How does a magic eraser really work?



mr clean

Do you have crayon marks on your wall? What about the scratched areas along the baseboards? If so, you’ve probably reached for a Mr. Clean magic eraser before. These handy little sponges seem to magically remove marks, but have you ever wondered how that “magic” actually works?

It turns out that Magic Erasers are nothing like other sponges. In fact, they are made from a completely different material called melamine. When in the solid state, this compound is a powerful scavenger that does not harm other materials.

Melamine is also porous: if you’ve ever used a Magic Eraser, you know that it feels hard and a bit rough. Essentially, it acts like sandpaper on marks, scuffs and stains.

The porous structure of melamine is created by small air pockets, and these are what help to remove stains. However, they need to be activated with water. When that happens, these little pockets harden and the connections between them pull and drag the dirty item off the surface.

Over time, Magic Erasers begin to break down due to their porous nature, but they are extremely affordable. Plus, because they don’t require any additional soap or detergents, the sponge is all you need (and some gloves because that’s too much exfoliation).

While you should always do a patch test before heading out on the town, this product is generally safe for most surfaces.

If you’ve been looking for a way to remove your child’s Sharpie drawings from your wall, just grab a pack of Magic Erasers.
