How does room reservation software for companies work?


Few companies currently use room booking software. But, the needs of the current world of work require more elaborate systems to optimize the management of workspaces that are always scarce and also expensive.

The need for room booking software.

Little by little, some companies are trying to return to normal work. As the health authorities decree favorable traffic lights in the face of the pandemic, the business world is looking for a way to return to the offices.

But this return will be very different from the normality we experienced more than a year ago. Companies must plan and prepare for the return of workers, since several aspects, such as the administration of workspaces, will undergo relevant changes.

We know that telecommuting is here to stay. Videoconferencing is and will continue to be widely used, by all types of users, to hold meetings that previously we could only think of holding in a boardroom.

The truth is that all of us who work in offices know what it means to be looking for a space to hold that extraordinary meeting that came out at the last minute. Or also, occupy a reserved room that is empty.

In addition to these traditional space management needs, the requirements of social distancing and maximum capacity allowed must be added. For this reason, it is that the administration of spaces requires technological help given the complexity of the task that has been increased.

What does room booking software do?

The platforms that allow the management of meeting rooms are intelligent technologies that allow managing and planning commercial, administrative, or process meetings, helping to make better use of the company’s spaces.

These systems can allow the selection of the room to reserve depending on factors such as the physical location, the size of the room, the capacity allowed, or the technological resources available in each location.

The ideal of these programs is that they offer the ability to connect with G suite (Google Apps), Microsoft Exchange or Office 365. This is because the vast majority of users use calendar systems to call meetings. Ideally, in the same process, you can send, in addition to the invitation to the people, the reservation of the room and the resources that are going to be required.

Some platforms also allow the customization of screens to place displays outside the rooms. These displays help users to find the room to which they were summoned, providing more information such as the start and end time, subject, the person calling, and the availability of the room in the following hours and days.

If placing digital displays could be a cost problem, labels with QR codes can be placed at the entrances of the rooms. With a mobile application, the code could be read and the respective information of the room could be accessed.

Some technological tools also allow the request of added services so that they are available in the room, such as coffee service, technical support, audiovisual support, etc.