What do horses eat in Minecraft?



Do you want to become a horse whisperer in Minecraft?

This guide should have you covered, then! You will find the answers to these questions:

  • What do horses eat in Minecraft?
  • How do you find and create their food?
  • How do you tame them?

So, get on the chair and let’s go!

What do horses eat in Minecraft?

Horses in Minecraft have a sweet tooth, just like in real life! They eat:

  • Grain
  • bales of hay
  • sugar
  • apples
  • golden apples
  • golden carrots

In general, you can easily get most of these items. Although golden apples and carrots can be a bit more complicated.

Here is a quick summary how to get these snacks.

Grain it is one of the main crops grown in the game. you can get seeds cut tall grass blocks. It would be best to plant them near a water source so that they grow faster.

bales of hay They are also the most common horse food in Minecraft. You may create them from nine grains (3×3).

Next is sugar, which is made from Sugar cane. They naturally spawn near water, so keep an eye on them!

Searching apples? Therefore, chop down some oaks. Focus on the leaves, that’s where they will fall from.

If apples aren’t good enough for you, why not make some? the gold ones! They only require two ingredients: Gold ingot Y apples. But first you will need to mine the gold ore.

golden carrots They are the same. You have to add carrots and gold nuggets.

But wait, there’s more!

Every time you feed a horse in Minecraft, you can heal it, make it grow faster and improve its character.

Take a look at this table for everyone object effects:



Accelerate the growth of

Improve your temperament


2 hp

20 sec


bale of hay

20 hp x 10

3 minutes



1 hp

30 seconds



3 hp

1 minute


Golden Apple


4 minutes


golden carrot

4 hp

1 minute


Feeding the horses these items in Minecraft keeps them busy love mode. This is the mechanics of the game.

Note that the animals must be tamed and close enough to each other (eight blocks maximum) for this to work. Hopefully, you’ll be rewarded with an adorable foal!

how to tame a horse

To tame a horse, you must first find one.

So be careful plains and savannas since that is where they are mainly generated. Both biomes are relatively common and easy to navigate. They usually breed side by side.

You can also find horses inside stables in the villages sometimes!

One tip though. Before you start your awesome exploration of Minecraft, make sure you have horse food with you. It will speed up the whole taming process.

Other than that, if you ever are uncertain about the current location of the biomeyou may press F3 and check. However, this only works in the Java edition.

Either way, once you get close to a herd, take out the food and approach a horse. to press ‘Use’ Y feed him all you can.

so try to ride it! It may scare you a couple of times, but don’t give up! You’ll know it’s tamed the moment your hunger bar is replaced by the animal’s.

But what determines the success rate? And how is it related to feeding horses in Minecraft?

Their tame success mainly depends on the horse’s temperament stats.

Each animal has a temperament range from 0 to 100. The first time you try to ride a horse, you are assigned a taming threshold from 0 to 99.

what you want to do is increase temper and cross that threshold. So every time you feed a horse in Minecraft or try to ride it, you improve its temper and get a little closer to taming it!

To wrap

There’s one rule for most Minecraft wildlife: the way to an animal’s heart is through its stomach. Horses are no exception.

Stock up on their favorite snacks and you’ll be sure to hook them.

One last tip is stick to the most common types of wheat and foods. Save those golden apples and carrots for healing and special occasions. They are some of the best regeneration foods, so don’t waste them!


How do you feed a horse in Minecraft?

To feed a horse in Minecraft, you will have to approach with the right food in hand and pressUse.’ It will eat wheat, hay bales, sugar, apples (normal and golden), and golden carrots.

What is the fastest horse in Minecraft?

The fastest horse can cover 14.23 blocks per second! That’s a nice improvement over the player’s default speed (4.3 blocks per second).

However, you can’t tell a horse’s speed based on its appearance – it’s completely random. The best solution is to tame as many animals as possible and then put them to the test.

What food makes horses follow you in Minecraft?

All Minecraft horse food (Wheat, hay bales, sugar, apples, golden apples and golden carrots) it will work.

How to breed horses in Minecraft?

You will have to Feed two farmed tame horses golden apples or golden carrots..

Keep in mind that the animals will need to be close to each other to breed. When done right, you’ll notice hearts fluttering above their heads. The foal will then spawn alongside its parents.

How long does it take to grow a horse cub in Minecraft?

usually takes about 20 minutes. But what do horses eat first in Minecraft? The answer may help you speed up the process.

Bales of hay and golden apples get them mature faster! You can shave three minutes (hay bales) or four minutes (golden apples) this way.
