By having a verified account on YouTube, you can enjoy a series of additional benefits. For example, you will have the option to customize the appearance of your channel, access detailed statistics about your videos, interact with viewers through comments and answer their questions, among many other advantages. In addition, having a verified email address increases the reliability of your account and gives you greater security in the use of the platform.

Create and recover a Hotmail account

If you are interested in using Hotmail services, it is important to know the process for creating an account and also how to recover an account that has been abandoned. Next, we show you the steps to follow:

Hotmail registration process step by step

To create a Hotmail account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access the Hotmail home page.
  2. Click the “Create Account” button.
  3. Fill in the registration form with your personal information, such as name, surname and date of birth.
  4. Choose an email address and check availability.
  5. Choose a strong password and confirm it.
  6. Provide an alternate phone number or email address to recover your account in case of need.
  7. Complete the security process to verify that you are not a robot.
  8. Accept the terms and conditions and finish the registration.

How to recover an abandoned Hotmail account

If you have forgotten your password or have an abandoned Hotmail account, these steps will help you recover it:

  1. Access the Outlook login page.
  2. Click the “Can’t access your account?” option.
  3. Select the option “I forgot my password” and click “Next”.
  4. Enter your email address that you want to recover.
  5. Complete the captcha to verify that you are not a robot.
  6. Choose an account recovery option, either through an alternate email or phone number associated with your account.
  7. Follow the prompts provided to complete the recovery process and reset your password.

Importance of verification in account security

Verifying your Hotmail account is essential to ensure and improve the security of your personal information. Email verification will help protect your account from unauthorized access and make it easier to recover if you lose access. Also, by verifying your account, you will be able to access additional features and services offered by Hotmail.


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