12 chemical elements that you have to learn to regulate in your body

chemical elements

12 chemical elements that you have to learn to regulate in your body

chemical elements, They are also called bioelements and are essential in the human body.


The so-called bioelements are the different chemical elements found in nature, essential for living beings to create and develop their bodies normally.

The human body is made up of an enormous amount of these elements, although there are 4 that occupy 99% : they are called essential bioelements.

Of the rest of the chemical elements that make up the human body, 8 are the most important.

Here we explain what the 12 bioelements of the human body are and some tips to regulate them.

ESSENTIAL BIO ELEMENTS chemical elements
12 chemical elements

These four chemical elements are the most important for the development of the human body.


It is the fundamental bio element of the body. In fact, it makes up 65% of the body. It is present in the air we breathe and in water, and it has essential functions.

The most important is that it allows the generation of energy at the cellular level. It is the chemical element that allows the existence of life. Don’t underestimate the fresh air and water, your body will appreciate the oxygen!


Although it is the fifth most present element on earth, it is the second within the human body. It is found throughout the body, and facilitates the construction of complex chains of molecules.

Without carbon we would just be formless loose atoms. This is why humans are said to be carbon-based life forms. In general, all the food we eat has carbon, since it comes from an organism that was alive.

It has a greater presence in bread, milk, butter, cereal, meat, rice, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals.


Hydrogen is the chemical element with the greatest presence in the world. In our body, it ranks third.

It is present in all the fluids and fluids of the body, allowing toxins and waste to be transported and eliminated within it. Its main function is to keep the body hydrated.

It is present mainly in water, along with oxygen.


The fourth essential bioelement is nitrogen. This is part of the metabolism of transformation of matter into energy and is present, for example, in the nucleic acids of our DNA.

It is incorporated into our body, among others, through meat and lentils.

OTHER BIOELEMENTS chemical elements
12 chemical elements

Of all the other bioelements that make up the human body, these are the ones that complete the 12 most important chemical elements.


Among the minerals in the human body, calcium is the most abundant.

It is found throughout the body: in the lungs, kidneys, liver, thyroid, brain, and muscles.

Especially present in bones and teeth.

Incorporated into the body through dairy products, nuts, sesame seeds and vegetables


It is another very important element in the bone structures of the body. It also appears in the urine.

Foods that provide phosphorus are nuts, cheese, soybeans, egg yolks, and fish.


Potassium helps regulate the heartbeat and the functioning of the synapse. It is also present in enzymes.

So that we do not lack potassium in our body, we can eat bananas, tomatoes, fresh vegetables, legumes and nuts.


Sulfur is essential in the body’s chemistry, as it is present in all proteins: it is the essential element to give them shape.

It is present in foods such as legumes, cabbage, onion, garlic, asparagus, leek, fish, and egg yolk.

12 chemical elements


Sodium is present in all body fluids and tissues (in the form of salt). It is another vital element in the electrical signaling of the nerves. In addition, it regulates the amount of water in the body.

It is present in salt and in fruits and vegetables.


Chlorine is generally present in the body as chloride (that is, as a negative ion) and is also essential in regulating fluids in the body.

It is present in salt, algae, olives and in tap water


Magnesium is also present in bone and muscle structure. Also present in lungs, kidneys, liver, thyroid, brain.

Necessary for many metabolic reactions in the body.

It can be obtained from cocoa, soybeans, nuts, oats, corn, and some vegetables.

Iron It

may be last on the list, but it’s still paramount. Iron is essential for metabolism and is found in hemoglobin.

It is the oxygen carrier in the red blood cells; that is, necessary for the whole body to be oxygenated.

It is present, among others, in red meat (especially liver), nuts, lentils, spinach and whole grain products.

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