How to reduce and prevent anxiety

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Anxiety is a mental and physiological state in which uneasiness and tension build and release and persist and cause the person to be constantly active. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), which causes full-blown panic attacks that can interfere with everyday life, is the most common form of anxiety.If you are experiencing anxiety and want to know how to deal with anxiety, keep on reading below.

What is anxiety

Anxiety is one of the biggest mental illnesses which developing teenagers are susceptible to. There are numerous causes, but you can reduce your anxieties by keeping a mood journal. Anxiety is different for everyone. It may be general nerves, jitters, an ugly stomach, insomnia, or any other thing your mind can conjure. Anxiety can be brought on by many situations and thoughts — awkward silences at the dinner table, battling to find the best side of yourself in college, planning a wedding with all your friends — but for some people it persists even when there are no real circumstances that stimulate it.

Signs you might have high levels of anxiety

You feel your heart beating too hard, in a very fast and irregular pattern. Wearing a tight shirt is uncomfortable; you get muscle tremors; you get irritated easily; etc. Anxiety can take a significant toll on your mental and physical health. It can be hard to know when you have high levels of anxiety. However, there are some signs that might tip you off. One sign is if you’re constantly worried about tasks that must be done for work or school, even though these tasks only compound the stress you already feel. Another sign is if your blood pressure changes a lot throughout the day, without a clear reason why. Some of the following signs of high anxiety might apply to you:

Breathing & mindfulness exercises for anxiety

Breathing exercises are very important when it comes to anxiety. Breathing that involves deep, regular inhales and exhales can help keep oxygen levels in your brain high by removing carbon dioxide. In 2007, Reuters released a study that found that the people who took the slowest breaths during stressful events experienced fewer symptoms of stress. In other words, those poor souls who breathed as slowly as possible were less likely to feel nervous, angry, or even faint. So whether it’s mental or physical stress, breathing in more slowly is one of the easiest ways to calm yourself down.

How do I deal with my anxiety?

Excessive anxiety can be overwhelming and hard to deal with. In order for you to reduce anxiety, it is important that you understand its causes and purpose. Sometimes, your negative thoughts are your own trigger to the anxiety. If this happens, try identifying what it is about a particular situation that causes a very negative or unpleasant feeling deep in your gut. You might be able to change the alignment of the situation for a better outcome if approached from a different perspective.

Meditation for reducing anxiety

Meditation is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety. Students who take an active role in their spiritual practices report less neuro, physical, and psychological symptoms related to chronic health conditions like migraine, eczema, asthma, and digestive intolerance. People with conditions like these can also benefit from therapeutic or stress-reducing meditation techniques. Research suggests that regular long-term meditation practice may help alleviate symptoms of mild depression and anxiety at higher rates than cognitive behavioral therapy for depression – even without medication usage.


With the ways in which technology is constantly improving, there has been a shift in our modes of work and life completely. With a wide variety of possibilities for choosing a path, it’s easy to let anxiety set in. In turn, this anxiety amplifies all the other negative feelings that come with being anxious. Instead of dedicating your time to worrying about the future or what might happen next, take time for something positive by committing to just one positive action each day with no exception or judgment attached.